module Page.Home.Update exposing (update) import Api import Api.Model.IdList exposing (IdList) import Api.Model.ItemLightList exposing (ItemLightList) import Api.Model.ItemSearch import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Comp.FixedDropdown import Comp.ItemCard import Comp.ItemCardList import Comp.ItemDetail.EditMenu exposing (SaveNameState(..)) import Comp.ItemDetail.FormChange exposing (FormChange(..)) import Comp.SearchMenu import Comp.YesNoDimmer import Data.Flags exposing (Flags) import Data.ItemSelection import Data.Items import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings) import Page exposing (Page(..)) import Page.Home.Data exposing (..) import Process import Scroll import Set exposing (Set) import Task import Throttle import Time import Util.Html exposing (KeyCode(..)) import Util.ItemDragDrop as DD import Util.Maybe import Util.String import Util.Update update : Maybe String -> Nav.Key -> Flags -> UiSettings -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Sub Msg ) update mId key flags settings msg model = case msg of Init -> Util.Update.andThen2 [ update mId key flags settings (SearchMenuMsg Comp.SearchMenu.Init) , doSearch flags settings True ] model ResetSearch -> let nm = { model | searchOffset = 0 , searchType = defaultSearchType flags } in update mId key flags settings (SearchMenuMsg Comp.SearchMenu.ResetForm) nm SearchMenuMsg m -> let nextState = Comp.SearchMenu.updateDrop model.dragDropData.model flags settings m model.searchMenuModel dropCmd = DD.makeUpdateCmd flags (\_ -> DoSearch) nextState.dragDrop.dropped newModel = { model | searchMenuModel = nextState.model , dragDropData = nextState.dragDrop } ( m2, c2, s2 ) = if nextState.stateChange && not model.searchInProgress then doSearch flags settings False newModel else withSub ( newModel, Cmd.none ) in ( m2 , Cmd.batch [ c2 , SearchMenuMsg nextState.cmd , dropCmd ] , s2 ) ItemCardListMsg m -> let result = Comp.ItemCardList.updateDrag model.dragDropData.model flags m model.itemListModel searchMsg = case result.linkTarget of Comp.ItemCard.LinkNone -> Cmd.none Comp.ItemCard.LinkCorrOrg id -> Util.Update.cmdUnit (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetCorrOrg id)) Comp.ItemCard.LinkCorrPerson id -> Util.Update.cmdUnit (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetCorrPerson id)) Comp.ItemCard.LinkConcPerson id -> Util.Update.cmdUnit (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetConcPerson id)) Comp.ItemCard.LinkConcEquip id -> Util.Update.cmdUnit (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetConcEquip id)) Comp.ItemCard.LinkFolder id -> Util.Update.cmdUnit (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetFolder id)) nextView = case ( model.viewMode, result.selection ) of ( SelectView svm, Data.ItemSelection.Active ids ) -> SelectView { svm | ids = ids } ( v, _ ) -> v in withSub ( { model | itemListModel = result.model , viewMode = nextView , dragDropData = DD.DragDropData result.dragModel Nothing } , Cmd.batch [ ItemCardListMsg result.cmd, searchMsg ] ) ItemSearchResp scroll (Ok list) -> let noff = settings.itemSearchPageSize m = { model | searchInProgress = False , searchOffset = noff , moreAvailable = list.groups /= [] } in Util.Update.andThen2 [ update mId key flags settings (ItemCardListMsg (Comp.ItemCardList.SetResults list)) , if scroll then scrollToCard mId else \next -> ( next, Cmd.none, Sub.none ) ] m ItemSearchAddResp (Ok list) -> let noff = model.searchOffset + settings.itemSearchPageSize m = { model | searchInProgress = False , moreInProgress = False , searchOffset = noff , moreAvailable = list.groups /= [] } in Util.Update.andThen2 [ update mId key flags settings (ItemCardListMsg (Comp.ItemCardList.AddResults list)) ] m ItemSearchAddResp (Err _) -> withSub ( { model | moreInProgress = False } , Cmd.none ) ItemSearchResp _ (Err _) -> withSub ( { model | searchInProgress = False } , Cmd.none ) DoSearch -> let nm = { model | searchOffset = 0 } in if model.searchInProgress then withSub ( model, Cmd.none ) else doSearch flags settings False nm