+++ title = "Convert All PDFs" description = "Convert all PDF files using OcrMyPdf." weight = 60 +++ # convert-all-pdf.sh With version 0.9.0 there was support added for another external tool, [OCRMyPdf](https://github.com/jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF), that can convert PDF files such that they contain the OCR-ed text layer. This tool is optional and can be disabled. In order to convert all previously processed files with this tool, there is an [endpoint](/openapi/docspell-openapi.html#api-Item-secItemConvertallpdfsPost) that submits a task to convert all PDF files not already converted for your collective. There is no UI part to trigger this route, so you need to use curl or the script `convert-all-pdfs.sh` in the `tools/` directory. # Requirements It is a bash script that additionally needs [curl](https://curl.haxx.se/) and [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/). # Usage ``` ./convert-all-pdfs.sh [docspell-base-url] ``` For example, if docspell is at `http://localhost:7880`: ``` ./convert-all-pdfs.sh http://localhost:7880 ``` The script asks for your account name and password. It then logs in and triggers the said endpoint. After this you should see a few tasks running. There will be one task per file to convert. All these tasks are submitted with a low priority. So files uploaded through the webapp or a [source](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#anonymous-upload) with a high priority, will be preferred as [configured in the job executor](@/docs/joex/intro.md#scheduler-config). This is to not disturb normal processing when many conversion tasks are being executed.