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synced 2025-03-05 16:13:26 +00:00
Features: - Upload PDF files let them analyze - Manage meta data and items - See processing in webapp
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module Comp.EquipmentTable exposing ( Model
, emptyModel
, Msg(..)
, view
, update)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Api.Model.Equipment exposing (Equipment)
type alias Model =
{ equips: List Equipment
, selected: Maybe Equipment
emptyModel: Model
emptyModel =
{ equips = []
, selected = Nothing
type Msg
= SetEquipments (List Equipment)
| Select Equipment
| Deselect
update: Flags -> Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update flags msg model =
case msg of
SetEquipments list ->
({model | equips = list, selected = Nothing }, Cmd.none)
Select equip ->
({model | selected = Just equip}, Cmd.none)
Deselect ->
({model | selected = Nothing}, Cmd.none)
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
table [class "ui selectable table"]
[thead []
[tr []
[th [][text "Name"]
,tbody []
(List.map (renderEquipmentLine model) model.equips)
renderEquipmentLine: Model -> Equipment -> Html Msg
renderEquipmentLine model equip =
tr [classList [("active", model.selected == Just equip)]
,onClick (Select equip)
[td []
[text equip.name