#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script watches a directory for new files and uploads them to # docspell. Or it uploads all files currently in the directory. # # It requires inotifywait, curl and sha256sum if the `-m' option is # used. # saner programming env: these switches turn some bugs into errors set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset showUsage() { echo "Options:" echo " CONSUMEDIR_VERBOSE=y Print more to stdout." echo " CONSUMEDIR_DELETE=y Delete the file if successfully uploaded. (value: $delete)" echo " CONSUMEDIR_UNIQUE=y Optional. Upload only if the file doesn't already exist. (value: $distinct)" echo " CONSUMEDIR_ONCE=y Instead of watching, upload all files in that dir." echo " CONSUMEDIR_PATH=/opt/docs The directories to watch." echo " CONSUMEDIR_POLLING=y Enables the polling mode instead of using inotifywait" echo " CONSUMEDIR_POLLING_INTERVAL=60 Sets the interval for polling mode" echo " CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT= Sets the endpoint URL" echo " CONSUMEDIR_INTEGRATION=y Upload to the integration endpoint. It implies -r. This puts the script in" echo " a different mode, where the first subdirectory of any given starting point" echo " is read as the collective name. The url(s) are completed with this name in" echo " order to upload files to the respective collective. So each directory" echo " given is expected to contain one subdirectory per collective and the urls" echo " are expected to identify the integration endpoint, which is" echo " /api/v1/open/integration/item/. (value: $integration)" echo " DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE= The header name and value to use with the integration endpoint. This must be" echo " in form 'headername:value'. Only used if '-i' is supplied." echo " CONSUMEDIR_ARGS= Allows to specify a custom command line that is passed to the consumedir script" echo " CONSUMEDIR_SCRIPT= Allows to override the location of the consumedir script" } CONSUMEDIR_SCRIPT=${CONSUMEDIR_SCRIPT-${0/-entrypoint/}} CONSUMEDIR_PATH="${CONSUMEDIR_PATH-/opt/docs}" CONSUMEDIR_POLLING_INTERVAL=${CONSUMEDIR_POLLING_INTERVAL-60} DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE=${DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE-none} CONSUMEDIR_ARGS=${CONSUMEDIR_ARGS-} if [ -z "${CONSUMEDIR_ARGS}" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="--path $CONSUMEDIR_PATH --iheader Docspell-Integration:$DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE" if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_INTEGRATION-n}" = "y" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="$CONSUMEDIR_ARGS -i" fi if [ -z "${CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT-}" ]; then if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_INTEGRATION-n}" = "y" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT="http://docspell-restserver:7880/api/v1/open/integration/item" echo "Using default CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT=$CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT" else echo "Please specify CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT" exit 1 fi fi if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_VERBOSE-n}" = "y" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="$CONSUMEDIR_ARGS -v" fi if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_UNIQUE-n}" = "y" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="$CONSUMEDIR_ARGS -m" fi if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_POLLING-n}" = "y" ] || [ "${CONSUMEDIR_ONCE-n}" = "y" ]; then CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="$CONSUMEDIR_ARGS --once" fi CONSUMEDIR_ARGS="$CONSUMEDIR_ARGS $CONSUMEDIR_ENDPOINT" fi if [ "${CONSUMEDIR_POLLING-n}" = "y" ]; then echo "Running in polling mode" while [ : ] do $CONSUMEDIR_SCRIPT $CONSUMEDIR_ARGS sleep $CONSUMEDIR_POLLING_INTERVAL done else echo "Running in inotifywait mode" $CONSUMEDIR_SCRIPT $CONSUMEDIR_ARGS fi