module Demo exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Markdown type alias Demo = { title : String , url : String , info : String } demo : Demo -> Html msg demo data = div [ class "columns is-vcentered box mb-5" ] [ div [ class "column" ] [ h2 [ class "title" ] [ text data.title ] , if == "" then span [] [] else p [] [ Markdown.toHtml [] ] , div [ class "mt-5" ] [ video [ src data.url , controls True ] [] ] ] ] navigateDemo = { title = "Navigation" , url = "/videos/docspell-dd-2020-08-09.mp4" , info = "Shows navigating through documents using tags and tag categories." } processDemo = { title = "Processing" , url = "/videos/docspell-process-2020-08-09.mp4" , info = "Presents the basic idea: maintain an address book and let docspell find matches." }