Eike Kettner 59dfae6a49 Introduce fomantic-ui, replacing semantic-ui
Replaced semantic-ui with the drop-in replacement fomantic-ui [0]
which is a maintained fork. The fomantic-ui used here is a custom
build [1] of the less-version _without_ google-fonts (css-only). The
javascript part of fomantic-ui is not used, and also jquery could be
dropped now.

[0] https://fomantic-ui.com
[1] https://github.com/eikek/fomantic-slim-default

Issue: #349
2020-11-05 22:44:10 +01:00

224 lines
7.2 KiB

module Page.Upload.View exposing (view)
import Comp.Dropzone
import Comp.Progress
import Dict
import File exposing (File)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onClick)
import Page exposing (Page(..))
import Page.Upload.Data exposing (..)
import Util.File exposing (makeFileId)
import Util.Maybe
import Util.Size
view : Maybe String -> Model -> Html Msg
view mid model =
div [ class "upload-page ui grid container" ]
[ div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "sixteen wide column" ]
[ div [ class "ui top attached segment" ]
[ renderForm model
, Html.map DropzoneMsg (Comp.Dropzone.view model.dropzone)
, div [ class "ui bottom attached segment" ]
[ a [ class "ui primary button", href "", onClick SubmitUpload ]
[ text "Submit"
, a [ class "ui secondary button", href "", onClick Clear ]
[ text "Reset"
, if isDone model && hasErrors model then
renderErrorMsg model
span [ class "invisible" ] []
, if List.isEmpty model.files then
span [] []
else if isSuccessAll model then
renderSuccessMsg (Util.Maybe.nonEmpty mid) model
renderUploads model
renderErrorMsg : Model -> Html Msg
renderErrorMsg _ =
div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "sixteen wide column" ]
[ div [ class "ui large error message" ]
[ h3 [ class "ui header" ]
[ i [ class "meh outline icon" ] []
, text "Some files failed to upload"
, text "There were errors uploading some files."
renderSuccessMsg : Bool -> Model -> Html Msg
renderSuccessMsg public _ =
div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "sixteen wide column" ]
[ div [ class "ui large success message" ]
[ h3 [ class "ui header" ]
[ i [ class "smile outline icon" ] []
, text "All files uploaded"
, if public then
p [] []
p []
[ text "Your files have been successfully uploaded. They are now being processed. Check the "
, a [ class "ui link", Page.href HomePage ]
[ text "Items page"
, text " later where the files will arrive eventually. Or go to the "
, a [ class "ui link", Page.href QueuePage ]
[ text "Processing Page"
, text " to view the current processing state."
, p []
[ text "Click "
, a [ class "ui link", href "", onClick Clear ]
[ text "Reset"
, text " to upload more files."
renderUploads : Model -> Html Msg
renderUploads model =
div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ class "sixteen wide column" ]
[ div [ class "ui basic segment" ]
[ h2 [ class "ui header" ]
[ text "Selected Files"
, div [ class "ui items" ] <|
if model.singleItem then
List.map (renderFileItem model (Just uploadAllTracker)) model.files
List.map (renderFileItem model Nothing) model.files
getProgress : Model -> File -> Int
getProgress model file =
key =
if model.singleItem then
makeFileId file
Dict.get key model.loading
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
renderFileItem : Model -> Maybe String -> File -> Html Msg
renderFileItem model mtracker file =
name =
File.name file
size =
File.size file
|> toFloat
|> Util.Size.bytesReadable Util.Size.B
div [ class "item" ]
[ i
[ classList
[ ( "large", True )
, ( "file outline icon", isIdle model file )
, ( "loading spinner icon", isLoading model file )
, ( "green check icon", isCompleted model file )
, ( "red bolt icon", isError model file )
, div [ class "middle aligned content" ]
[ div [ class "header" ]
[ text name
, div [ class "right floated meta" ]
[ text size
, div [ class "description" ]
[ Comp.Progress.smallIndicating (getProgress model file)
renderForm : Model -> Html Msg
renderForm model =
div [ class "row" ]
[ Html.form [ class "ui form" ]
[ div [ class "grouped fields" ]
[ div [ class "field" ]
[ div [ class "ui radio checkbox" ]
[ input
[ type_ "radio"
, checked model.incoming
, onCheck (\_ -> ToggleIncoming)
, label [] [ text "Incoming" ]
, div [ class "field" ]
[ div [ class "ui radio checkbox" ]
[ input
[ type_ "radio"
, checked (not model.incoming)
, onCheck (\_ -> ToggleIncoming)
, label [] [ text "Outgoing" ]
, div [ class "inline field" ]
[ div [ class "ui checkbox" ]
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, checked model.singleItem
, onCheck (\_ -> ToggleSingleItem)
, label [] [ text "All files are one single item" ]
, div [ class "inline field" ]
[ div [ class "ui checkbox" ]
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, checked model.skipDuplicates
, onCheck (\_ -> ToggleSkipDuplicates)
, label [] [ text "Skip files already present in docspell" ]