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module Comp.SourceManage exposing
( Model
, Msg(..)
, init
, update
, view
import Api
import Api.Model.BasicResult exposing (BasicResult)
import Api.Model.SourceAndTags exposing (SourceAndTags)
import Api.Model.SourceList exposing (SourceList)
import Api.Model.SourceTagIn exposing (SourceTagIn)
import Comp.SourceForm
import Comp.SourceTable exposing (SelectMode(..))
import Comp.YesNoDimmer
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onSubmit)
import Http
import Ports
import QRCode
import Util.Http
import Util.Maybe
type alias Model =
{ formModel : Comp.SourceForm.Model
, viewMode : SelectMode
, formError : Maybe String
, loading : Bool
, deleteConfirm : Comp.YesNoDimmer.Model
, sources : List SourceAndTags
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( fm, fc ) =
Comp.SourceForm.init flags
( { formModel = fm
, viewMode = None
, formError = Nothing
, loading = False
, deleteConfirm = Comp.YesNoDimmer.emptyModel
, sources = []
, Cmd.batch
[ Cmd.map FormMsg fc
, Ports.initClipboard appClipboardData
, Ports.initClipboard apiClipboardData
appClipboardData : ( String, String )
appClipboardData =
( "app-url", "#app-url-copy-to-clipboard-btn" )
apiClipboardData : ( String, String )
apiClipboardData =
( "api-url", "#api-url-copy-to-clipboard-btn" )
type Msg
= TableMsg Comp.SourceTable.Msg
| FormMsg Comp.SourceForm.Msg
| LoadSources
| SourceResp (Result Http.Error SourceList)
| InitNewSource
| Submit
| SubmitResp (Result Http.Error BasicResult)
| YesNoMsg Comp.YesNoDimmer.Msg
| RequestDelete
| SetTableView
--- Update
update : Flags -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update flags msg model =
case msg of
TableMsg m ->
( tc, sel ) =
Comp.SourceTable.update flags m
( m2, c2 ) =
( { model
| viewMode = sel
, formError =
if Comp.SourceTable.isEdit sel then
, Cmd.map TableMsg tc
( m3, c3 ) =
case sel of
Edit source ->
update flags (FormMsg (Comp.SourceForm.SetSource source)) m2
Display _ ->
( m2, Cmd.none )
None ->
( m2, Cmd.none )
( m3, Cmd.batch [ c2, c3 ] )
FormMsg m ->
( m2, c2 ) =
Comp.SourceForm.update flags m model.formModel
( { model | formModel = m2 }, Cmd.map FormMsg c2 )
LoadSources ->
( { model | loading = True }, Api.getSources flags SourceResp )
SourceResp (Ok sources) ->
( { model
| viewMode = None
, loading = False
, sources = sources.items
, Cmd.none
SourceResp (Err _) ->
( { model | loading = False }, Cmd.none )
SetTableView ->
( { model | viewMode = None }, Cmd.none )
InitNewSource ->
source =
nm =
{ model | viewMode = Edit source, formError = Nothing }
update flags (FormMsg (Comp.SourceForm.SetSource source)) nm
Submit ->
source =
Comp.SourceForm.getSource model.formModel
valid =
Comp.SourceForm.isValid model.formModel
if valid then
( { model | loading = True }, Api.postSource flags source SubmitResp )
( { model | formError = Just "Please correct the errors in the form." }, Cmd.none )
SubmitResp (Ok res) ->
if res.success then
( m2, c2 ) =
update flags SetTableView model
( m3, c3 ) =
update flags LoadSources m2
( { m3 | loading = False }, Cmd.batch [ c2, c3 ] )
( { model | formError = Just res.message, loading = False }, Cmd.none )
SubmitResp (Err err) ->
( { model | formError = Just (Util.Http.errorToString err), loading = False }, Cmd.none )
RequestDelete ->
update flags (YesNoMsg Comp.YesNoDimmer.activate) model
YesNoMsg m ->
( cm, confirmed ) =
Comp.YesNoDimmer.update m model.deleteConfirm
src =
Comp.SourceForm.getSource model.formModel
cmd =
if confirmed then
Api.deleteSource flags src.source.id SubmitResp
( { model | deleteConfirm = cm }, cmd )
--- View
qrCodeView : String -> Html msg
qrCodeView message =
QRCode.encode message
|> Result.map QRCode.toSvg
|> Result.withDefault
(Html.text "Error generating QR-Code")
