mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 16:45:05 +00:00
Enhance item card displaying current file and number of pages
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Api exposing
, addMember
, addMember
, addTag
, addTag
, addTagsMultiple
, addTagsMultiple
, attachmentPreviewURL
, cancelJob
, cancelJob
, changeFolderName
, changeFolderName
, changePassword
, changePassword
@ -58,9 +59,9 @@ module Api exposing
, getTagCloud
, getTagCloud
, getTags
, getTags
, getUsers
, getUsers
, itemBasePreviewURL
, itemDetail
, itemDetail
, itemIndexSearch
, itemIndexSearch
, itemPreviewURL
, itemSearch
, itemSearch
, login
, login
, loginSession
, loginSession
@ -1504,16 +1505,9 @@ deleteAllItems flags ids receive =
--- Item
--- Item
itemPreviewURL : ItemLight -> String
attachmentPreviewURL : String -> String
itemPreviewURL item =
attachmentPreviewURL id =
"/api/v1/sec/attachment/" ++ id ++ "/preview?withFallback=true"
makeUrl a =
"/api/v1/sec/attachment/" ++ a.id ++ "/preview?withFallback=true"
List.sortBy .position item.attachments
|> List.head
|> Maybe.map makeUrl
|> Maybe.withDefault (itemBasePreviewURL item.id)
itemBasePreviewURL : String -> String
itemBasePreviewURL : String -> String
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
module Comp.ItemCard exposing (..)
import Api
import Api.Model.AttachmentLight exposing (AttachmentLight)
import Api.Model.HighlightEntry exposing (HighlightEntry)
import Api.Model.ItemLight exposing (ItemLight)
import Data.Direction
import Data.Fields
import Data.Icons as Icons
import Data.ItemSelection exposing (ItemSelection)
import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Markdown
import Page exposing (Page(..))
import Set exposing (Set)
import Util.Html
import Util.ItemDragDrop as DD
import Util.List
import Util.Maybe
import Util.String
import Util.Time
type alias Model =
{ previewAttach : Maybe AttachmentLight
type Msg
= CyclePreview ItemLight
| ToggleSelectItem (Set String) String
| ItemDDMsg DD.Msg
type alias ViewConfig =
{ selection : ItemSelection
, extraClasses : String
type alias UpdateResult =
{ model : Model
, dragModel : DD.Model
, selection : ItemSelection
init : Model
init =
{ previewAttach = Nothing
currentAttachment : Model -> ItemLight -> Maybe AttachmentLight
currentAttachment model item =
[ model.previewAttach
, List.head item.attachments
currentPosition : Model -> ItemLight -> Int
currentPosition model item =
filter cur el =
cur.id == el.id
case model.previewAttach of
Just a ->
case Util.List.findIndexed (filter a) item.attachments of
Just ( _, n ) ->
n + 1
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
update : DD.Model -> Msg -> Model -> UpdateResult
update ddm msg model =
case msg of
ItemDDMsg lm ->
ddd =
DD.update lm ddm
UpdateResult model ddd.model Data.ItemSelection.Inactive
ToggleSelectItem ids id ->
newSet =
if Set.member id ids then
Set.remove id ids
Set.insert id ids
UpdateResult model ddm (Data.ItemSelection.Active newSet)
CyclePreview item ->
mainAttach =
currentAttachment model item
next =
Util.List.findNext (\e -> Just e.id == Maybe.map .id mainAttach) item.attachments
UpdateResult { model | previewAttach = next }
view : ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> Model -> ItemLight -> Html Msg
view cfg settings model item =
dirIcon =
i [ class (Data.Direction.iconFromMaybe item.direction) ] []
corr =
List.filterMap identity [ item.corrOrg, item.corrPerson ]
|> List.map .name
|> List.intersperse ", "
|> String.concat
conc =
List.filterMap identity [ item.concPerson, item.concEquip ]
|> List.map .name
|> List.intersperse ", "
|> String.concat
folder =
Maybe.map .name item.folder
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
dueDate =
Maybe.map Util.Time.formatDateShort item.dueDate
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
isConfirmed =
item.state /= "created"
cardColor =
if isSelected cfg item.id then
else if not isConfirmed then
fieldHidden f =
Data.UiSettings.fieldHidden settings f
cardAction =
case cfg.selection of
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
Page.href (ItemDetailPage item.id)
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
onClick (ToggleSelectItem ids item.id)
mainAttach =
currentAttachment model item
previewUrl =
Maybe.map .id mainAttach
|> Maybe.map Api.attachmentPreviewURL
|> Maybe.withDefault (Api.itemBasePreviewURL item.id)
pageCount =
Maybe.andThen .pageCount mainAttach
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
pageCountLabel =
[ classList
[ ( "card-attachment-nav", True )
, ( "invisible", pageCount == 0 )
[ if item.fileCount == 1 then
[ class "ui secondary basic mini label"
, title "Number of pages"
[ text "p."
