+++ title = "Nix / NixOS" weight = 24 +++ # Nix ## Install via Nix Docspell can be installed via the [nix](https://nixos.org/nix) package manager, which is available for Linux and OSX. Docspell is currently not part of the [nixpkgs collection](https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/), but you can use the flake from this repository. ## Upgrading Since [downgrading](@/docs/install/downgrading.md) is not supported, it is recommended to backup your database before upgrading. Should something not work as expected, restore the database backup and go back to the previous version. # Docspell on NixOS {#nixos} If you are running [NixOS](https://nixos.org), there is a module definition for installing Docspell as a service using systemd. There are the following modules provided: - restserver - joex ```nix # flake.nix inputs.docspell.url = "github:eikek/docspell?dir=nix/"; # in modules imports = [ docspell.nixosModules.default ] services.docspell-joex = { ... } services.docspell-restserver = { ... } ``` Please see the `nix/modules/server.nix` and `nix/modules/joex.nix` files for the set of options. The nixos options are modeled after the default configuration file. The modules files are only applicable to the newest version of Docspell. If you really need an older version, checkout the appropriate commit. ## NixOS Example This is a example system configuration that installs docspell with a postgres database. This snippet can be used to create a vm (using `nixos-rebuild build-vm` as shown above) or a container, for example. ``` nix # flake.nix inputs.docspell.url = "github:eikek/docspell?dir=nix/"; # module.nix { config, pkgs, docspell, ... }: { imports = docspell.nixosModules.default; ##### just for the example… users.users.root = { password = "root"; }; ##### # install docspell-joex and enable the systemd service services.docspell-joex = { enable = true; base-url = "http://localhost:7878"; bind = { address = ""; port = 7878; }; scheduler = { pool-size = 1; }; jdbc = { url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/docspell"; user = "docspell"; password = "docspell"; }; }; # install docspell-restserver and enable the systemd service services.docspell-restserver = { enable = true; base-url = "http://localhost:7880"; bind = { address = ""; port = 7880; }; auth = { server-secret = "b64:EirgaudMyNvWg4TvxVGxTu-fgtrto4ETz--Hk9Pv2o4="; }; backend = { signup = { mode = "invite"; new-invite-password = "dsinvite2"; invite-time = "30 days"; }; jdbc = { url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/docspell"; user = "docspell"; password = "docspell"; }; }; }; # install postgresql and initially create user/database services.postgresql = let pginit = pkgs.writeText "pginit.sql" '' CREATE USER docspell WITH PASSWORD 'docspell' LOGIN CREATEDB; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO docspell; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO docspell; CREATE DATABASE DOCSPELL OWNER 'docspell'; ''; in { enable = true; package = pkgs.postgresql_11; enableTCPIP = true; initialScript = pginit; port = 5432; authentication = '' host all all md5 ''; }; networking = { hostName = "docspellexample"; firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [7880]; }; } ```