package import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import scala.sys.process._ object ZolaPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport { val zolaRootDir = settingKey[File]("The root directory of zola") val zolaOutputDir = settingKey[File]("The directory to put the final site") val zolaCommand = settingKey[String]("The zola executable") val zolaTestBaseUrl = settingKey[String]("The base-url to use when building the test site.") val zolaBuild = taskKey[Unit]( "Build the site using zola, which is then available in 'zolaOutputDir'." ) val zolaBuildTest = taskKey[Unit]( "Build the site using zola, which is then available in 'zolaOutputDir'. " + "It uses a different base-url. So the final site can be tested using " + "'python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234' for example." ) val zolaCheck = taskKey[Unit]("Runs zola check to check links") } import autoImport._ def zolaSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( zolaRootDir := baseDirectory.value / "site", zolaOutputDir := target.value / "zola-site", zolaCommand := "zola", zolaTestBaseUrl := "http://localhost:1234", zolaBuild := { val logger = streams.value.log"Building web site using zola ...") buildSite(zolaCommand.value, zolaRootDir.value, zolaOutputDir.value, None, logger)"Website built") }, zolaBuildTest := { val logger = streams.value.log val baseurl = zolaTestBaseUrl.value"Building web site (test) using zola ...") buildSite( zolaCommand.value, zolaRootDir.value, zolaOutputDir.value, Some(baseurl), logger )"Website built. Check it with base-url $baseurl") }, zolaCheck := { val logger = streams.value.log"Checking web site using zola ...") checkSite(zolaCommand.value, zolaRootDir.value, logger) } ) override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = zolaSettings def buildSite( zolaCmd: String, inDir: File, outDir: File, base: Option[String], logger: Logger ): Unit = { val baseUrl = base match { case Some(url) => Seq("--base-url", url) case None => runYarnInstall("yarn", inDir.getParentFile, logger) runElmCompile("elm", inDir.getParentFile, outDir, logger) Seq.empty } Seq(zolaCmd, "build", "-o", outDir.absolutePath.toString) ++ baseUrl, inDir, logger ) } def checkSite(zolaCmd: String, inDir: File, logger: Logger): Unit =, "check"), inDir, logger) def runYarnInstall(yarnCmd: String, inDir: File, logger: Logger): Unit =, "install"), inDir, logger) def runElmCompile(elmCmd: String, inDir: File, zolaOut: File, logger: Logger): Unit = Seq( elmCmd, "make", "--output", (zolaOut / "static" / "js" / "bundle.js").absolutePath.toString, "--optimize", (inDir / "elm" / "Main.elm").toString ), inDir, logger ) }