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module Page.NewInvite.View exposing (view)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit)
import Page.NewInvite.Data exposing (..)
view : Flags -> Model -> Html Msg
view flags model =
div [ class "newinvite-page" ]
[ div [ class "ui centered grid" ]
[ div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "eight wide column ui segment newinvite-view" ]
[ h1 [ class "ui cener aligned icon header" ]
[ img
[ class "ui image"
, src (flags.config.docspellAssetPath ++ "/img/logo-96.png")
, div [ class "content" ]
[ text "Create new invitations"
, inviteMessage flags
, Html.form
[ classList
[ ( "ui large form raised segment", True )
, ( "error", isFailed model.result )
, ( "success", isSuccess model.result )
, onSubmit GenerateInvite
[ div [ class "required field" ]
[ label [] [ text "New Invitation Password" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon input" ]
[ input
[ type_ "password"
, onInput SetPassword
, value model.password
, autofocus True
, i [ class "key icon" ] []
, button
[ class "ui primary button"
, type_ "submit"
[ text "Submit"
, a [ class "ui right floated button", href "", onClick Reset ]
[ text "Reset"
, resultMessage model
resultMessage : Model -> Html Msg
resultMessage model =
[ classList
[ ( "ui message", True )
, ( "error", isFailed model.result )
, ( "success", isSuccess model.result )
, ( "hidden", model.result == Empty )
[ case model.result of
Failed m ->
div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "header" ] [ text "Error" ]
, p [] [ text m ]
Success r ->
div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "header" ] [ text "Success" ]
, p [] [ text r.message ]
, p [] [ text "Invitation Key:" ]
, pre []
[ Maybe.withDefault "" r.key |> text
Empty ->
span [] []
inviteMessage : Flags -> Html Msg
inviteMessage flags =
[ classList
[ ( "ui message", True )
, ( "hidden", flags.config.signupMode /= "invite" )
[ p []
[ text
"""Docspell requires an invite when signing up. You can
create these invites here and send them to friends so
they can signup with docspell."""
, p []
[ text
"""Each invite can only be used once. You'll need to
create one key for each person you want to invite."""
, p []
[ text
"""Creating an invite requires providing the password
from the configuration."""