import com.github.eikek.sbt.openapi._ import scala.sys.process._ import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys._ import import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.CommentBlockCreator val toolsPackage = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Package the scripts/extension tools") val elmCompileMode = settingKey[ElmCompileMode]("How to compile elm sources") // --- Settings def inTest(d0: Seq[ModuleID], ds: Seq[ModuleID]*) = ds.fold(d0)(_ ++ _).map(_ % Test) val scalafixSettings = Seq( semanticdbEnabled := true, // enable SemanticDB semanticdbVersion := scalafixSemanticdb.revision, //"4.4.0" ThisBuild / scalafixDependencies ++= Dependencies.organizeImports ) val sharedSettings = Seq( organization := "com.github.eikek", scalaVersion := "2.13.6", organizationName := "Docspell Contributors", licenses += ("GPL-3.0-or-later", url( "" )), startYear := Some(2020), headerLicenseStyle := HeaderLicenseStyle.SpdxSyntax, headerSources / excludeFilter := HiddenFileFilter || "*.java" || "StringUtil.scala", scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-deprecation", "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-language:higherKinds", "-feature", "-Werror", // fail when there are warnings "-unchecked", // remove -byname-implicit, once is resolved "-Xlint:-byname-implicit,_", "-Wdead-code", "-Wunused", "-Wvalue-discard", "-Wnumeric-widen" ), javacOptions ++= Seq("-target", "1.8", "-source", "1.8"), LocalRootProject / toolsPackage := { val v = version.value val logger = streams.value.log val dir = (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "tools" packageTools(logger, dir, v) }, Compile / console / scalacOptions := (scalacOptions.value.filter(o => !o.contains("-Xlint") && !o.contains("-W"))), Test / console / scalacOptions := (scalacOptions.value.filter(o => !o.contains("-Xlint") && !o.contains("-W"))), libraryDependencySchemes ++= Seq( "com.github.eikek" %% "calev-core" % VersionScheme.Always, "com.github.eikek" %% "calev-circe" % VersionScheme.Always ) ) ++ scalafixSettings val testSettingsMUnit = Seq( libraryDependencies ++= inTest(Dependencies.munit, Dependencies.logging), testFrameworks += new TestFramework("munit.Framework") ) lazy val noPublish = Seq( publish := {}, publishLocal := {}, publishArtifact := false ) val elmSettings = Seq( elmCompileMode := ElmCompileMode.Debug, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { val _ = openapiCodegen.value compileElm( streams.value.log, (Compile / baseDirectory).value, (Compile / resourceManaged).value, name.value, version.value, elmCompileMode.value ) }.taskValue, watchSources += Watched.WatchSource( (Compile / sourceDirectory).value / "elm", FileFilter.globFilter("*.elm"), HiddenFileFilter ), Compile / unmanagedSourceDirectories += (Compile / sourceDirectory).value / "elm", headerSources / includeFilter := "*.elm", headerMappings := headerMappings.value + (HeaderFileType("elm") -> HeaderCommentStyle( new CommentBlockCreator("{-", " ", "-}\n"), HeaderPattern.commentBetween("\\{\\-", " ", "\\-\\}") )) ) val stylesSettings = Seq( stylesMode := StylesMode.Dev, Compile / resourceGenerators += stylesBuild.taskValue ) def webjarSettings(queryJS: Project) = Seq( Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { copyWebjarResources( Seq((Compile / sourceDirectory).value / "webjar"), (Compile / resourceManaged).value, name.value, version.value, streams.value.log ) }.taskValue, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { val logger = streams.value.log val out = (queryJS / Compile / fullOptJS).value"Produced query js file: ${}") copyWebjarResources( Seq(, (Compile / resourceManaged).value, name.value, version.value, logger ) }.taskValue, watchSources += Watched.WatchSource( (Compile / sourceDirectory).value / "webjar", FileFilter.globFilter("*.js") || FileFilter.globFilter("*.css"), HiddenFileFilter ) ) def debianSettings(cfgFile: String) = Seq( maintainer := "Eike Kettner ", Universal / mappings += { val conf = (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" if (!conf.exists) sys.error(s"File $conf not found") conf -> s"conf/$cfgFile.conf" }, daemonUser := "docspell", bashScriptExtraDefines += s"""addJava "-Dconfig.file=$${app_home}/../conf/$cfgFile.conf"""" ) val buildInfoSettings = Seq( buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey]( name, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion, gitHeadCommit, gitHeadCommitDate, gitUncommittedChanges, gitDescribedVersion ), buildInfoOptions += BuildInfoOption.ToJson, buildInfoOptions += BuildInfoOption.BuildTime ) val openapiScalaSettings = Seq( openapiScalaConfig := ScalaConfig() .withJson(ScalaJson.circeSemiauto) .addMapping(CustomMapping.forType { case TypeDef("LocalDateTime", _) => TypeDef("Timestamp", Imports("docspell.common.Timestamp")) }) .addMapping(CustomMapping.forFormatType { case "ident" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Ident", Imports("docspell.common.Ident"))) case "accountid" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("AccountId", Imports("docspell.common.AccountId"))) case "collectivestate" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("CollectiveState", Imports("docspell.common.CollectiveState")) ) case "userstate" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("UserState", Imports("docspell.common.UserState"))) case "password" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Password", Imports("docspell.common.Password"))) case "contactkind" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("ContactKind", Imports("docspell.common.ContactKind")) ) case "direction" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Direction", Imports("docspell.common.Direction"))) case "priority" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Priority", Imports("docspell.common.Priority"))) case "jobstate" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("JobState", Imports("docspell.common.JobState"))) case "loglevel" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("LogLevel", Imports("docspell.common.LogLevel"))) case "mimetype" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("MimeType", Imports("docspell.common.MimeType"))) case "itemstate" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("ItemState", Imports("docspell.common.ItemState"))) case "nertag" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("NerTag", Imports("docspell.common.NerTag"))) case "language" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Language", Imports("docspell.common.Language"))) case "calevent" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef( "CalEvent", Imports( "com.github.eikek.calev.CalEvent", "com.github.eikek.calev.circe.CalevCirceCodec._" ) ) ) case "glob" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Glob", Imports("docspell.common.Glob"))) case "customfieldtype" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("CustomFieldType", Imports("docspell.common.CustomFieldType")) ) case "listtype" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("ListType", Imports("docspell.common.ListType"))) case "personuse" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("PersonUse", Imports("docspell.common.PersonUse"))) case "orguse" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("OrgUse", Imports("docspell.common.OrgUse"))) case "equipmentuse" => field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("EquipmentUse", Imports("docspell.common.EquipmentUse")) ) case "searchmode" => field => field .copy(typeDef = TypeDef("SearchMode", Imports("docspell.common.SearchMode"))) case "duration" => field => field .copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Duration", Imports("docspell.common.Duration"))) }) ) // --- Modules // Base module, everything depends on this – including restapi and // joexapi modules. This should aim to have least possible // dependencies val common = project .in(file("modules/common")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-common", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.circe ++ Dependencies.loggingApi ++ Dependencies.calevCore ++ Dependencies.calevCirce ++ % "optional") ) // Some example files for testing // val files = project .in(file("modules/files")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-files", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.tika ++ Dependencies.icu4j, Test / sourceGenerators += Def.task { val base = (Test / resourceDirectory).value val files = (base ** (_.isFile)).pair( val lines = { s => val ident = s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "_") ident -> s"""val $ident = createUrl("$s")""" } val content = s"""package docspell.files object ExampleFiles extends ExampleFilesSupport { ${"\n")} val all = List( ${",\n")} ) } """ val target = (Test / sourceManaged).value / "scala" / "ExampleFiles.scala" IO.createDirectory(target.getParentFile) IO.write(target, content) Seq(target) }.taskValue ) .dependsOn(common) val query = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform) .withoutSuffixFor(JVMPlatform) .in(file("modules/query")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-query", libraryDependencies += Dependencies.catsParseJS.value, libraryDependencies += Dependencies.scalaJavaTime.value ) .jsSettings( Test / fork := false ) .jvmSettings( libraryDependencies += Dependencies.scalaJsStubs ) val store = project .in(file("modules/store")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-store", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.doobie ++ Dependencies.bitpeace ++ Dependencies.tika ++ Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.databases ++ Dependencies.flyway ++ Dependencies.loggingApi ++ Dependencies.emil ++ Dependencies.emilDoobie ++ Dependencies.calevCore ++ Dependencies.calevFs2 ) .dependsOn(common, query.jvm) val extract = project .in(file("modules/extract")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-extract", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.twelvemonkeys ++ Dependencies.pdfbox ++ Dependencies.poi ++ Dependencies.commonsIO ++ Dependencies.julOverSlf4j ) .dependsOn(common, files % "compile->compile;test->test") val convert = project .in(file("modules/convert")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-convert", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.flexmark ++ Dependencies.twelvemonkeys ) .dependsOn(common, files % "compile->compile;test->test") val analysis = project .in(file("modules/analysis")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .enablePlugins(NerModelsPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings(NerModelsPlugin.nerClassifierSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-analysis", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.stanfordNlpCore ) .dependsOn(common, files % "test->test") val ftsclient = project .in(file("modules/fts-client")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-fts-client", libraryDependencies ++= Seq.empty ) .dependsOn(common) val ftssolr = project .in(file("modules/fts-solr")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-fts-solr", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.http4sClient ++ Dependencies.http4sCirce ++ Dependencies.http4sDsl ++ Dependencies.circe ) .dependsOn(common, ftsclient) val restapi = project .in(file("modules/restapi")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .enablePlugins(OpenApiSchema) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings(openapiScalaSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-restapi", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.circe, openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Scala, openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.restapi.model"), openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml", openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc ) .dependsOn(common) val joexapi = project .in(file("modules/joexapi")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .enablePlugins(OpenApiSchema) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings(openapiScalaSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-joexapi", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.circe ++ Dependencies.http4sCirce ++ Dependencies.http4sClient, openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Scala, openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.joexapi.model"), openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "joex-openapi.yml", openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc ) .dependsOn(common) val backend = project .in(file("modules/backend")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings( name := "docspell-backend", libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.loggingApi ++ Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.bcrypt ++ Dependencies.http4sClient ++ Dependencies.emil ) .dependsOn(store, joexapi, ftsclient) val webapp = project .in(file("modules/webapp")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .enablePlugins(OpenApiSchema, StylesPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(elmSettings) .settings(stylesSettings) .settings(webjarSettings(query.js)) .settings( name := "docspell-webapp", openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Elm, openapiPackage := Pkg("Api.Model"), openapiSpec := (restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml", openapiElmConfig := ElmConfig().withJson(ElmJson.decodePipeline) ) .dependsOn(query.js) // --- Application(s) val joex = project .in(file("modules/joex")) .enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin, JavaServerAppPackaging, DebianPlugin, SystemdPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings(debianSettings("docspell-joex")) .settings(buildInfoSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-joex", description := "The joex component (job executor) for docspell which executes long-running tasks.", packageSummary := "Docspell Joex", packageDescription := description.value, libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.fs2 ++ Dependencies.http4sServer ++ Dependencies.http4sCirce ++ Dependencies.http4sDsl ++ Dependencies.circe ++ Dependencies.pureconfig ++ Dependencies.emilTnef ++ Dependencies.poi ++ Dependencies.emilMarkdown ++ Dependencies.emilJsoup ++ Dependencies.jsoup ++ Dependencies.yamusca ++ Dependencies.loggingApi ++ % Runtime), addCompilerPlugin(Dependencies.kindProjectorPlugin), addCompilerPlugin(Dependencies.betterMonadicFor), buildInfoPackage := "docspell.joex", reStart / javaOptions ++= Seq( s"-Dconfig.file=${(LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "local" / "dev.conf"}", "-Xmx1596M", "-XX:+UseG1GC" ), Revolver.enableDebugging(port = 5051, suspend = false) ) .dependsOn(store, backend, extract, convert, analysis, joexapi, restapi, ftssolr) val restserver = project .in(file("modules/restserver")) .enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin, JavaServerAppPackaging, DebianPlugin, SystemdPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(testSettingsMUnit) .settings(debianSettings("docspell-server")) .settings(buildInfoSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-restserver", description := "Docspell server providing the user interface and a REST Api.", packageSummary := "Docspell Rest server", packageDescription := description.value, libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.http4sServer ++ Dependencies.http4sCirce ++ Dependencies.http4sDsl ++ Dependencies.circe ++ Dependencies.pureconfig ++ Dependencies.yamusca ++ Dependencies.kittens ++ Dependencies.webjars ++ Dependencies.loggingApi ++ % Runtime), addCompilerPlugin(Dependencies.kindProjectorPlugin), addCompilerPlugin(Dependencies.betterMonadicFor), buildInfoPackage := "docspell.restserver", Compile / sourceGenerators += Def.task { createWebjarSource(Dependencies.webjars, (Compile / sourceManaged).value) }.taskValue, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { copyWebjarResources( Seq((restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml"), (Compile / resourceManaged).value, name.value, version.value, streams.value.log ) }.taskValue, Compile / unmanagedResourceDirectories ++= Seq( (Compile / resourceDirectory).value.getParentFile / "templates" ), reStart / javaOptions ++= Seq( s"-Dconfig.file=${(LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "local" / "dev.conf"}", "-Xmx150M", "-XX:+UseG1GC" ), Revolver.enableDebugging(port = 5050, suspend = false), Universal / mappings := { val allMappings = (Universal / mappings).value allMappings.filter { //scalajs artifacts are not needed at runtime case (file, name) => !name.contains("_sjs1_") } } ) .dependsOn(restapi, joexapi, backend, webapp, ftssolr) // --- Website Documentation val website = project .in(file("website")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin, ReleasePlugin) .enablePlugins(ZolaPlugin, GitHubPagesPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings( name := "docspell-website", publishArtifact := false, publish / skip := true, gitHubPagesOrgName := "eikek", gitHubPagesRepoName := "docspell", gitHubPagesSiteDir := zolaOutputDir.value, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { val templateOut = baseDirectory.value / "site" / "templates" / "shortcodes" val staticOut = baseDirectory.value / "site" / "static" / "openapi" IO.createDirectories(Seq(templateOut, staticOut)) val logger = streams.value.log val files = Seq( (restserver / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "server.conf", (joex / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "joex.conf", (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "tools" / "exim" / "exim.conf" -> templateOut / "sample-exim.conf", (restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml" -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.yml", (restapi / Compile / openapiStaticDoc).value -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.html" ) IO.copy(files) }.taskValue, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task { val changelog = (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "" val targetDir = baseDirectory.value / "site" / "content" / "docs" / "changelog" IO.createDirectory(targetDir) val