, text (String.fromInt pageCount)
div [ class "ui left labeled mini button" ]
[ div [ class "ui basic right pointing mini label" ]
[ currentPosition model item
|> String.fromInt
|> text
, text "/"
, text (String.fromInt item.fileCount)
, text " p."
, text (String.fromInt pageCount)
, a
[ class "ui mini icon secondary button"
, href "#"
, onClick (CyclePreview item)
[ i [ class "arrow right icon" ] []
([ classList
[ ( "ui fluid card", True )
, ( cardColor, True )
, ( cfg.extraClasses, True )
, id item.id
++ DD.draggable ItemDDMsg item.id
[ if fieldHidden Data.Fields.PreviewImage then
span [ class "invisible" ] []
div [ class "image" ]
[ img
[ class "preview-image"
, src previewUrl
, Data.UiSettings.cardPreviewSize settings
, pageCountLabel
, a
[ class "link content"
, href "#"
, cardAction
[ case cfg.selection of
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
div [ class "header" ]
[ Util.Html.checkbox (Set.member item.id ids)
, dirIcon
, Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name
|> text
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
if fieldHidden Data.Fields.Direction then
div [ class "header" ]
[ Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name |> text
[ class "header"
, Data.Direction.labelFromMaybe item.direction
|> title
[ dirIcon
, Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name
|> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui right corner label", True )
, ( cardColor, True )
, ( "invisible", isConfirmed )
, title "New"
[ i [ class "exclamation icon" ] []
, div
[ classList
[ ( "meta", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", fieldHidden Data.Fields.Date )
[ Util.Time.formatDate item.date |> text
, div [ class "meta description" ]
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "ui right floated tiny labels", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", item.tags == [] || fieldHidden Data.Fields.Tag )
(\tag ->
[ classList
[ ( "ui basic label", True )
, ( Data.UiSettings.tagColorString tag settings, True )
[ text tag.name ]
, div
[ classList
[ ( "content", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, settings.itemSearchNoteLength
<= 0
|| Util.String.isNothingOrBlank item.notes
[ span [ class "small-info" ]
[ Maybe.withDefault "" item.notes
|> Util.String.ellipsis settings.itemSearchNoteLength
|> text
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, fieldHidden Data.Fields.CorrOrg
&& fieldHidden Data.Fields.CorrPerson
, title "Correspondent"
[ Icons.correspondentIcon ""
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" corr |> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, fieldHidden Data.Fields.ConcPerson
&& fieldHidden Data.Fields.ConcEquip
, title "Concerning"
[ Icons.concernedIcon
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" conc |> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", fieldHidden Data.Fields.Folder )
, title "Folder"
[ Icons.folderIcon ""
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" folder |> text
, div [ class "right floated meta" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
[ div
[ class "item"
, title "Source"
[ text item.source
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, item.dueDate
== Nothing
|| fieldHidden Data.Fields.DueDate
, title ("Due on " ++ dueDate)
[ div
[ class "ui basic grey label"
[ Icons.dueDateIcon ""
, text (" " ++ dueDate)
, div
[ classList
[ ( "content search-highlight", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", item.highlighting == [] )
[ div [ class "ui list" ]
(List.map renderHighlightEntry item.highlighting)
renderHighlightEntry : HighlightEntry -> Html Msg
renderHighlightEntry entry =
stripWhitespace str =
String.trim str
|> String.replace "```" ""
|> String.replace "\t" " "
|> String.replace "\n\n" "\n"
|> String.lines
|> List.map String.trim
|> String.join "\n"
div [ class "item" ]
[ div [ class "content" ]
(div [ class "header" ]
[ i [ class "caret right icon" ] []
, text (entry.name ++ ":")
:: List.map
(\str ->
Markdown.toHtml [ class "description" ] <|
(stripWhitespace str ++ "…")
isSelected : ViewConfig -> String -> Bool
isSelected cfg id =
case cfg.selection of
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
Set.member id ids
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
@ -10,46 +10,38 @@ module Comp.ItemCardList exposing
, view
, view
import Api
import Api.Model.HighlightEntry exposing (HighlightEntry)
import Api.Model.ItemLight exposing (ItemLight)
import Api.Model.ItemLight exposing (ItemLight)
import Api.Model.ItemLightGroup exposing (ItemLightGroup)
import Api.Model.ItemLightGroup exposing (ItemLightGroup)
import Api.Model.ItemLightList exposing (ItemLightList)
import Api.Model.ItemLightList exposing (ItemLightList)
import Data.Direction
import Comp.ItemCard
import Data.Fields
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Data.Icons as Icons
import Data.ItemSelection exposing (ItemSelection)
import Data.ItemSelection exposing (ItemSelection)
import Data.Items
import Data.Items
import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings)
import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Markdown
import Page exposing (Page(..))
