#!/usr/bin/env bash # allows to start small - but affects also tags and correspondents, so they might be missing when linking them! # LIMIT=LIMIT 150 echo "##################### START #####################" echo " Docspell - Import from Paperless v '0.2 beta'" echo " by totti4ever" && echo echo " $(date)" echo echo "#################################################" echo && echo jq --version > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "please install 'jq'" exit -4 fi ds_url=$1 ds_user=$2 ds_password=$3 db_path=$4 file_path=$5 if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then echo "FATAL Exactly five parameters needed" exit -3 elif [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$2" == "" ] || [ "$3" == "" ] || [ "$4" == "" ] || [ "$5" == "" ]; then echo "FATAL Parameter missing" echo " ds_url: $ds_url" echo " ds_user: $ds_user" echo " ds_password: $ds_password" echo " db_path: $db_path" echo " file_path: $file_path" exit -2 fi # the tables we need modes=("documents_correspondent" "documents_document" "documents_tag" "documents_document_tags") # the columns per table we need declare -A columns #documents_document: id, title, content, created, modified, added, correspondent_id, file_type, checksum, storage_type, filename columns[documents_document]="id, title, datetime(created,'localtime') as created, added, correspondent_id, file_type, filename" #documents_correspondent: id, name, match, matching_algorithm, is_insensitive, slug columns[documents_correspondent]="id, name" #documents_tag: id, name, colour, match, matching_algorithm, is_insensitive, slug columns[documents_tag]="id, name" #documents_document_tags: id, document_id, tag_id columns[documents_document_tags]="document_id, tag_id" declare -A document2orga declare -A corr2name declare -A tag2name declare -A doc2name declare -A pl2ds_id ############# FUCNTIONS function curl_call() { curl_cmd="$1 -H 'X-Docspell-Auth: $ds_token'" curl_result=$(eval $curl_cmd) if [ "$curl_result" == '"Authentication failed."' ]; then printf "\nNew login required... " login printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " .." curl_call $1 elif [ "$curl_result" == "Bad Gateway" ] || [ "$curl_result" == '404 page not found' ]; then echo "FATAL Connection to server failed" exit -1 fi } function login() { curl_call "curl -s -X POST -d '{\"account\": \"$ds_user\", \"password\": \"$ds_password\"}' ${ds_url}/api/v1/open/auth/login" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then ds_token=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".token") echo "Login successfull ( Token: $ds_token )" else echo "FATAL Login not succesfull" exit 1 fi } ############# END # login, get token login # go through modes for mode in "${modes[@]}"; do echo && echo "### $mode ###" OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' tmp_resultset=(`sqlite3 -header $db_path "select ${columns[$mode]} from $mode order by 1 $LIMIT;"`) tmp_headers=($(echo "${tmp_resultset[0]}" | tr '|' '\n')) len_resultset=${#tmp_resultset[@]} # go through resultset for ((i=1;i<$len_resultset;i++)); do # split result into array tmp_result=($(echo "${tmp_resultset[$i]}" | tr '|' '\n')) # process single result array len_result=${#tmp_result[@]} # write array to named array declare -A tmp_result_arr for ((j=0;j<$len_result;j++)); do tmp_header=${tmp_headers[$j]} tmp_result_arr[$tmp_header]=${tmp_result[$j]} done printf "%${#len_resultset}s" "$i"; printf "/$((len_resultset-1)) " # CORRESPONDENTS if [ "$mode" == "documents_correspondent" ]; then echo "\"${tmp_result_arr[name]}\" [id: ${tmp_result_arr[id]}]" printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " curl_call "curl -s -X POST '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/organization' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":\"\",\"name\":\"${tmp_result_arr[name]}\",\"address\":{\"street\":\"\",\"zip\":\"\",\"city\":\"\",\"country\":\"\"},\"contacts\":[],\"created\":0}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo "Organization successfully created from correspondent" elif [ "$(echo $curl_result | jq -r '.message')" == "Adding failed, because the entity already exists." ]; then echo "Organization already exists, nothing to do" else echo "FATAL Error during creation of organization: $(echo $curl_result | jq -r '.message')" exit 2 fi echo # paperless id to name for later purposes corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]=${tmp_result_arr[name]} # DOCUMENTS elif [ "$mode" == "documents_document" ]; then echo "\"${tmp_result_arr[filename]}\" [id: ${tmp_result_arr[id]}]" printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " doc2name[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]=${tmp_result_arr[filename]} tmp_filepath=$file_path/${tmp_result_arr[filename]} if [ ! -f "$tmp_filepath" ]; then echo "FATAL no access to file: $tmp_filepath" exit 3 fi # check for checksum tmp_checksum=$(sha256sum "$tmp_filepath" | awk '{print $1}') curl_call "curl -s -X GET '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/checkfile/$tmp_checksum'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".exists") # upload if not existent if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "$curl_status" == "false" ]; then echo -n "File does not exist, uploading... " curl_call "curl -s -X POST '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/upload/item' -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F 'file=@$tmp_filepath;type=application/${tmp_result_arr[file_type]}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo "done" else echo "FATAL upload failed" exit 4 fi else echo "File already exists, nothing to upload" fi # link orga to document printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " printf "Waiting for document to link organization \"${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}\" .." count=0 countMax=10 while [ $count -le $countMax ]; do # get Docspell id of document curl_call "curl -s -X GET '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/checkfile/$tmp_checksum'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".exists") res=$? if [ $res -eq 0 ] && [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".items[0].id") # paperless id to docspell id for later use pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]=$curl_status if [ ! "${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]}" == "" ] && [ ! "${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}" == "" ]; then count2=0 count2Max=5 while [ $count2 -le $count2Max ]; do curl_call "curl -s -X GET '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/organization' -G --data-urlencode 'q=${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}'" # Search for exact match of paperless correspondent in docspell organizations curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".items[] | select(.name==\"${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}\") | .name") if [ "$curl_status" == "${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}" ]; then curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".items[] | select(.name==\"${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]}\") | .id") # Set actual link to document curl_call "curl -s -X PUT '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/item/${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]}/corrOrg' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":\"$curl_status\"}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo ". done" else echo "FATAL Failed to link orga \"${tmp_result_arr[orga_id]}\" (doc_id: ${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]})" exit 5 fi # Set name of document printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " curl_call "curl -s -X PUT '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/item/${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]}/name' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"text\":\"${tmp_result_arr[title]}\"}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo "Set name of item: \"${tmp_result_arr[title]}\"" else echo "FATAL Failed to set item's name \"${tmp_result_arr[title]}\" (doc_id: ${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]})" exit 5 fi # Set created date of document printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " tmp_date=${tmp_result_arr[created]:0:10} curl_call "curl -s -X PUT '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/item/${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]}/date' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"date\":$( echo "$(date -d "$tmp_date" +%s) * 1000" | bc )}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo "Set creation date of item: \"$tmp_date\"" else echo "FATAL Failed to set item's creation date \"$tmp_date\" (doc_id: ${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]})" exit 5 fi break elif [ $count2 -ge $count2Max ]; then echo "FATAL Upload failed (or processing too slow)" exit 6 # FIXME I think, the loop is not needed here - organizations seem to be there immediately else printf "." fi sleep $(( count2*count2 )) ((count2++)) done else echo "Something went wrong, no information on doc_id and/or org_id (${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]} // ${corr2name[${tmp_result_arr[correspondent_id]}]})" fi break elif [ $res -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "FATAL Error:\n Err-Code: $? / $res\n Command: $curl_cmd\n Result: $curl_result\n Status: $curl_status" exit 7 elif [ $count -ge $countMax ]; then echo "FATAL Upload failed (or processing too slow)" exit 8 else printf "." fi sleep $(( count * count )) ((count++)) done echo # TAGS elif [ "$mode" == "documents_tag" ]; then echo "\"${tmp_result_arr[name]}\" [id: ${tmp_result_arr[id]}]" printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " # paperless tag id to name for later use tag2name[${tmp_result_arr[id]}]=${tmp_result_arr[name]} curl_call "curl -s -X POST '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/tag' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":\"ignored\",\"name\":\"${tmp_result_arr[name]}\",\"category\":\"imported (pl)\",\"created\":0}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo "Tag successfully created" elif [ "$(echo $curl_result | jq -r '.message')" == "A tag '${tmp_result_arr[name]}' already exists" ]; then echo "Tag already exists, nothing to do" else echo "FATAL Error during creation of tag: $(echo $curl_result | jq -r '.message')" exit 9 fi # TAGS 2 DOCUMENTS elif [ "$mode" == "documents_document_tags" ]; then echo "Tag \"${tag2name[${tmp_result_arr[tag_id]}]}\" (id: ${tmp_result_arr[tag_id]}) for \"${doc2name[${tmp_result_arr[document_id]}]}\" (id: ${tmp_result_arr[document_id]})" printf "%${#len_resultset}s" " "; printf " " #link tags to documents curl_call "curl -s -X PUT '$ds_url/api/v1/sec/item/${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[document_id]}]}/taglink' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"items\":[\"${tag2name[${tmp_result_arr[tag_id]}]}\"]}'" curl_status=$(echo $curl_result | jq -r ".success") if [ "$curl_status" == "true" ]; then echo '...applied' else echo "Failed to link tag \"${tmp_result_arr[tag_id]}\" (doc_id: ${pl2ds_id[${tmp_result_arr[document_id]}]})" fi fi done done echo ################# DONE ################# date