{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ currentTitle }} - Docspell Blog{% endblock title %} {% block sidebar %} {% endblock sidebar %} {% block mainContent %} <div class="flex flex-row space-x-2 -mb-6 mt-6 text-sm opacity-70 font-medium"> {% set author = "Unkown" %} {% if page.extra.author is defined %} {% set author = page.extra.author %} {% endif %} <div class="" title="by {{ author }}"> by {% if page.extra.authorLink is defined %} <a href="{{ page.extra.authorLink }}">{{ author }}</a> {% else %} {{ author }} {% endif %} </div> <div class="" title="Created on {{ page.date }}"> on {{ page.date }} </div> </div> {{ page.content | safe }} <div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 items-center pt-6 mt-14 border-t dark:border-stone-700"> <div class="flex items-center flex-col sm:flex-row" title="Previous post"> {% if page.earlier and not page.earlier.extra.hidden %} {% set p = page.earlier %} <a class="no-default button1 my-auto" href="{{ p.permalink }}"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> </a> <div class="italic my-2 ml-2"> {{ p.title }} </div> {% endif %} </div> <div class="flex items-center flex-col sm:flex-row justify-end" title="Next post"> {% if page.later and not page.later.extra.hidden %} {% set p = page.later %} <div class="italic my-2 mr-2"> {{ p.title }} </div> <a class="no-default button1 my-auto" href="{{ p.permalink }}"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> </a> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endblock mainContent %}