import Page exposing (Page(..))
import Set exposing (Set)
import Util.Html
import Util.ItemDragDrop as DD
import Util.ItemDragDrop as DD
import Util.List
import Util.List
import Util.String
import Util.Time
type alias Model =
type alias Model =
{ results : ItemLightList
{ results : ItemLightList
, itemCards : Dict String Comp.ItemCard.Model
type Msg
type Msg
= SetResults ItemLightList
= SetResults ItemLightList
| AddResults ItemLightList
| AddResults ItemLightList
| ItemDDMsg DD.Msg
| ItemCardMsg ItemLight Comp.ItemCard.Msg
| ToggleSelectItem (Set String) String
init : Model
init : Model
init =
init =
{ results = Api.Model.ItemLightList.empty
{ results = Api.Model.ItemLightList.empty
, itemCards = Dict.empty
@ -112,23 +104,22 @@ updateDrag dm _ msg model =
UpdateResult newModel Cmd.none dm Data.ItemSelection.Inactive
UpdateResult newModel Cmd.none dm Data.ItemSelection.Inactive
ItemDDMsg lm ->
ItemCardMsg item lm ->
ddd =
cardModel =
DD.update lm dm
Dict.get item.id model.itemCards
|> Maybe.withDefault Comp.ItemCard.init
UpdateResult model Cmd.none ddd.model Data.ItemSelection.Inactive
ToggleSelectItem ids id ->
result =
Comp.ItemCard.update dm lm cardModel
newSet =
if Set.member id ids then
Set.remove id ids
cards =
Set.insert id ids
Dict.insert item.id result.model model.itemCards
UpdateResult model Cmd.none dm (Data.ItemSelection.Active newSet)
UpdateResult { model | itemCards = cards }
@ -141,297 +132,42 @@ type alias ViewConfig =
isSelected : ViewConfig -> String -> Bool
isSelected cfg id =
case cfg.selection of
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
Set.member id ids
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
view : ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> Model -> Html Msg
view : ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> Model -> Html Msg
view cfg settings model =
view cfg settings model =
div [ class "ui container" ]
div [ class "ui container" ]
(List.map (viewGroup cfg settings) model.results.groups)
(List.map (viewGroup model cfg settings) model.results.groups)
viewGroup : ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> ItemLightGroup -> Html Msg
viewGroup : Model -> ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> ItemLightGroup -> Html Msg
viewGroup cfg settings group =
viewGroup model cfg settings group =
div [ class "item-group" ]
div [ class "item-group" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal divider header item-list" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal divider header item-list" ]
[ i [ class "calendar alternate outline icon" ] []
[ i [ class "calendar alternate outline icon" ] []
, text group.name
, text group.name
, div [ class "ui stackable three cards" ]
, div [ class "ui stackable three cards" ]
(List.map (viewItem cfg settings) group.items)
(List.map (viewItem model cfg settings) group.items)
viewItem : ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> ItemLight -> Html Msg
viewItem : Model -> ViewConfig -> UiSettings -> ItemLight -> Html Msg
viewItem cfg settings item =
viewItem model cfg settings item =
dirIcon =
currentClass =
i [ class (Data.Direction.iconFromMaybe item.direction) ] []
if cfg.current == Just item.id then
corr =
List.filterMap identity [ item.corrOrg, item.corrPerson ]
|> List.map .name
|> List.intersperse ", "
|> String.concat
conc =
List.filterMap identity [ item.concPerson, item.concEquip ]
|> List.map .name
|> List.intersperse ", "
|> String.concat
folder =
Maybe.map .name item.folder
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
dueDate =
Maybe.map Util.Time.formatDateShort item.dueDate
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
isConfirmed =
item.state /= "created"
cardColor =
if isSelected cfg item.id then
else if not isConfirmed then
fieldHidden f =
vvcfg =
Data.UiSettings.fieldHidden settings f
Comp.ItemCard.ViewConfig cfg.selection currentClass
cardAction =
cardModel =
case cfg.selection of
Dict.get item.id model.itemCards
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
|> Maybe.withDefault Comp.ItemCard.init
Page.href (ItemDetailPage item.id)
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
cardHtml =
onClick (ToggleSelectItem ids item.id)
Comp.ItemCard.view vvcfg settings cardModel item
Html.map (ItemCardMsg item) cardHtml
([ classList
[ ( "ui fluid card", True )
, ( cardColor, True )
, ( "current", cfg.current == Just item.id )
, id item.id
