module Messages.Page.UserSettings exposing ( Texts , de , gb ) import Messages.Comp.ChangePasswordForm import Messages.Comp.EmailSettingsManage import Messages.Comp.ImapSettingsManage import Messages.Comp.NotificationManage import Messages.Comp.ScanMailboxManage import Messages.Comp.UiSettingsManage type alias Texts = { changePasswordForm : Messages.Comp.ChangePasswordForm.Texts , uiSettingsManage : Messages.Comp.UiSettingsManage.Texts , emailSettingsManage : Messages.Comp.EmailSettingsManage.Texts , imapSettingsManage : Messages.Comp.ImapSettingsManage.Texts , notificationManage : Messages.Comp.NotificationManage.Texts , scanMailboxManage : Messages.Comp.ScanMailboxManage.Texts , userSettings : String , uiSettings : String , notifications : String , scanMailbox : String , emailSettingSmtp : String , emailSettingImap : String , changePassword : String , uiSettingsInfo : String , notificationInfoText : String , notificationRemindDaysInfo : String , scanMailboxInfo1 : String , scanMailboxInfo2 : String } gb : Texts gb = { changePasswordForm = , uiSettingsManage = , emailSettingsManage = , imapSettingsManage = , notificationManage = , scanMailboxManage = , userSettings = "User Settings" , uiSettings = "UI Settings" , notifications = "Notifications" , scanMailbox = "Scan Mailbox" , emailSettingSmtp = "E-Mail Settings (SMTP)" , emailSettingImap = "E-Mail Settings (IMAP)" , changePassword = "Change Password" , uiSettingsInfo = "These settings only affect the web ui. They are stored in the browser, " ++ "so they are separated between browsers and devices." , notificationInfoText = """ Docspell can notify you once the due dates of your items come closer. Notification is done via e-mail. You need to provide a connection in your e-mail settings.""" , notificationRemindDaysInfo = "Docspell finds all items that are due in *Remind Days* days and sends this list via e-mail." , scanMailboxInfo1 = "Docspell can scan folders of your mailbox to import your mails. " ++ "You need to provide a connection in " ++ "your e-mail (imap) settings." , scanMailboxInfo2 = """ Docspell goes through all configured folders and imports mails matching the search criteria. Mails are skipped if they were imported in a previous run and the corresponding items still exist. After submitting a mail into docspell, you can choose to move it to another folder, to delete it or to just leave it there. In the latter case you should adjust the schedule to avoid reading over the same mails again.""" } de : Texts de = { changePasswordForm = , uiSettingsManage = , emailSettingsManage = , imapSettingsManage = , notificationManage = , scanMailboxManage = , userSettings = "Benutzereinstellung" , uiSettings = "Oberfläche" , notifications = "Benachrichtigungen" , scanMailbox = "E-Mail-Import" , emailSettingSmtp = "E-Mail-Einstellung (SMTP)" , emailSettingImap = "E-Mail-Einstellung (IMAP)" , changePassword = "Passwort ändern" , uiSettingsInfo = "Diese Einstellungen sind für die Web-Oberfläche." , notificationInfoText = """ Docspell kann eine E-Mail versenden, sobald das Fälligkeitsdatum von Dokumenten näher kommt. Dafür muss eine E-Mail-SMTP-Verbindung konfiguriert werden..""" , notificationRemindDaysInfo = "Docspell sucht Dokumente die in X Tagen fällig sind und sendet diese Liste als E-Mail." , scanMailboxInfo1 = """Docspell kann Postfächer durchsuchen und E-Mails importieren. Dafür sind E-Mail-Einstellungen (IMAP) notwendig.""" , scanMailboxInfo2 = """ Docspell durchsucht alle konfigurierten Ordner in einem Postfach nach E-Mails, die den Suchkriterien entsprechen. E-Mails werden übersprungen, falls sie im letzten Lauf schon importiert wurden (und das Dokument noch existiert). Nachdem eine E-Mail in Docspell importiert ist, kann sie gelöscht, in einen anderen Ordner verschoben werden oder sie kann unberührt belassen werden. Für den letzteren Fall ist es gut, die Kriterien so zu gestalten, dass die gleichen E-Mails möglichst nicht noch einmal eingelesen werden.""" }