+++ title = "File Processing" description = "How Docspell processes files." weight = 20 insert_anchor_links = "right" [extra] mktoc = true +++ When uploading a file, it is only saved to the database together with the given meta information. The file is not visible in the ui yet. Then joex takes the next such file (or files in case you uploaded many) and starts processing it. When processing finished, it the item and its files will show up in the ui. If an error occurs during processing, the item will be created anyways, so you can see it. Depending on the error, some information may not be available. Processing files may require some resources, like memory and cpu. Many things can be configured in the config file to adapt it to the machine it is running on. Important is the setting `docspell.joex.scheduler.pool-size` which defines how many tasks can run in parallel on the machine running joex. For machines that are not very strong, choosing a `1` is recommended. # Stages ``` DuplicateCheck -> Extract Archives -> Conversion to PDF -> Text Extraction -> Generate Previews -> Text Analysis ``` These steps are executed sequentially. There are many config options available for each step. ## External Commands External programs are all configured the same way. You can change the command (add, remove options etc) in the config file. As an example, here is the `wkhtmltopdf` command that is used to convert html files to pdf: ``` conf docspell.joex.convert { wkhtmlpdf { command = { program = "wkhtmltopdf" args = [ "-s", "A4", "--encoding", "{{encoding}}", "--load-error-handling", "ignore", "--load-media-error-handling", "ignore", "-", "{{outfile}}" ] timeout = "2 minutes" } working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-convert" } } ``` Strings in `{{…}}` are replaced by docspell with the appropriate values at runtime. However, based on your use case you can just set constant values or add other options. This might be necessary when there are different version installed where changes in the command line are required. As you see for `wkhtmltopdf` the page size is fixed to DIN A4. Other commands are configured like this as well. For the default values, please see the [configuration page](@/docs/configure/_index.md#joex). ## Duplicate Check If specified, the uploaded file is checked via a sha256 hash, if it has been uploaded before. If so, it is removed from the set of uploaded files. You can define this with the upload metadata. If this results in an empty set, the processing ends. ## Extract Archives If a file is a `zip` or `eml` (e-mail) file, it is extracted and its entries are added to the file set. The original (archive) file is kept in the database, but removed from further processing. ## Conversion to PDF All files are converted to a PDF file. How this is done depends on the file type. External programs are required, which must be installed on the machine running joex. The config file allows to specify the exact commands used. See the section `docspell.joex.convert` in the config file. The following config options apply to the conversion as a whole: ``` conf docspell.joex.convert { converted-filename-part = "converted" max-image-size = ${docspell.joex.extraction.ocr.max-image-size} } ``` The first setting defines a suffix that is appended to the original file name to name the converted file. You can set an empty string to keep the same filename as the original. The extension is always changed to `.pdf`, of course. The second option defines a limit for reading images. Some images may be small as a file but uncompressed very large. To avoid allocating too much memory, there is a limit. It defaults to 14mp. ### Html Html files are converted with the external tool [wkhtmltopdf](https://wkhtmltopdf.org/). It produces quite nice results by using the webkit rendering engine. So the resulting PDF looks just like in a browser. ### Images Images are converted using [tesseract](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr). This might be interesting, if you want to try a different language that is not available in docspell's settings yet. Tesseract also adds the extracted text as a separate layer to the PDF. For images, tesseract is configured to create a text and a pdf file. ### Text Plaintext files are treated as markdown. You can modify the results by providing some custom css. The resulting HTML files are then converted to PDF via `wkhtmltopdf` as described above. ### Office To convert office files, [Libreoffice](https://www.libreoffice.org/) is required and used via the command line tool [unoconv](https://github.com/unoconv/unoconv). To improve performance, it is recommended to start a libreoffice listener by running `unoconv -l` in a separate process. ### PDF PDFs can be converted into PDFs, which may sound silly at first. But PDFs come in many different flavors and may not contain a separate text layer, making it impossible to "copy & paste" text in them. So you can optionally use the tool [ocrmypdf](https://github.com/jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF) to create a PDF/A type PDF file containing a text layer with the extracted text. It is recommended to install ocrympdf, but it also is optional. If it is enabled but fails, the error is not fatal and the processing will continue using the original pdf for extracting text. You can also disable it to remove the errors from the processing logs. The `--skip-text` option is necessary to not fail on "text" pdfs (where ocr is not necessary). In this case, the pdf will be converted to PDF/A. ## Text Extraction Text extraction also depends on the file type. Some tools from the convert section are used here, too. Text is tried to extract from the original file. If that can't be done or results in an error, the converted file is tried next. ### Html Html files are not used directly, but the converted PDF file is used to extract the text. This makes sure that the text is extracted you actually see. The conversion is done anyways and the resulting PDF already has a text layer. ### Images For images, [tesseract](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr) is used again. In most cases this step is not executed, because the text has already been extracted in the conversion step. But if the conversion would have failed for some reason, tesseract is called here (with different options). ### Text This is obviously trivial :) ### Office MS Office files are processed using a library without any external tool. It uses [apache poi](https://poi.apache.org/) which is well known for these tasks. A rich text file (`.rtf`) is procssed by Java "natively" (using their standard library). OpenDocument files are proecessed using the ODS/ODT/ODF parser from tika. ### PDF PDF files are first checked for a text layer. If this returns some text that is greater than the configured minimum length, it is used. Otherwise, OCR is started for the whole pdf file page by page. ```conf docspell.joex { extraction { pdf { min-text-len = 500 } } } ``` After OCR both texts are compared and the longer is used. Since PDFs can contain text and images, it might be safer to always do OCR, but this is something to choose by the user. PDF ocr is comprised of multiple steps. At first only the first `page-range` pages are extracted to avoid too long running tasks (someone submit an ebook for example). But you can disable this limit by setting a `-1`. After all, text that is not extracted, won't be indexed either and is therefore not searchable. It depends on your machine/setup. Another limit is `max-image-size` which defines the size of an image in pixel (`width * height`) where processing is skipped. Then [ghostscript](http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) is used to extract single pages into image files and [unpaper](https://github.com/Flameeyes/unpaper) is used to optimize the images for ocr. Unpaper is optional, if it is not found, it is skipped, which may be a compromise on slow machines. ```conf docspell.joex { extraction { ocr { max-image-size = 14000000 page-range { begin = 10 } ghostscript { command { program = "gs" args = [ "-dNOPAUSE" , "-dBATCH" , "-dSAFER" , "-sDEVICE=tiffscaled8" , "-sOutputFile={{outfile}}" , "{{infile}}" ] timeout = "5 minutes" } working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-extraction" } unpaper { command { program = "unpaper" args = [ "{{infile}}", "{{outfile}}" ] timeout = "5 minutes" } } tesseract { command { program = "tesseract" args = ["{{file}}" , "stdout" , "-l" , "{{lang}}" ] timeout = "5 minutes" } } } } } ``` # Generating Previews Previews are generated from the converted PDF of every file. The first page of each file is converted into an image file. The config file allows to specify a dpi which is used to render the pdf page. The default is set to 32dpi, which results roughly in a 200x300px image. For comparison, a standard A4 is usually rendered at 96dpi, which results in a 790x1100px image. ```conf docspell.joex { extraction { preview { dpi = 32 } } } ``` {% infobubble(mode="warning", title="Please note") %} When this is changed, you must re-generate all preview images. Check the api for this, there is an endpoint to regenerate all preview images for a collective. There is also a bash script provided in the `tools/` directory that can be used to call this endpoint. {% end %} # Text Analysis This uses the extracted text to find what could be attached to the new item. There are multiple things provided. Docspell depends on the [Stanford NLP Library](https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/) for its AI features. Among other things they provide a classifier (used for guessing tags) and NER annotators. The latter is also a classifier, that associates a label to terms in a text. It finds out whether some term is probably an organization, a person etc. This is then used to find matches in your address book. When docspell finds several possible candidates for a match, it will show the first few to you. If then the first was not the correct one, it can usually be fixed by a single click, because it is among the suggestions. ## Classification If you enabled classification in the config file, a model is trained periodically from your files. This is used to guess a tag for the item for new documents. You can tell docspell how many documents it should use for training. Sometimes (when moving?), documents may change and you only like to base next guesses on the documents of last year only. This can be found in the collective settings. The admin can also limit the number of documents to train with, because it affects memory usage. ## Natural Language Processing NLP is used to find out which terms in a text may be a company or person that is then used to find metadata in your address book. It can also uses your complete address book to match terms in the text. So there are two ways: using a statistical model, terms in a text are identified as organization or person etc. This information is then used to search your address book. Second, regexp rules are derived from the address book and run against the text. By default, both are applied, where the rules are run as the last step to identify missing terms. The statistical model approach is good, i.e. for large address books. Normally, a document contains only very few organizations or person names. So it is much more efficient to check these against your address book (in contrast to the other way around). It can also find things *not* in your address book. However, it might not detect all or there are no statistical models for your language. Then the address book is used to automatically create rules that are run against the document. These statistical models are provided by [Stanford NLP](https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/) and are currently available for German, English and French. All other languages can use the rule approach. The statistcal models, however, require quite some memory – depending on the size of the models which varies between languages. English has a lower memory footprint than German, for example. If you have a very large address book, the rule approach may also use a lot memory. In the config file, you can specify different modes of operation for nlp processing as follows: - mode `full`: creates the complete nlp pipeline, requiring the most amount of memory, providing the best results. I'd recommend to run joex with a heap size of a least 1.5G (for English only, it can be lower that that). - mode `basic`: it only loads the NER tagger. This doesn't work as well as the complete pipeline, because some steps are simply skipped. But it gives quite good results and uses less memory. I'd recommend to run joex with at least 600m heap in this mode. - mode `regexonly`: this doesn't load any statistical models and is therefore very memory efficient (depending on the address book size, of course). It will use the address book to create regex rules and match them against your document. It doesn't depend on a language, so this is available for all languages. - mode = disabled: this disables nlp processing altogether Note that mode `full` and `basic` is only relevant for the languages where models are available. For all other languages, it is effectively the same as `regexonly`. The config file allows some settings. You can specify a limit for texts. Large texts result in higher memory consumption. By default, the first 10'000 characters are taken into account. Then, for the `regexonly` mode, you can restrict the number of address book entries that are used to create the rule set via `regex-ner.max-entries`. This may be useful to reduce memory footprint. The setting `clear-stanford-nlp-interval` allows to define an idle time after which the model files are cleared from memory. This allows memory to be reclaimed by the OS. The timer starts after the last file has been processed. If you can afford it, it is recommended to disable it by setting it to `0`.