#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Script for downloading files (the PDF versions) flat in the current # directory. It takes a search query for selecting what to download. # Metadata is not downloaded, only the files. # # Usage: # # download-files.sh <docspell-base-url> <query> # # The docspell base url is required as well as a search query. The # output directory is the current directory, and can be defined via # env variable "TARGET_DIR". # # Example: # # download-files.sh http://localhost:7880 "tag:todo folder:work" # # The script then asks for username and password and starts # downloading. For more details about the query, please see the docs # here: https://docspell.org/docs/query/ CURL_CMD="curl" JQ_CMD="jq" if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "The base-url to docspell is required." exit 1 else BASE_URL="$1" shift fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then errout "A search query is required" exit 1 else QUERY="$1" shift fi set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset LOGIN_URL="$BASE_URL/api/v1/open/auth/login" SEARCH_URL="$BASE_URL/api/v1/sec/item/search" DETAIL_URL="$BASE_URL/api/v1/sec/item" ATTACH_URL="$BASE_URL/api/v1/sec/attachment" OVERWRITE_FILE=${OVERWRITE_FILE:-n} TARGET=${TARGET_DIR:-"$(pwd)"} errout() { >&2 echo "$@" } trap "{ rm -f ${TMPDIR-:/tmp}/ds-download.*; }" EXIT mcurl() { tmpfile1=$(mktemp -t "ds-download.XXXXX") tmpfile2=$(mktemp -t "ds-download.XXXXX") set +e "$CURL_CMD" -# --fail --stderr "$tmpfile1" -o "$tmpfile2" -H "X-Docspell-Auth: $auth_token" "$@" status=$? set -e if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then errout "$CURL_CMD -H 'X-Docspell-Auth: …' $@" errout "curl command failed (rc=$status)! Output is below." cat "$tmpfile1" >&2 cat "$tmpfile2" >&2 rm -f "$tmpfile1" "$tmpfile2" return 2 else ret=$(cat "$tmpfile2") rm "$tmpfile2" "$tmpfile1" echo $ret fi } errout "Login to Docspell." errout "Using url: $BASE_URL" if [ -z "${DS_USER:-}" ]; then errout -n "Account: " read DS_USER fi if [ -z "${DS_PASS:-}" ]; then errout -n "Password: " read -s DS_PASS fi echo declare auth declare auth_token declare auth_time login() { auth=$("$CURL_CMD" -s --fail -XPOST \ --data-binary "{\"account\":\"$DS_USER\", \"password\":\"$DS_PASS\"}" "$LOGIN_URL") if [ "$(echo $auth | "$JQ_CMD" .success)" == "true" ]; then errout "Login successful" auth_token=$(echo $auth | "$JQ_CMD" -r .token) auth_time=$(date +%s) else errout "Login failed." exit 1 fi } checkLogin() { elapsed=$((1000 * ($(date +%s) - $auth_time))) maxtime=$(echo $auth | "$JQ_CMD" .validMs) elapsed=$(($elapsed + 1000)) if [ $elapsed -gt $maxtime ]; then errout "Need to re-login $elapsed > $maxtime" login fi } listItems() { OFFSET="${1:-0}" LIMIT="${2:-50}" QUERY="$3" errout "Get next items with offset=$OFFSET, limit=$LIMIT" REQ="{\"offset\":$OFFSET, \"limit\":$LIMIT, \"query\":\" $QUERY \"}" mcurl -XPOST -H 'ContentType: application/json' -d "$REQ" "$SEARCH_URL" | "$JQ_CMD" -r '.groups[].items[]|.id' } fetchItem() { mcurl -XGET "$DETAIL_URL/$1" } downloadAttachment() { attachId="$1" errout " - Download '$attachName' ($attachId)" if [ -f "$attachOut" ] && [ "$SKIP_FILE" == "y" ]; then errout " - Skipping file '$attachOut' since it already exists" else if [ -f "$attachOut" ] && [ "$OVERWRITE_FILE" == "y" ]; then errout " - Removing attachment file as requested: $attachOut" rm -f "$attachOut" fi DL_URL="$ATTACH_URL/$attachId" checksum1=$("$CURL_CMD" -s -I -H "X-Docspell-Auth: $auth_token" "$DL_URL" | \ grep -i 'etag' | cut -d' ' -f2 | "$JQ_CMD" -r) "$CURL_CMD" -s -o "$attachOut" -H "X-Docspell-Auth: $auth_token" "$DL_URL" checksum2=$(sha256sum "$attachOut" | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs) if [ "$checksum1" == "$checksum2" ]; then errout " - Checksum ok." else errout " - WARNING: Checksum mismatch! Server: $checksum1 Downloaded: $checksum2" return 3 fi fi } downloadItem() { checkLogin itemData=$(fetchItem "$1") errout "Get item $(echo $itemData | "$JQ_CMD" -r .id)" created=$(echo $itemData|"$JQ_CMD" '.created') created=$((($(echo $itemData|"$JQ_CMD" '.created') + 500) / 1000)) itemId=$(echo $itemData | "$JQ_CMD" -r '.id') # out="$TARGET/$(date -d @$created +%Y-%m)/$itemId" out="$TARGET" if [ -d "$out" ] && [ "${DROP_ITEM:-}" == "y" ]; then errout "Removing item folder as requested: $out" rm -rf "$out" fi mkdir -p "$out" while read attachId attachName; do attachOut="$out/$attachName" checkLogin downloadAttachment "$attachId" done < <(echo $itemData | "$JQ_CMD" -r '.attachments[] | [.id,.name] | join(" ")') } login errout "Downloading files…" allCounter=0 innerCounter=0 limit=100 offset=0 done=n while [ "$done" = "n" ]; do checkLogin innerCounter=0 while read id; do downloadItem "$id" innerCounter=$(($innerCounter + 1)) done < <(listItems $offset $limit "$QUERY") allCounter=$(($allCounter + $innerCounter)) offset=$(($offset + $limit)) if [ $innerCounter -lt $limit ]; then done=y fi done errout "Downloaded $allCounter items"