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synced 2025-03-28 17:55:06 +00:00
Replaced semantic-ui with the drop-in replacement fomantic-ui [0] which is a maintained fork. The fomantic-ui used here is a custom build [1] of the less-version _without_ google-fonts (css-only). The javascript part of fomantic-ui is not used, and also jquery could be dropped now. [0] https://fomantic-ui.com [1] https://github.com/eikek/fomantic-slim-default Issue: #349
283 lines
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283 lines
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module Page.Queue.View exposing (view)
import Api.Model.JobDetail exposing (JobDetail)
import Api.Model.JobLogEvent exposing (JobLogEvent)
import Comp.Progress
import Comp.YesNoDimmer
import Data.Priority
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Page.Queue.Data exposing (..)
import Util.Time exposing (formatDateTime, formatIsoDateTime)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ class "queue-page ui grid container" ] <|
[ case model.showLog of
Just job ->
[ renderJobLog job ]
Nothing ->
List.map (renderProgressCard model) model.state.progress
|> List.map (\el -> div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "column" ] [ el ] ])
, [ div [ class "two column row" ]
[ renderWaiting model
, renderCompleted model
renderJobLog : JobDetail -> Html Msg
renderJobLog job =
div [ class "ui fluid card" ]
[ div [ class "content" ]
[ i [ class "delete link icon", onClick QuitShowLog ] []
, text job.name
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "job-log" ]
(List.map renderLogLine job.logs)
renderWaiting : Model -> Html Msg
renderWaiting model =
div [ class "column" ]
[ div [ class "ui center aligned basic segment" ]
[ i [ class "ui large angle double up icon" ] []
, div [ class "ui centered cards" ]
(List.map (renderInfoCard model) model.state.queued)
renderCompleted : Model -> Html Msg
renderCompleted model =
div [ class "column" ]
[ div [ class "ui center aligned basic segment" ]
[ i [ class "ui large angle double down icon" ] []
, div [ class "ui centered cards" ]
(List.map (renderInfoCard model) model.state.completed)
renderProgressCard : Model -> JobDetail -> Html Msg
renderProgressCard model job =
div [ class "ui fluid card" ]
[ Comp.Progress.topAttachedIndicating job.progress
, Html.map (DimmerMsg job) (Comp.YesNoDimmer.view2 (model.cancelJobRequest == Just job.id) dimmerSettings model.deleteConfirm)
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "right floated meta" ]
[ div [ class "ui label" ]
[ text job.state
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ Maybe.withDefault "" job.worker |> text
, div [ class "ui basic label" ]
[ i [ class "clock icon" ] []
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ getDuration model job |> Maybe.withDefault "-:-" |> text
, i [ class "asterisk loading icon" ] []
, text job.name
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "job-log" ]
(List.map renderLogLine job.logs)
, div [ class "meta" ]
[ div [ class "right floated" ]
[ button [ class "ui button", onClick (RequestCancelJob job) ]
[ text "Cancel"
renderLogLine : JobLogEvent -> Html Msg
renderLogLine log =
span [ class (String.toLower log.level) ]
[ formatIsoDateTime log.time |> text
, text ": "
, text log.message
, br [] []
isFinal : JobDetail -> Bool
isFinal job =
case job.state of
"failed" ->
"success" ->
"cancelled" ->
_ ->
dimmerSettings : Comp.YesNoDimmer.Settings
dimmerSettings =
defaults =
{ defaults | headerClass = "ui inverted header", headerIcon = "", message = "Cancel/Delete this job?" }
renderInfoCard : Model -> JobDetail -> Html Msg
renderInfoCard model job =
prio =
Data.Priority.fromString job.priority
|> Maybe.withDefault Data.Priority.Low
[ classList
[ ( "ui fluid card", True )
, ( jobStateColor job, True )
[ Html.map (DimmerMsg job) (Comp.YesNoDimmer.view2 (model.cancelJobRequest == Just job.id) dimmerSettings model.deleteConfirm)
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "right floated" ]
[ if isFinal job || job.state == "stuck" then
span [ onClick (ShowLog job) ]
[ i [ class "file link icon", title "Show log" ] []
span [] []
, i [ class "delete link icon", title "Remove", onClick (RequestCancelJob job) ] []
, if isFinal job then
span [ class "invisible" ] []
div [ class "right floated" ]
[ div [ class "meta" ]
[ getDuration model job |> Maybe.withDefault "-:-" |> text
, i
[ classList
[ ( "check icon", job.state == "success" )
, ( "redo icon", job.state == "stuck" )
, ( "bolt icon", job.state == "failed" )
, ( "meh outline icon", job.state == "canceled" )
, ( "cog icon", not (isFinal job) && job.state /= "stuck" )
, text job.name
, div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "right floated" ]
[ if isFinal job then
div [ class ("ui basic label " ++ jobStateColor job) ]
[ i [ class "clock icon" ] []
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ getDuration model job |> Maybe.withDefault "-:-" |> text
span [ class "invisible" ] []
, div [ class ("ui basic label " ++ jobStateColor job) ]
[ text "Retries"
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ job.retries |> String.fromInt |> text
, case job.state of
"waiting" ->
[ class ("ui basic label " ++ jobStateColor job)
, onClick (ChangePrio job.id (Data.Priority.next prio))
, href "#"
, title "Change priority of this job"
[ i [ class "sort numeric up icon" ] []
, text "Prio"
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ code []
[ Data.Priority.fromString job.priority
|> Maybe.map Data.Priority.toName
|> Maybe.withDefault job.priority
|> text
_ ->
[ class ("ui basic label " ++ jobStateColor job)
[ text "Prio"
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ code []
[ Data.Priority.fromString job.priority
|> Maybe.map Data.Priority.toName
|> Maybe.withDefault job.priority
|> text
, jobStateLabel job
, div [ class "ui basic label" ]
[ Util.Time.formatDateTime job.submitted |> text
jobStateColor : JobDetail -> String
jobStateColor job =
case job.state of
"success" ->
"failed" ->
"canceled" ->
"stuck" ->
"scheduled" ->
"waiting" ->
_ ->
jobStateLabel : JobDetail -> Html Msg
jobStateLabel job =
col =
jobStateColor job
div [ class ("ui label " ++ col) ]
[ text job.state