module GetStarted exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Icons import Markdown getStarted : String -> List (Html msg) getStarted version = [ div [ class "content container" ] [ Markdown.toHtml [] """Docspell consists of several components. The easiest way to get started is probably to use docker and [docker-compose](""" , Markdown.toHtml [] """1. Clone the github repository ```bash $ git clone ``` Alternatively, [download]( the sources and extract the zip file. 2. Change into the `docker` directory: ```bash $ cd docspell/docker/docker-compose ``` 3. Run `docker-compose up`: ```bash $ docker-compose up -d ``` 4. Goto <http://localhost:7880>, signup and login. When signing up, choose the same name for collective and user. Then login with this name and the password. 5. (Optional) Create a folder `./docs/<collective-name>` (the name you chose for the collective at registration) and place files in there for importing them. The `docker-compose.yml` file defines some environment variables to configure docspell. You can [modify](docs/configure) them as needed. """ ] , div [ class "content container" ] [ div [ class "notification is-info is-light" ] [ text "If you don't use docker, there are other ways that are " , text "described in the relevant " , a [ href "/docs/install" ] [ text "documentation page" ] ] ] , div [ class "content container" ] [ div [ class "notification is-success is-light" ] [ div [ class "content is-medium" ] [ h3 [ class "title" ] [ text "Where to go from here?" ] , ul [] [ li [] [ text "Find out " , a [ href "/docs/feed" ] [ text "how files can get into Docspell." ] ] , li [] [ text "The " , a [ href "/docs/intro" ] [ text "introduction" ] , text " writes about the goals and basic idea." ] , li [] [ text "There is a comprehensive " , a [ href "/docs" ] [ text "documentation" ] , text " available." ] , li [] [ text "The source code is hosted on " , a [ href "" ] [ text "github" ] , text "." ] , li [] [ text "Chat on " , a [ href "" ] [ text "Gitter" ] , text " for questions and feedback." ] ] ] ] ] ]