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synced 2025-01-26 00:18:26 +00:00
Features: - Upload PDF files let them analyze - Manage meta data and items - See processing in webapp
151 lines
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151 lines
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module Comp.UserForm exposing ( Model
, emptyModel
, Msg(..)
, view
, update
, isValid
, isNewUser
, getUser)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onCheck)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Data.UserState exposing (UserState)
import Api.Model.User exposing (User)
import Util.Maybe
import Comp.Dropdown
type alias Model =
{ user: User
, login: String
, email: Maybe String
, state: Comp.Dropdown.Model UserState
, password: Maybe String
emptyModel: Model
emptyModel =
{ user = Api.Model.User.empty
, login = ""
, email = Nothing
, password = Nothing
, state = Comp.Dropdown.makeSingleList
{ makeOption = \s -> { value = Data.UserState.toString s, text = Data.UserState.toString s }
, placeholder = ""
, options = Data.UserState.all
, selected = List.head Data.UserState.all
isValid: Model -> Bool
isValid model =
if model.user.login == "" then
model.login /= "" && Util.Maybe.nonEmpty model.password
isNewUser: Model -> Bool
isNewUser model =
model.user.login == ""
getUser: Model -> User
getUser model =
s = model.user
state = Comp.Dropdown.getSelected model.state
|> List.head
|> Maybe.withDefault Data.UserState.Active
|> Data.UserState.toString
{s | login = model.login
, email = model.email
, state = state
, password = model.password
type Msg
= SetLogin String
| SetUser User
| SetEmail String
| StateMsg (Comp.Dropdown.Msg UserState)
| SetPassword String
update: Flags -> Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update flags msg model =
case msg of
SetUser t ->
state = Comp.Dropdown.makeSingleList
{ makeOption = \s -> { value = Data.UserState.toString s, text = Data.UserState.toString s }
, placeholder = ""
, options = Data.UserState.all
, selected = Data.UserState.fromString t.state
|> Maybe.map (\u -> List.filter ((==) u) Data.UserState.all)
|> Maybe.andThen List.head
|> Util.Maybe.withDefault (List.head Data.UserState.all)
({model | user = t
, login = t.login
, email = t.email
, password = t.password
, state = state }, Cmd.none)
StateMsg m ->
(m1, c1) = Comp.Dropdown.update m model.state
({model | state = m1}, Cmd.map StateMsg c1)
SetLogin n ->
({model | login = n}, Cmd.none)
SetEmail e ->
({model | email = if e == "" then Nothing else Just e }, Cmd.none)
SetPassword p ->
({model | password = if p == "" then Nothing else Just p}, Cmd.none)
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [class "ui form"]
[div [classList [("field", True)
,("error", model.login == "")
,("invisible", model.user.login /= "")
[label [][text "Login*"]
,input [type_ "text"
,onInput SetLogin
,placeholder "Login"
,value model.login
,div [class "field"]
[label [][text "E-Mail"]
,input [ onInput SetEmail
, model.email |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> value
, placeholder "E-Mail"
,div [class "field"]
[label [][text "State"]
,Html.map StateMsg (Comp.Dropdown.view model.state)
,div [classList [("field", True)
,("invisible", model.user.login /= "")
,("error", Util.Maybe.isEmpty model.password)
[label [][text "Password*"]
,input [type_ "text"
, onInput SetPassword
, placeholder "Password"
, Maybe.withDefault "" model.password |> value