+++ title = "Consume Directory" description = "A script to watch a directory for new files and upload them to docspell." weight = 20 +++ # Introduction The `consumerdir.sh` is a bash script that works in two modes: - Go through all files in given directories (recursively, if `-r` is specified) and sent each to docspell. - Watch one or more directories for new files and upload them to docspell. It can watch or go through one or more directories. Files can be uploaded to multiple urls. Run the script with the `-h` or `--help` option, to see a short help text. The help text will also show the values for any given option. The script requires `curl` for uploading. It requires the `inotifywait` command if directories should be watched for new files. Example for watching two directories: ``` bash ./tools/consumedir.sh --path ~/Downloads --path ~/pdfs -m -dv http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/upload/item/5DxhjkvWf9S-CkWqF3Kr892-WgoCspFWDo7-XBykwCyAUxQ ``` The script by default watches the given directories. If the `-o` or `--once` option is used, it will instead go through these directories and upload all files in there. Example for uploading all immediatly (the same as above only with `-o` added): ``` bash $ consumedir.sh -o --path ~/Downloads --path ~/pdfs/ -m -dv http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/upload/item/5DxhjkvWf9S-CkWqF3Kr892-WgoCspFWDo7-XBykwCyAUxQ ``` The URL can be any docspell url that accepts uploads without authentication. This is usually a [source url](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#anonymous-upload). It is also possible to use the script with the [integration endpoint](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#integration-endpoint). ## Integration Endpoint When given the `-i` or `--integration` option, the script changes its behaviour slightly to work with the [integration endpoint](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#integration-endpoint). First, if `-i` is given, it implies `-r` – so the directories are watched or traversed recursively. The script then assumes that there is a subfolder with the collective name. Files must not be placed directly into a folder given by `-p`, but below a sub-directory that matches a collective name. In order to know for which collective the file is, the script uses the first subfolder. If the endpoint is protected, these credentials can be specified as arguments `--iuser` and `--iheader`, respectively. The format is for both `<name>:<value>`, so the username cannot contain a colon character (but the password can). Example: ``` bash $ consumedir.sh -i -iheader 'Docspell-Integration:test123' -m -p ~/Downloads/ http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/integration/item ``` The url is the integration endpoint url without the collective, as this is amended by the script. This watches the folder `~/Downloads`. If a file is placed in this folder directly, say `~/Downloads/test.pdf` the upload will fail, because the collective cannot be determined. Create a subfolder below `~/Downloads` with the name of a collective, for example `~/Downloads/family` and place files somewhere below this `family` subfolder, like `~/Downloads/family/test.pdf`. ## Duplicates With the `-m` option, the script will not upload files that already exist at docspell. For this the `sha256sum` command is required. So you can move and rename files in those folders without worring about duplicates. This allows to keep your files organized using the file-system and have them mirrored into docspell as well. # Systemd The script can be used with systemd to run as a service. This is an example unit file: ``` systemd [Unit] After=networking.target Description=Docspell Consumedir [Service] Environment="PATH=/set/a/path" ExecStart=/bin/su -s /bin/bash someuser -c "consumedir.sh --path '/a/path/' -m 'http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/upload/item/5DxhjkvWf9S-CkWqF3Kr892-WgoCspFWDo7-XBykwCyAUxQ'" ``` This unit file is just an example, it needs some fiddling. It assumes an existing user `someuser` that is used to run this service. The url `http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/upload/...` is an anonymous upload url as described [here](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#anonymous-upload). # Docker The provided docker image runs this script to watch a single directory, `./docs` in current directory, for new files. If a new file is detected, it is pushed to docspell. This utilizes the [integration endpoint](@/docs/webapp/uploading.md#integration-endpoint), which is enabled in the config file, to allow uploading documents for all collectives. A subfolder must be created for each registered collective. The docker containers are configured to use http-header protection for the integration endpoint. This requires you to provide a secret, that is shared between the rest-server and the `consumedir.sh` script. This can be done by defining an environment variable which gets picked up by the containers defined in `docker-compose.yml`: ``` bash export DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE="my-secret" docker-compose up ``` Now you can create a folder `./docs/<collective-name>` and place all files in there that you want to import. Once dropped in this folder the `consumedir` container will push it to docspell.