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module Main exposing (..)
import Browser exposing (Document)
import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key)
import Demo
import ExtraAttr exposing (..)
import Feature exposing (Feature)
import GetStarted
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Icons
import Random
import Random.List
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
--- Model
type alias Flags =
{ version : String
type alias Model =
{ navbarOpen : Bool
, features : List Feature
, flags : Flags
type Msg
= ToggleNavbarMenu
| ShuffleFeatures
| ListShuffled (List Feature)
--- Init
viewFeatureCount : Int
viewFeatureCount =
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( { navbarOpen = False
, features = List.take viewFeatureCount Feature.features
, flags = flags
, Cmd.none
shuffleFeatures : Cmd Msg
shuffleFeatures =
Random.List.shuffle Feature.features
|> Random.map (List.take viewFeatureCount)
|> Random.generate ListShuffled
--- Update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ToggleNavbarMenu ->
( { model | navbarOpen = not model.navbarOpen }
, Cmd.none
ShuffleFeatures ->
( model, shuffleFeatures )
ListShuffled lf ->
( { model | features = lf }
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
--- View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
node "body"
[ mainHero model
, demoHero
, section [ class "section" ]
[ div [ class "container" ]
[ Demo.demo Demo.processDemo
, Demo.demo Demo.navigateDemo
, featureHero model
, section [ class "section" ]
[ div [ class "container" ]
(List.indexedMap Feature.featureBox model.features
++ [ div [ class "columns box" ]
[ div [ class "column is-full" ]
[ div [ class "content has-text-centered is-medium" ]
[ text "A more complete list can be found in "
, a [ href "/docs/features" ] [ text "here" ]
, text "."
, getStartedHero model
, div [ class "section" ]
(GetStarted.getStarted model.flags.version)
, footHero model
footHero : Model -> Html Msg
footHero model =
[ id "footer"
, class "footer"
[ div [ class "has-text-centered" ]
[ span []
[ text ("Docspell, " ++ model.flags.version)
, span [ class "pr-1 pl-1" ]
[ text " • "
, a
[ href "https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later.html"
, target "_blank"
[ text "GPLv3+"
, span [ class "pr-1 pl-1" ]
[ text " • "
, a
[ href "https://github.com/eikek/docspell"
, target "_blank"
[ text "Source Code"
, span [ class "pr-1 pl-1" ]
[ text " • "
, span []
[ text "© 2020 "
, a
[ href "https://github.com/eikek"
, target "_blank"
[ text "@eikek"
getStartedHero : Model -> Html Msg
getStartedHero _ =
[ id "get-started"
, class "hero is-primary is-bold"
[ div [ class "hero-body" ]
[ div [ class "container" ]
[ h2 [ class "title" ]
[ text "Get Started"
demoHero : Html msg
demoHero =
[ id "demos"
, class "hero is-info is-bold"
[ div
[ class "hero-body"
[ div [ class "container" ]
[ h2 [ class "title" ]
[ text "Screencasts"
featureHero : Model -> Html Msg
featureHero model =
[ id "feature-selection"
, class "hero is-info is-bold"
[ div
[ class "hero-body"
[ div [ class "container" ]
[ h2 [ class "title" ]
[ text "Feature Selection"
mainHero : Model -> Html Msg
mainHero model =
[ id "hero-main"
, class "hero is-fullheight is-primary"
[ div [ class "hero-head" ]
[ nav [ class "navbar" ]
[ div [ class "navbar-brand" ]
[ a
[ class "navbar-item"
, href "/"
[ span [ class "icon is-large" ]
[ Icons.logo
, text "Docspell"
, a
[ role "button"
, onClick ToggleNavbarMenu
, classList
[ ( "navbar-burger", True )
, ( "is-active", model.navbarOpen )
, ariaLabel "menu"
, ariaExpanded False
[ span [ ariaHidden True ] []
, span [ ariaHidden True ] []
, span [ ariaHidden True ] []
, div
[ classList
[ ( "navbar-menu", True )
, ( "is-active", model.navbarOpen )
[ div [ class "navbar-start" ]
[ a
[ href "docs/"
, class "navbar-item"
[ span [ class "icon" ]
[ Icons.docs
, span []
[ text "Documentation"
, a
[ target "_blank"
, href "https://github.com/eikek/docspell"
, class "navbar-item"
[ span [ class "icon" ]
[ Icons.github
, span []
[ text "Github"
, div [ class "hero-body" ]
[ div
[ class "container has-text-centered"
[ Icons.logoWidth 112
, h1 [ class "title main-title is-2" ]
[ text "Docspell"
, h2 [ class "subtitle is-3" ]
[ text "Simple document organizer"
, p [ class "content is-medium narrow-center" ]
[ text "Docspell assists in organizing your piles of "
, text "digital documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails "
, text "and other sources with miminal effort."
, div [ class " buttons is-centered" ]
[ a
[ class "button is-info is-medium"
, href "#demos"
[ text "Screencasts"
, a
[ class "button is-info is-medium"
, href "#feature-selection"
[ text "Features"
, a
[ class "button is-primary is-medium"
, href "#get-started"
[ text "Get Started"
, div [ class "hero-foot" ]
[ span [ class "unsplash-credit" ]
[ text "Photo by "
, a
[ href "https://unsplash.com/@numericcitizen"
, target "_blank"
[ text "JF Martin"