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module Comp.OrgTable exposing ( Model
, emptyModel
, Msg(..)
, view
, update)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Api.Model.Organization exposing (Organization)
import Api.Model.Address exposing (Address)
import Api.Model.Contact exposing (Contact)
import Util.Address
import Util.Contact
type alias Model =
{ equips: List Organization
, selected: Maybe Organization
emptyModel: Model
emptyModel =
{ equips = []
, selected = Nothing
type Msg
= SetOrgs (List Organization)
| Select Organization
| Deselect
update: Flags -> Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update flags msg model =
case msg of
SetOrgs list ->
({model | equips = list, selected = Nothing }, Cmd.none)
Select equip ->
({model | selected = Just equip}, Cmd.none)
Deselect ->
({model | selected = Nothing}, Cmd.none)
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
table [class "ui selectable table"]
[thead []
[tr []
[th [class "collapsing"][text "Name"]
,th [][text "Address"]
,th [][text "Contact"]
,tbody []
(List.map (renderOrgLine model) model.equips)
renderOrgLine: Model -> Organization -> Html Msg
renderOrgLine model org =
tr [classList [("active", model.selected == Just org)]
,onClick (Select org)
[td [class "collapsing"]
[text org.name
,td []
[Util.Address.toString org.address |> text
,td []
[Util.Contact.toString org.contacts |> text