++ DD.draggable ItemDDMsg item.id
[ if fieldHidden Data.Fields.PreviewImage then
span [ class "invisible" ] []
div [ class "image" ]
[ img
[ class "preview-image"
, src (Api.itemPreviewURL item)
, Data.UiSettings.cardPreviewSize settings
, a
[ class "content"
, href "#"
, cardAction
[ case cfg.selection of
Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ->
div [ class "header" ]
[ Util.Html.checkbox (Set.member item.id ids)
, dirIcon
, Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name
|> text
Data.ItemSelection.Inactive ->
if fieldHidden Data.Fields.Direction then
div [ class "header" ]
[ Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name |> text
[ class "header"
, Data.Direction.labelFromMaybe item.direction
|> title
[ dirIcon
, Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name
|> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui right corner label", True )
, ( cardColor, True )
, ( "invisible", isConfirmed )
, title "New"
[ i [ class "exclamation icon" ] []
, div
[ classList
[ ( "meta", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", fieldHidden Data.Fields.Date )
[ Util.Time.formatDate item.date |> text
, div [ class "meta description" ]
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "ui right floated tiny labels", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", item.tags == [] || fieldHidden Data.Fields.Tag )
(\tag ->
[ classList
[ ( "ui basic label", True )
, ( Data.UiSettings.tagColorString tag settings, True )
[ text tag.name ]
, div
[ classList
[ ( "content", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, settings.itemSearchNoteLength
<= 0
|| Util.String.isNothingOrBlank item.notes
[ span [ class "small-info" ]
[ Maybe.withDefault "" item.notes
|> Util.String.ellipsis settings.itemSearchNoteLength
|> text
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, fieldHidden Data.Fields.CorrOrg
&& fieldHidden Data.Fields.CorrPerson
, title "Correspondent"
[ Icons.correspondentIcon ""
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" corr |> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, fieldHidden Data.Fields.ConcPerson
&& fieldHidden Data.Fields.ConcEquip
, title "Concerning"
[ Icons.concernedIcon
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" conc |> text
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", fieldHidden Data.Fields.Folder )
, title "Folder"
[ Icons.folderIcon ""
, text " "
, Util.String.withDefault "-" folder |> text
, div [ class "right floated meta" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
[ div
[ class "item"
, title "Source"
[ text item.source
, div
[ classList
[ ( "item", True )
, ( "invisible hidden"
, item.dueDate
== Nothing
|| fieldHidden Data.Fields.DueDate
, title ("Due on " ++ dueDate)
[ div
[ class "ui basic grey label"
[ Icons.dueDateIcon ""
, text (" " ++ dueDate)
, div
[ classList
[ ( "content search-highlight", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", item.highlighting == [] )
[ div [ class "ui list" ]
(List.map renderHighlightEntry item.highlighting)
renderHighlightEntry : HighlightEntry -> Html Msg
renderHighlightEntry entry =
stripWhitespace str =
String.trim str
|> String.replace "```" ""
|> String.replace "\t" " "
|> String.replace "\n\n" "\n"
|> String.lines
|> List.map String.trim
|> String.join "\n"
div [ class "item" ]
[ div [ class "content" ]
(div [ class "header" ]
[ i [ class "caret right icon" ] []
, text (entry.name ++ ":")
:: List.map
(\str ->
Markdown.toHtml [ class "description" ] <|
(stripWhitespace str ++ "…")
@ -92,7 +92,15 @@
background: floralwhite;
background: floralwhite;
padding: 0.8em;
padding: 0.8em;
.default-layout .ui.card .link.content:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #d4d4d5,0 2px 4px 0 rgba(34,36,38,.12),0 2px 10px 0 rgba(34,36,38,.15);
.default-layout .image .card-attachment-nav {
position: absolute;
bottom: 2px;
right: 2px;
z-index: 10;
.default-layout img.preview-image {
.default-layout img.preview-image {
margin-left: auto;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@ -119,7 +127,6 @@
background: rgba(220, 255, 71, 0.6);
background: rgba(220, 255, 71, 0.6);
.default-layout .ui.cards .ui.card.current {
.default-layout .ui.cards .ui.card.current {
/* semantic-ui purple */
box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.55);
box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.55);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user