{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ currentTitle }} - Docspell Documentation{% endblock title %} {% block sidebarItems %} <div class="flex flex-col mt-2"> {% set topSection = get_section(path="docs/_index.md") %} <div class="w-full px-4 py-2 rounded-lg hover:bg-amber-600 hover:bg-opacity-10 dark:hover:bg-stone-800 dark:text-stone-300 font-medium text-lg dark:text-stone-200 {% if current_path == topSection.path %} dark:bg-stone-800 {% endif %} "> <a href="{{topSection.permalink | safe}}" title="{{ topSection.description }}" class="block w-full" > <i class="fa fa-book mr-1"></i> {{ topSection.title | title }} </a> </div> {% for subs in topSection.subsections %} {% set sect = get_section(path=subs) %} {% if not sect.extra.hidden %} {# Use the first page of a section with sub pages as the section link target. #} {% if sect.pages | length > 0 %} {% set permlink = sect.pages[0].permalink %} {% else %} {% set permlink = sect.permalink %} {% endif %} <div class="w-full px-4 py-2 rounded-lg hover:bg-amber-600 hover:bg-opacity-10 dark:hover:bg-stone-800 dark:text-stone-300 font-medium text-lg dark:text-stone-200 {% if current_path == sect.path %} dark:bg-stone-800 {% endif %}"> <a href="{{ permlink }}" title="{{ sect.description }}" class="block w-full" > {{ sect.title | title }} </a> </div> {% if sect.pages | length > 0 %} <div class="mb-2"> {% for subpage in sect.pages %} <div class="py-1 px-2 ml-8 hover:bg-amber-600 hover:bg-opacity-10 dark:hover:bg-stone-800 {% if current_path == subpage.path %} dark:bg-stone-800 border-l-2 dark:border-stone-100 border-stone-800 {% else %} border-l dark:border-stone-700 {% endif %}"> <a href="{{subpage.permalink | safe}}" class="w-full block"> {{ subpage.title | title }} </a> </div> {% endfor %} </div> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> {% endblock sidebarItems %} {% block mainContent %} {% if section is defined %} {{ section.content | safe }} {% endif %} {%if page is defined %} {{ page.content | safe }} {% endif %} {% if section is defined and section.extra.page_list %} <ul> {% for p in section.pages %} <li><a href="{{ p.permalink }}">{{ p.title }}</a> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %} {% endblock mainContent %}