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module Comp.YesNoDimmer exposing
( Model
, Msg(..)
, Settings
, activate
, defaultSettings
, disable
, emptyModel
, update
, view
, view2
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
type alias Model =
{ active : Bool
emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =
{ active = False
type Msg
= Activate
| Disable
| ConfirmDelete
type alias Settings =
{ message : String
, headerIcon : String
, headerClass : String
, confirmButton : String
, cancelButton : String
, invertedDimmer : Bool
defaultSettings : Settings
defaultSettings =
{ message = "Delete this item permanently?"
, headerIcon = "exclamation icon"
, headerClass = "ui inverted icon header"
, confirmButton = "Yes, do it!"
, cancelButton = "No"
, invertedDimmer = False
activate : Msg
activate =
disable : Msg
disable =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Bool )
update msg model =
case msg of
Activate ->
( { model | active = True }, False )
Disable ->
( { model | active = False }, False )
ConfirmDelete ->
( { model | active = False }, True )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
view2 True defaultSettings model
view2 : Bool -> Settings -> Model -> Html Msg
view2 active settings model =
[ classList
[ ( "ui dimmer", True )
, ( "inverted", settings.invertedDimmer )
, ( "active", active && model.active )
[ div [ class "content" ]
[ h3 [ class settings.headerClass ]
[ if settings.headerIcon == "" then
span [] []
i [ class settings.headerIcon ] []
, text settings.message
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "ui buttons" ]
[ a [ class "ui primary button", onClick ConfirmDelete, href "" ]
[ text settings.confirmButton
, div [ class "or" ] []
, a [ class "ui secondary button", onClick Disable, href "" ]
[ text settings.cancelButton