FROM alpine:latest LABEL maintainer="eikek0 <>" ARG ELM_VERSION=0.19.1 ARG SBT_VERSION= RUN apk add --virtual .build-dependencies --no-cache git curl bash openjdk8 # ELM RUN curl -L -o elm.gz${ELM_VERSION}/binary-for-linux-64-bit.gz RUN gunzip elm.gz RUN chmod +x elm RUN mv elm /usr/local/bin/ # SBT (Scala) ENV PATH /sbt/bin:$PATH RUN wget${SBT_VERSION}/sbt-${SBT_VERSION}.tgz RUN tar -xzvf sbt-$SBT_VERSION.tgz RUN rm sbt-$SBT_VERSION.tgz # DOCSPELL RUN mkdir -p /src/docspell COPY . /src/docspell/ # for a build without cloned project the following line would replace the one above # RUN git -C /src clone #RUN SBT_OPTS="-Xms1024M -Xmx8G -Xss2M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=8G" && \ WORKDIR /src/docspell RUN sbt -mem 4096 make RUN sbt -mem 4096 make-zip RUN sbt -mem 4096 make-tools #RUN SBT_OPTS= && \ RUN mkdir -p /opt RUN find "/src/docspell/modules/joex/target/universal/" -name "docspell-joex*.zip" -exec unzip {} -d "/opt/" \; RUN mv /opt/docspell-joex-* /opt/docspell-joex RUN find "/src/docspell/modules/restserver/target/universal/" -name "docspell-restserver*.zip" -exec unzip {} -d "/opt/" \; RUN mv /opt/docspell-restserver-* /opt/docspell-restserver RUN find "/src/docspell/tools/target/" -name "docspell-tools-*.zip" -exec unzip {} -d "/opt/" \; RUN mv /opt/docspell-tools-* /opt/docspell-tools RUN chmod 755 /opt/docspell-tools/*.sh COPY ./docker/docspell.conf /opt/docspell.conf # CLEANUP WORKDIR / RUN rm -r /src RUN apk del .build-dependencies RUN rm -r /root/.cache