target = targetDir / "" IO.write( target, """|+++ |title = "Changelog" |description = "See what changed between releases." |weight = 10 |insert_anchor_links = "right" |[extra] |maketoc = false |+++ |""".stripMargin ) IO.append(target, IO.readBytes(changelog)) Seq(target) }.taskValue ) val root = project .in(file(".")) .disablePlugins(RevolverPlugin) .settings(sharedSettings) .settings(noPublish) .settings( name := "docspell-root" ) .aggregate( common, extract, convert, analysis, ftsclient, ftssolr, files, store, joexapi, joex, backend, webapp, restapi, restserver, query.jvm, query.js ) // --- Helpers def copyWithGZ(src: File, target: File): Seq[File] = { val gzipFilter = "*.html" || "*.css" || "*.js" IO.copy(Seq(src -> target)) if (gzipFilter.accept(src)) { val gz = file(target.toString + ".gz") IO.gzip(src, gz) Seq(target, gz) } else { Seq(target) } } def copyWebjarResources( src: Seq[File], base: File, artifact: String, version: String, logger: Logger ): Seq[File] = { val targetDir = base / "META-INF" / "resources" / "webjars" / artifact / version"Copy webjar resources from ${src.size} files/directories.") src.flatMap { dir => if (dir.isDirectory) { val files = (dir ** "*").filter(_.isFile).get.pair(Path.relativeTo(dir)) files.flatMap { case (f, name) => val target = targetDir / name IO.createDirectories(Seq(target.getParentFile)) copyWithGZ(f, target) } } else { val target = targetDir / IO.createDirectories(Seq(target.getParentFile)) copyWithGZ(dir, target) } } } def compileElm( logger: Logger, wd: File, outBase: File, artifact: String, version: String, mode: ElmCompileMode ): Seq[File] = {"Compile elm files ...") val target = outBase / "META-INF" / "resources" / "webjars" / artifact / version / "docspell-app.js" val cmd = Seq("elm", "make") ++ mode.flags ++ Seq("--output", target.toString) val proc = Process( cmd ++ Seq(wd / "src" / "main" / "elm" / "Main.elm").map(_.toString), Some(wd) ) val out = proc.!! val targetGZ = file(target.toString + ".gz") IO.gzip(target, targetGZ) Seq(target, targetGZ) } def createWebjarSource(wj: Seq[ModuleID], out: File): Seq[File] = { val target = out / "Webjars.scala" val badChars = "-.".toSet val fields = wj .map(m => s"""val ${ => !badChars.contains(c) )} = "/${}/${m.revision}" """ ) .mkString("\n\n") val content = s"""package docspell.restserver.webapp |object Webjars { |$fields |} |""".stripMargin IO.write(target, content) Seq(target) } def packageTools(logger: Logger, dir: File, version: String): Seq[File] = { val target = dir / "target" IO.delete(target) IO.createDirectory(target) val archive = target / s"docspell-tools-$""Packaging tools to $archive ...") val webext = target / "docspell-firefox-extension.xpi" val wx = dir / "webextension" Seq( wx / "_locales/de/messages.json" -> "_locales/de/messages.json", wx / "_locales/en/messages.json" -> "_locales/en/messages.json", wx / "docspell.js" -> "docspell.js", wx / "icons" / "logo-48.png" -> "icons/logo-48.png", wx / "icons" / "logo-96.png" -> "icons/logo-96.png", wx / "manifest.json" -> "manifest.json" ), webext, None ) val excludes = Seq(wx, target) val files = (dir ** "*") .filter(f => !excludes.exists(p => f.absolutePath.startsWith(p.absolutePath))) .pair( .map { case (f, name) => (f, s"docspell-tools-$version/$name") } Seq( webext -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/docspell-extension.xpi", wx / "native/app_manifest.json" -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/native/app_manifest.json", wx / "native/" -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/native/" ) ++ files, archive, None ) Seq(archive) } // --- aliases addCommandAlias( "make", ";set webapp/elmCompileMode := ElmCompileMode.Production; set webapp/stylesMode := StylesMode.Prod ;root/openapiCodegen ;root/Test/compile" ) addCommandAlias("make-zip", ";restserver/Universal/packageBin ;joex/Universal/packageBin") addCommandAlias("make-deb", ";restserver/Debian/packageBin ;joex/Debian/packageBin") addCommandAlias("make-tools", ";root/toolsPackage") addCommandAlias("make-pkg", ";clean ;make ;make-zip ;make-deb ;make-tools") addCommandAlias("ci", "make; lint; test") addCommandAlias( "lint", "restapi/openapiLint; joexapi/openapiLint; headerCheck; scalafmtSbtCheck; scalafmtCheckAll; Compile/scalafix --check; Test/scalafix --check" ) addCommandAlias( "fix", "headerCreateAll; Compile/scalafix; Test/scalafix; scalafmtSbt; scalafmtAll" ) addCommandAlias("make-website", ";website/clean ;website/zolaBuild ;website/zolaCheck") addCommandAlias("publish-website", "website/publishToGitHubPages")