ToggleSearchMenu -> let nextView = case model.viewMode of SimpleView -> SearchView SearchView -> SimpleView SelectView _ -> SimpleView in withSub ( { model | viewMode = nextView } , Cmd.none ) ToggleSelectView -> let ( nextView, cmd ) = case model.viewMode of SimpleView -> ( SelectView initSelectViewModel, loadEditModel flags ) SearchView -> ( SelectView initSelectViewModel, loadEditModel flags ) SelectView _ -> ( SearchView, Cmd.none ) in withSub ( { model | viewMode = nextView } , cmd ) LoadMore -> if model.moreAvailable then doSearchMore flags settings model |> withSub else withSub ( model, Cmd.none ) UpdateThrottle -> let ( newThrottle, cmd ) = Throttle.update model.throttle in withSub ( { model | throttle = newThrottle }, cmd ) SetBasicSearch str -> let smMsg = case model.searchTypeForm of BasicSearch -> SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetAllName str) ContentSearch -> SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetFulltext str) ContentOnlySearch -> SetContentOnly str in update mId key flags settings smMsg model SetContentOnly str -> withSub ( { model | contentOnlySearch = Util.Maybe.fromString str } , Cmd.none ) SearchTypeMsg lm -> let ( sm, mv ) = Comp.FixedDropdown.update lm model.searchTypeDropdown mvChange = Util.Maybe.filter (\a -> a /= model.searchTypeForm) mv m0 = { model | searchTypeDropdown = sm , searchTypeForm = Maybe.withDefault model.searchTypeForm mv } next = case mvChange of Just BasicSearch -> Just ( { m0 | contentOnlySearch = Nothing } , Maybe.withDefault "" model.contentOnlySearch ) Just ContentOnlySearch -> Just ( { m0 | contentOnlySearch = model.searchMenuModel.allNameModel } , "" ) _ -> Nothing in case next of Just ( m_, nstr ) -> update mId key flags settings (SearchMenuMsg (Comp.SearchMenu.SetAllName nstr)) m_ Nothing -> withSub ( m0, Cmd.none ) KeyUpMsg (Just Enter) -> update mId key flags settings DoSearch model KeyUpMsg _ -> withSub ( model, Cmd.none ) ScrollResult _ -> let cmd = Process.sleep 800 |> Task.perform (always ClearItemDetailId) in withSub ( model, cmd ) ClearItemDetailId -> noSub ( { model | scrollToCard = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) SelectAllItems -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> let visible = Data.Items.idSet model.itemListModel.results svm_ = { svm | ids = Set.union svm.ids visible } in noSub ( { model | viewMode = SelectView svm_ } , Cmd.none ) _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) SelectNoItems -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> let svm_ = { svm | ids = Set.empty } in noSub ( { model | viewMode = SelectView svm_ } , Cmd.none ) _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteSelectedConfirmMsg lmsg -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> let ( confirmModel, confirmed ) = Comp.YesNoDimmer.update lmsg svm.deleteAllConfirm cmd = if confirmed then Api.deleteAllItems flags svm.ids DeleteAllResp else Cmd.none act = if || confirmed then DeleteSelected else NoneAction in noSub ( { model | viewMode = SelectView { svm | deleteAllConfirm = confirmModel , action = act } } , cmd ) _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteAllResp (Ok res) -> if res.success then let nm = { model | viewMode = SearchView } in doSearch flags settings False nm else noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteAllResp (Err _) -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) RequestDeleteSelected -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> if svm.ids == Set.empty then noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) else let lmsg = DeleteSelectedConfirmMsg Comp.YesNoDimmer.activate model_ = { model | viewMode = SelectView { svm | action = DeleteSelected } } in update mId key flags settings lmsg model_ _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) EditSelectedItems -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> if svm.action == EditSelected then noSub ( { model | viewMode = SelectView { svm | action = NoneAction } } , Cmd.none ) else if svm.ids == Set.empty then noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) else noSub ( { model | viewMode = SelectView { svm | action = EditSelected } } , Cmd.none ) _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) EditMenuMsg lmsg -> case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> let res = Comp.ItemDetail.EditMenu.update flags lmsg svm.editModel svm_ = { svm | editModel = res.model , saveNameState = case res.change of NameChange _ -> Saving _ -> svm.saveNameState } cmd_ = EditMenuMsg res.cmd sub_ = EditMenuMsg res.sub upCmd = Comp.ItemDetail.FormChange.multiUpdate flags svm.ids res.change (MultiUpdateResp res.change) in ( { model | viewMode = SelectView svm_ } , Cmd.batch [ cmd_, upCmd ] , sub_ ) _ -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) MultiUpdateResp change (Ok res) -> let nm = updateSelectViewNameState res.success model change in if res.success then case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> -- replace changed items in the view noSub ( nm, loadChangedItems flags svm.ids ) _ -> noSub ( nm, Cmd.none ) else noSub ( nm, Cmd.none ) MultiUpdateResp change (Err _) -> ( updateSelectViewNameState False model change , Cmd.none , Sub.none ) ReplaceChangedItemsResp (Ok items) -> noSub ( replaceItems model items, Cmd.none ) ReplaceChangedItemsResp (Err _) -> noSub ( model, Cmd.none ) UiSettingsUpdated -> let defaultViewMode = if settings.searchMenuVisible then SearchView else SimpleView viewMode = case model.viewMode of SimpleView -> defaultViewMode SearchView -> defaultViewMode sv -> sv model_ = { model | viewMode = viewMode } in update mId key flags settings DoSearch model_ --- Helpers updateSelectViewNameState : Bool -> Model -> FormChange -> Model updateSelectViewNameState success model change = case model.viewMode of SelectView svm -> case change of NameChange _ -> let svm_ = { svm | saveNameState = if success then SaveSuccess else SaveFailed } in { model | viewMode = SelectView svm_ } _ -> model _ -> model replaceItems : Model -> ItemLightList -> Model replaceItems model newItems = let listModel = model.itemListModel changed = Data.Items.replaceIn listModel.results newItems newList = { listModel | results = changed } in { model | itemListModel = newList } loadChangedItems : Flags -> Set String -> Cmd Msg loadChangedItems flags ids = if Set.isEmpty ids then Cmd.none else let searchInit = Api.Model.ItemSearch.empty idList = IdList (Set.toList ids) search = { searchInit | itemSubset = Just idList , limit = Set.size ids } in Api.itemSearch flags search ReplaceChangedItemsResp scrollToCard : Maybe String -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Sub Msg ) scrollToCard mId model = let scroll id = Scroll.scroll id 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 in case mId of Just id -> ( { model | scrollToCard = mId } , Task.attempt ScrollResult (scroll id) , Sub.none ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none, Sub.none ) loadEditModel : Flags -> Cmd Msg loadEditModel flags = EditMenuMsg (Comp.ItemDetail.EditMenu.loadModel flags) doSearch : Flags -> UiSettings -> Bool -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Sub Msg ) doSearch flags settings scroll model = let stype = if not (menuCollapsed model) || Util.String.isNothingOrBlank model.contentOnlySearch then BasicSearch else model.searchTypeForm model_ = { model | searchType = stype } searchCmd = doSearchCmd flags settings 0 scroll model_ ( newThrottle, cmd ) = Throttle.try searchCmd model.throttle in withSub ( { model_ | searchInProgress = cmd /= Cmd.none , searchOffset = 0 , throttle = newThrottle } , cmd ) doSearchMore : Flags -> UiSettings -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) doSearchMore flags settings model = let cmd = doSearchCmd flags settings model.searchOffset False model in ( { model | moreInProgress = True } , cmd ) withSub : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Sub Msg ) withSub ( m, c ) = ( m , c , Throttle.ifNeeded (Time.every 500 (\_ -> UpdateThrottle)) m.throttle ) noSub : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Sub Msg ) noSub ( m, c ) = ( m, c, Sub.none )