module Comp.ChangePasswordForm exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , emptyModel , update , view ) import Api import Api.Model.BasicResult exposing (BasicResult) import Api.Model.PasswordChange exposing (PasswordChange) import Data.Flags exposing (Flags) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Util.Http type alias Model = { current : String , newPass1 : String , newPass2 : String , showCurrent : Bool , showPass1 : Bool , showPass2 : Bool , errors : List String , loading : Bool , successMsg : String } emptyModel : Model emptyModel = validateModel { current = "" , newPass1 = "" , newPass2 = "" , showCurrent = False , showPass1 = False , showPass2 = False , errors = [] , loading = False , successMsg = "" } type Msg = SetCurrent String | SetNew1 String | SetNew2 String | ToggleShowPass1 | ToggleShowPass2 | ToggleShowCurrent | Submit | SubmitResp (Result Http.Error BasicResult) validate : Model -> List String validate model = List.concat [ if model.newPass1 /= "" && model.newPass2 /= "" && model.newPass1 /= model.newPass2 then [ "New passwords do not match." ] else [] , if model.newPass1 == "" || model.newPass2 == "" || model.current == "" then [ "Please fill in required fields." ] else [] ] validateModel : Model -> Model validateModel model = let err = validate model in { model | errors = err , successMsg = if err == [] then model.successMsg else "" } -- Update update : Flags -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update flags msg model = case msg of SetCurrent s -> ( validateModel { model | current = s }, Cmd.none ) SetNew1 s -> ( validateModel { model | newPass1 = s }, Cmd.none ) SetNew2 s -> ( validateModel { model | newPass2 = s }, Cmd.none ) ToggleShowCurrent -> ( { model | showCurrent = not model.showCurrent }, Cmd.none ) ToggleShowPass1 -> ( { model | showPass1 = not model.showPass1 }, Cmd.none ) ToggleShowPass2 -> ( { model | showPass2 = not model.showPass2 }, Cmd.none ) Submit -> let valid = validate model cp = PasswordChange model.current model.newPass1 in if List.isEmpty valid then ( { model | loading = True, errors = [], successMsg = "" }, Api.changePassword flags cp SubmitResp ) else ( model, Cmd.none ) SubmitResp (Ok res) -> let em = { emptyModel | errors = [], successMsg = "Password has been changed." } in if res.success then ( em, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | errors = [ res.message ], loading = False, successMsg = "" }, Cmd.none ) SubmitResp (Err err) -> let str = Util.Http.errorToString err in ( { model | errors = [ str ], loading = False, successMsg = "" }, Cmd.none ) -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ classList [ ( "ui form", True ) , ( "error", List.isEmpty model.errors |> not ) , ( "success", model.successMsg /= "" ) ] ] [ div [ classList [ ( "field", True ) , ( "error", model.current == "" ) ] ] [ label [] [ text "Current Password*" ] , div [ class "ui action input" ] [ input [ type_ <| if model.showCurrent then "text" else "password" , onInput SetCurrent , value model.current ] [] , button [ class "ui icon button", onClick ToggleShowCurrent ] [ i [ class "eye icon" ] [] ] ] ] , div [ classList [ ( "field", True ) , ( "error", model.newPass1 == "" ) ] ] [ label [] [ text "New Password*" ] , div [ class "ui action input" ] [ input [ type_ <| if model.showPass1 then "text" else "password" , onInput SetNew1 , value model.newPass1 ] [] , button [ class "ui icon button", onClick ToggleShowPass1 ] [ i [ class "eye icon" ] [] ] ] ] , div [ classList [ ( "field", True ) , ( "error", model.newPass2 == "" ) ] ] [ label [] [ text "New Password (repeat)*" ] , div [ class "ui action input" ] [ input [ type_ <| if model.showPass2 then "text" else "password" , onInput SetNew2 , value model.newPass2 ] [] , button [ class "ui icon button", onClick ToggleShowPass2 ] [ i [ class "eye icon" ] [] ] ] ] , div [ class "ui horizontal divider" ] [] , div [ class "ui success message" ] [ text model.successMsg ] , div [ class "ui error message" ] [ case model.errors of a :: [] -> text a _ -> ul [ class "ui list" ] ( (\em -> li [] [ text em ]) model.errors) ] , div [ class "ui horizontal divider" ] [] , button [ class "ui primary button", onClick Submit ] [ text "Submit" ] , div [ classList [ ( "ui dimmer", True ) , ( "active", model.loading ) ] ] [ div [ class "ui loader" ] [] ] ]