#!/bin/bash # remove trailing slash if exists DOCKER_REPO=${DOCKER_REPO%/} echo "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" date echo building image \"$IMAGE_NAME\" in repository \"$DOCKER_REPO\" using dockerfile \"$DOCKERFILE_PATH\" echo image was triggered by automated build for tag \"$DOCKER_TAG\" echo " based on branch \"$SOURCE_BRANCH\" and commit \"$SOURCE_COMMIT\"" echo " commit message was \"$COMMIT_MSG\"" echo && echo && echo echo "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" # verify that version.sbt and tag match for non-snapshot (ENV variable DOCKER_VERIFY_TAG must be set to 1) if [ $DOCKER_VERIFY_TAG -eq 1 ] && [[ "$DOCKER_TAG" != *"-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then echo validating version number... VERSION=$(cat ../version.sbt | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"'|xargs) if [ "$DOCKER_TAG" != "base-v$VERSION" ]; then echo "version number mismatch (Docker/Tag: $DOCKER_TAG, Project: $VERSION), aborting!" exit 1 fi fi ./dev-build-images.sh "$DOCKER_REPO" status=$? if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then echo "#### pushing images ####" ./dev-push-images.sh "$DOCKER_REPO" fi echo && echo && date echo "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| done |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" ################################### # available variables ## SOURCE_BRANCH: the name of the branch or the tag that is currently being tested. ## SOURCE_COMMIT: the SHA1 hash of the commit being tested. ## COMMIT_MSG: the message from the commit being tested and built. ## DOCKER_REPO: the name of the Docker repository being built. ## DOCKERFILE_PATH: the dockerfile currently being built. ## DOCKER_TAG: the Docker repository tag being built. ## IMAGE_NAME: the name and tag of the Docker repository being built. (This variable is a combination of DOCKER_REPO:DOCKER_TAG.) ###################################