module Messages.SourceManageComp exposing (..) import Messages.Basics import Messages.SourceFormComp import Messages.SourceTableComp type alias Texts = { basics : Messages.Basics.Texts , sourceTable : Messages.SourceTableComp.Texts , sourceForm : Messages.SourceFormComp.Texts , addSourceUrl : String , newSource : String , publicUploads : String , sourceInfoText : String , itemsCreatedInfo : Int -> String , publicUploadPage : String , copyToClipboard : String , openInNewTab : String , publicUploadUrl : String , reallyDeleteSource : String , createNewSource : String , deleteThisSource : String , errorGeneratingQR : String } gb : Texts gb = { basics = , sourceTable = , sourceForm = , addSourceUrl = "Add a source url" , newSource = "New source" , publicUploads = "Public Uploads" , sourceInfoText = "This source defines URLs that can be used by anyone to send files to " ++ "you. There is a web page that you can share or the API url can be used " ++ "with other clients." , itemsCreatedInfo = \n -> "There have been " ++ String.fromInt n ++ " items created through this source." , publicUploadPage = "Public Upload Page" , copyToClipboard = "Copy to clipboard" , openInNewTab = "Open in new tab/window" , publicUploadUrl = "Public API Upload URL" , reallyDeleteSource = "Really delete this source?" , createNewSource = "Create new source" , deleteThisSource = "Delete this source" , errorGeneratingQR = "Error generating QR Code" }