+++ title = "Download all documents" weight = 35 [extra] mktoc = true +++ # Download all documents There is a (hidden) option to download all the documents in a filtered view (when you select at least one filter. For example a tag, category, corresponden, etc ...) either as converted PDF files or as original files. ## Important (quick-steps) - You have to go to "Items" (`app/search`) - You have to select at least one filter from the left column - You have to click on the menu on the top-right (three horizonal lines) -> Download all - You Have to select wheter to download the original files or the converted PDF files ## Detailed steps <div class="flex items-center justify-center"> {{ imgnormal2(light="download-all-01.png", dark="download-all-01-dark.png", width="") }} </div> 1. Go to "Items" (`app/search`) by clicking the docspell logo. 2. Select at least one filter y clicking them. Once you select a filter the main panel will update itself showing only the documents which match the filters. 3. Click the top-right menu 4. Click "Download all" Once the download panel is open you can select which version of the files you want to download. <div class="flex items-center justify-center"> {{ imgnormal2(light="download-all-02.png", dark="download-all-02-dark.png", width="") }} </div> and the you click on create download <div class="flex items-center justify-center"> {{ imgnormal2(light="download-all-03.png", dark="download-all-03-dark.png", width="") }} </div> and finally you can download the files <div class="flex items-center justify-center"> {{ imgnormal2(light="download-all-04.png", dark="download-all-04-dark.png", width="") }} </div> a ZIP-File will be created will all the selected documents, with a folder structure one folder per month and corresponden folder inside `YYYY-mm/correspondent`.