module Comp.SourceForm exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , getSource , init , isValid , update , view ) import Api import Api.Model.FolderItem exposing (FolderItem) import Api.Model.FolderList exposing (FolderList) import Api.Model.IdName exposing (IdName) import Api.Model.SourceAndTags exposing (SourceAndTags) import Api.Model.Tag exposing (Tag) import Api.Model.TagList exposing (TagList) import Comp.Dropdown exposing (isDropdownChangeMsg) import Comp.FixedDropdown import Data.Flags exposing (Flags) import Data.Priority exposing (Priority) import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onInput) import Http import Markdown import Util.Folder exposing (mkFolderOption) import Util.Maybe import Util.Tag import Util.Update type alias Model = { source : SourceAndTags , abbrev : String , description : Maybe String , priorityModel : Comp.FixedDropdown.Model Priority , priority : Priority , enabled : Bool , folderModel : Comp.Dropdown.Model IdName , allFolders : List FolderItem , folderId : Maybe String , tagModel : Comp.Dropdown.Model Tag , fileFilter : Maybe String } emptyModel : Model emptyModel = { source = Api.Model.SourceAndTags.empty , abbrev = "" , description = Nothing , priorityModel = Comp.FixedDropdown.initMap Data.Priority.toName Data.Priority.all , priority = Data.Priority.Low , enabled = False , folderModel = Comp.Dropdown.makeSingle { makeOption = \e -> { value =, text =, additional = "" } , placeholder = "" } , allFolders = [] , folderId = Nothing , tagModel = Util.Tag.makeDropdownModel , fileFilter = Nothing } init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( emptyModel , Cmd.batch [ Api.getFolders flags "" False GetFolderResp , Api.getTags flags "" GetTagResp ] ) isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = model.abbrev /= "" getSource : Model -> SourceAndTags getSource model = let st = model.source s = st.source tags = Comp.Dropdown.getSelected model.tagModel n = { s | abbrev = model.abbrev , description = model.description , enabled = model.enabled , priority = Data.Priority.toName model.priority , folder = model.folderId , fileFilter = model.fileFilter } in { st | source = n, tags = TagList (List.length tags) tags } type Msg = SetAbbrev String | SetSource SourceAndTags | SetDescr String | ToggleEnabled | PrioDropdownMsg (Comp.FixedDropdown.Msg Priority) | GetFolderResp (Result Http.Error FolderList) | FolderDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.Msg IdName) | GetTagResp (Result Http.Error TagList) | TagDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.Msg Tag) | SetFileFilter String --- Update update : Flags -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update flags msg model = case msg of SetSource t -> let stpost = model.source post = stpost.source np = { post | id = , abbrev = t.source.abbrev , description = t.source.description , priority = t.source.priority , enabled = t.source.enabled , folder = t.source.folder , fileFilter = t.source.fileFilter } newModel = { model | source = { stpost | source = np } , abbrev = t.source.abbrev , description = t.source.description , priority = Data.Priority.fromString t.source.priority |> Maybe.withDefault Data.Priority.Low , enabled = t.source.enabled , folderId = t.source.folder , fileFilter = t.source.fileFilter } mkIdName id = List.filterMap (\f -> if == id then Just (IdName id else Nothing ) model.allFolders sel = case mkIdName t.source.folder of Just idref -> idref Nothing -> [] tags = Comp.Dropdown.SetSelection t.tags.items in Util.Update.andThen1 [ update flags (FolderDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.SetSelection sel)) , update flags (TagDropdownMsg tags) ] newModel ToggleEnabled -> ( { model | enabled = not model.enabled }, Cmd.none ) SetAbbrev n -> ( { model | abbrev = n }, Cmd.none ) SetDescr d -> ( { model | description = Util.Maybe.fromString d } , Cmd.none ) PrioDropdownMsg m -> let ( m2, p2 ) = Comp.FixedDropdown.update m model.priorityModel in ( { model | priorityModel = m2 , priority = Maybe.withDefault model.priority p2 } , Cmd.none ) GetFolderResp (Ok fs) -> let model_ = { model | allFolders = fs.items , folderModel = Comp.Dropdown.setMkOption (mkFolderOption flags fs.items) model.folderModel } mkIdName fitem = IdName opts = fs.items |> mkIdName |> Comp.Dropdown.SetOptions in update flags (FolderDropdownMsg opts) model_ GetFolderResp (Err _) -> ( model, Cmd.none ) FolderDropdownMsg m -> let ( m2, c2 ) = Comp.Dropdown.update m model.folderModel newModel = { model | folderModel = m2 } idref = Comp.Dropdown.getSelected m2 |> List.head model_ = if isDropdownChangeMsg m then { newModel | folderId = .id idref } else newModel in ( model_, FolderDropdownMsg c2 ) GetTagResp (Ok list) -> let opts = Comp.Dropdown.SetOptions list.items in update flags (TagDropdownMsg opts) model GetTagResp (Err _) -> ( model, Cmd.none ) TagDropdownMsg lm -> let ( m2, c2 ) = Comp.Dropdown.update lm model.tagModel newModel = { model | tagModel = m2 } in ( newModel, TagDropdownMsg c2 ) SetFileFilter d -> ( { model | fileFilter = Util.Maybe.fromString d } , Cmd.none ) --- View view : Flags -> UiSettings -> Model -> Html Msg view flags settings model = let priorityItem = Comp.FixedDropdown.Item model.priority (Data.Priority.toName model.priority) in div [ class "ui warning form" ] [ div [ classList [ ( "field", True ) , ( "error", not (isValid model) ) ] ] [ label [] [ text "Abbrev*" ] , input [ type_ "text" , onInput SetAbbrev , placeholder "Abbrev" , value model.abbrev ] [] ] , div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text "Description" ] , textarea [ onInput SetDescr , model.description |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> value , rows 3 ] [] ] , div [ class "inline field" ] [ div [ class "ui checkbox" ] [ input [ type_ "checkbox" , onCheck (\_ -> ToggleEnabled) , checked model.enabled ] [] , label [] [ text "Enabled" ] ] ] , div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text "Priority" ] , PrioDropdownMsg (Comp.FixedDropdown.view (Just priorityItem) model.priorityModel ) , div [ class "small-info" ] [ text "The priority used by the scheduler when processing uploaded files." ] ] , div [ class "ui dividing header" ] [ text "Metadata" ] , div [ class "ui message" ] [ text "Metadata specified here is automatically attached to each item uploaded " , text "through this source, unless it is overriden in the upload request meta data. " , text "Tags from the request are added to those defined here." ] , div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text "Folder" ] , FolderDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.view settings model.folderModel) , div [ class "small-info" ] [ text "Choose a folder to automatically put items into." ] , div [ classList [ ( "ui warning message", True ) , ( "hidden", isFolderMember model ) ] ] [ Markdown.toHtml [] """ You are **not a member** of this folder. Items created through this link will be **hidden** from any search results. Use a folder where you are a member of to make items visible. This message will disappear then. """ ] ] , div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text "Tags" ] , TagDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.view settings model.tagModel) , div [ class "small-info" ] [ text "Choose tags that should be applied to items." ] ] , div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text "File Filter" ] , input [ type_ "text" , onInput SetFileFilter , placeholder "File Filter" , model.fileFilter |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> value ] [] , div [ class "small-info" ] [ text "Specify a file glob to filter files when uploading archives (e.g. for email and zip). For example, to only extract pdf files: " , code [] [ text "*.pdf" ] ] ] ] isFolderMember : Model -> Bool isFolderMember model = let selected = Comp.Dropdown.getSelected model.folderModel |> List.head |> .id in Util.Folder.isFolderMember model.allFolders selected