view : Flags -> UiSettings -> Model -> Html Msg
view flags settings model =
case model.viewMode of
None ->
viewTable model
Edit _ ->
div [] (viewForm flags settings model)
Display source ->
viewLinks flags settings source
viewTable : Model -> Html Msg
viewTable model =
div []
[ button [ class "ui basic button", onClick InitNewSource ]
[ i [ class "plus icon" ] []
, text "Create new"
, Html.map TableMsg (Comp.SourceTable.view model.sources)
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui dimmer", True )
, ( "active", model.loading )
[ div [ class "ui loader" ] []
viewLinks : Flags -> UiSettings -> SourceAndTags -> Html Msg
viewLinks flags _ source =
appUrl =
flags.config.baseUrl ++ "/app/upload/" ++ source.source.id
apiUrl =
flags.config.baseUrl ++ "/api/v1/open/upload/item/" ++ source.source.id
[ h3 [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Public Uploads: "
, text source.source.abbrev
, div [ class "sub header" ]
[ text source.source.id
, p []
[ text "This source defines URLs that can be used by anyone to send files to "
, text "you. There is a web page that you can share or the API url can be used "
, text "with other clients."
, p []
[ text "There have been "
, String.fromInt source.source.counter |> text
, text " items created through this source."
, h4 [ class "ui header" ]
[ text "Public Upload Page"
, div [ class "ui attached message" ]
[ div [ class "ui fluid left action input" ]
[ a
[ class "ui left icon button"
, title "Copy to clipboard"
, href "#"
, Tuple.second appClipboardData
|> String.dropLeft 1
|> id
, attribute "data-clipboard-target" "#app-url"
[ i [ class "copy icon" ] []
, a
[ class "ui icon button"
, href appUrl
, target "_blank"
, title "Open in new tab/window"
[ i [ class "link external icon" ] []
, input
[ type_ "text"
, id "app-url"
, value appUrl
, readonly True
, div [ class "ui attached segment" ]
[ div [ class "qr-code" ]
[ qrCodeView appUrl
, h4 [ class "ui header" ]
[ text "Public API Upload URL"
, div [ class "ui attached message" ]
[ div [ class "ui fluid left action input" ]
[ a
[ class "ui left icon button"
, title "Copy to clipboard"
, href "#"
, Tuple.second apiClipboardData
|> String.dropLeft 1
|> id
, attribute "data-clipboard-target" "#api-url"
[ i [ class "copy icon" ] []
, input
[ type_ "text"
, value apiUrl
, readonly True
, id "api-url"
, div [ class "ui attached segment" ]
[ div [ class "qr-code" ]
[ qrCodeView apiUrl
, div [ class "ui divider" ] []
, button
[ class "ui button"
, onClick SetTableView
[ text "Back"
viewForm : Flags -> UiSettings -> Model -> List (Html Msg)
viewForm flags settings model =
newSource =
model.formModel.source.source.id == ""
[ if newSource then
h3 [ class "ui top attached header" ]
[ text "Create new source"
h3 [ class "ui top attached header" ]
[ text ("Edit: " ++ model.formModel.source.source.abbrev)
, div [ class "sub header" ]
[ text "Id: "
, text model.formModel.source.source.id
, Html.form [ class "ui attached segment", onSubmit Submit ]
[ Html.map YesNoMsg (Comp.YesNoDimmer.view model.deleteConfirm)
, Html.map FormMsg (Comp.SourceForm.view flags settings model.formModel)
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui error message", True )
, ( "invisible", Util.Maybe.isEmpty model.formError )
[ Maybe.withDefault "" model.formError |> text
, div [ class "ui horizontal divider" ] []
, button [ class "ui primary button", type_ "submit" ]
[ text "Submit"
, a [ class "ui secondary button", onClick SetTableView, href "" ]
[ text "Cancel"
, if not newSource then
a [ class "ui right floated red button", href "", onClick RequestDelete ]
[ text "Delete" ]
span [] []
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui dimmer", True )
, ( "active", model.loading )
[ div [ class "ui loader" ] []