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module Page.Register.View exposing (view)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit)
import Page exposing (Page(..))
import Page.Register.Data exposing (..)
view : Flags -> Model -> Html Msg
view flags model =
div [ class "register-page" ]
[ div [ class "ui centered grid" ]
[ div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "six wide column ui segment register-view" ]
[ h1 [ class "ui cener aligned icon header" ]
[ img
[ class "ui image"
, src (flags.config.docspellAssetPath ++ "/img/logo-96.png")
, div [ class "content" ]
[ text "Sign up @ Docspell"
, Html.form
[ class "ui large error form raised segment"
, onSubmit RegisterSubmit
, autocomplete False
[ div [ class "required field" ]
[ label [] [ text "Collective ID" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon input" ]
[ input
[ type_ "text"
, autocomplete False
, onInput SetCollId
, value model.collId
, autofocus True
, i [ class "users icon" ] []
, div [ class "required field" ]
[ label [] [ text "User Login" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon input" ]
[ input
[ type_ "text"
, autocomplete False
, onInput SetLogin
, value model.login
, i [ class "user icon" ] []
, div
[ class "required field"
[ label [] [ text "Password" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon action input" ]
[ input
[ type_ <|
if model.showPass1 then
, autocomplete False
, onInput SetPass1
, value model.pass1
, i [ class "lock icon" ] []
, button [ class "ui icon button", onClick ToggleShowPass1 ]
[ i [ class "eye icon" ] []
, div
[ class "required field"
[ label [] [ text "Password (repeat)" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon action input" ]
[ input
[ type_ <|
if model.showPass2 then
, autocomplete False
, onInput SetPass2
, value model.pass2
, i [ class "lock icon" ] []
, button [ class "ui icon button", onClick ToggleShowPass2 ]
[ i [ class "eye icon" ] []
, div
[ classList
[ ( "field", True )
, ( "invisible", flags.config.signupMode /= "invite" )
[ label [] [ text "Invitation Key" ]
, div [ class "ui left icon input" ]
[ input
[ type_ "text"
, autocomplete False
, onInput SetInvite
, model.invite |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> value
, i [ class "key icon" ] []
, button
[ class "ui primary button"
, type_ "submit"
[ text "Submit"
, resultMessage model
, div [ class "ui very basic right aligned segment" ]
[ text "Already signed up? "
, a [ class "ui link", Page.href (LoginPage Nothing) ]
[ i [ class "sign-in icon" ] []
, text "Sign in"
resultMessage : Model -> Html Msg
resultMessage model =
case model.result of
Just r ->
if r.success then
div [ class "ui success message" ]
[ text "Registration successful."
div [ class "ui error message" ]
[ text r.message
Nothing ->
if List.isEmpty model.errorMsg then
span [ class "invisible" ] []
div [ class "ui error message" ]
(List.map (\s -> div [] [ text s ]) model.errorMsg)