mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 01:35:06 +00:00
Fix cancelling jobs
A request to cancel a job was not processed correctly. The cancelling routine of a task must run, regardless of the (non-final) state. Now it works like this: if a job is currently running, it is interrupted and its cancel routine is invoked. It then enters "cancelled" state. If it is stuck, it is loaded and only its cancel routine is run. If it is in a final state or waiting, it is removed from the queue.
This commit is contained in:
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ val joexapi = project.in(file("modules/joexapi")).
name := "docspell-joexapi",
libraryDependencies ++=
Dependencies.circe ++
Dependencies.http4sCirce ++
openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Scala,
openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.joexapi.model"),
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package docspell.backend.ops
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.data.OptionT
import docspell.backend.ops.OJob.{CollectiveQueueState, JobCancelResult}
import docspell.common.{Ident, JobState}
import docspell.store.Store
@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ object OJob {
case object Removed extends JobCancelResult
case object CancelRequested extends JobCancelResult
case object JobNotFound extends JobCancelResult
def removed: JobCancelResult = Removed
def cancelRequested: JobCancelResult = CancelRequested
def jobNotFound: JobCancelResult = JobNotFound
case class JobDetail(job: RJob, logs: Vector[RJobLog])
@ -49,43 +54,30 @@ object OJob {
def cancelJob(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[JobCancelResult] = {
def mustCancel(job: Option[RJob]): Option[(RJob, Ident)] =
for {
worker <- job.flatMap(_.worker)
job <- job.filter(j =>
j.state == JobState.Scheduled || j.state == JobState.Running
} yield (job, worker)
def remove(job: RJob): F[JobCancelResult] =
store.transact(RJob.delete(job.id)) *> JobCancelResult.removed.pure[F]
def canDelete(j: RJob): Boolean =
val tryDelete = for {
job <- RJob.findByIdAndGroup(id, collective)
jobm = job.filter(canDelete)
del <- jobm.traverse(j => RJob.delete(j.id))
} yield del match {
case Some(_) => Right(JobCancelResult.Removed: JobCancelResult)
case None => Left(mustCancel(job))
def tryCancel(job: RJob, worker: Ident): F[JobCancelResult] =
.cancelJob(job.id, worker)
.map(flag =>
if (flag) JobCancelResult.CancelRequested else JobCancelResult.JobNotFound
for {
tryDel <- store.transact(tryDelete)
result <- tryDel match {
case Right(r) => r.pure[F]
case Left(Some((job, worker))) =>
tryCancel(job, worker)
case Left(None) =>
(JobCancelResult.JobNotFound: OJob.JobCancelResult).pure[F]
def tryCancel(job: RJob): F[JobCancelResult] =
job.worker match {
case Some(worker) =>
for {
flag <- joex.cancelJob(job.id, worker)
res <-
if (flag) JobCancelResult.cancelRequested.pure[F]
else remove(job)
} yield res
case None =>
} yield result
(for {
job <- OptionT(store.transact(RJob.findByIdAndGroup(id, collective)))
result <- OptionT.liftF(
if (job.isInProgress) tryCancel(job)
else remove(job)
} yield result)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package docspell.backend.ops
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.data.OptionT
import docspell.common.{Ident, NodeType}
import docspell.joexapi.client.JoexClient
import docspell.store.Store
@ -28,10 +29,10 @@ object OJoex {
} yield ()
def cancelJob(job: Ident, worker: Ident): F[Boolean] =
for {
node <- store.transact(RNode.findById(worker))
cancel <- node.traverse(n => client.cancelJob(n.url, job))
} yield cancel.isDefined
(for {
node <- OptionT(store.transact(RNode.findById(worker)))
cancel <- OptionT.liftF(client.cancelJob(node.url, job))
} yield cancel.success).getOrElse(false)
def create[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect](
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ object JobState {
/** Is currently executing */
case object Running extends JobState {}
/** Finished with failure and is being retried. */
/** Task completed with failure and is being retried. */
case object Stuck extends JobState {}
/** Finished finally with a failure */
@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ object JobState {
val all: Set[JobState] =
Set(Waiting, Scheduled, Running, Stuck, Failed, Cancelled, Success)
val queued: Set[JobState] = Set(Waiting, Scheduled, Stuck)
val done: Set[JobState] = Set(Failed, Cancelled, Success)
val queued: Set[JobState] = Set(Waiting, Scheduled, Stuck)
val done: Set[JobState] = Set(Failed, Cancelled, Success)
val inProgress: Set[JobState] = Set(Scheduled, Running, Stuck)
def parse(str: String): Either[String, JobState] =
str.toLowerCase match {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package docspell.joex.process
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.data.OptionT
import fs2.Stream
import docspell.common.{ItemState, ProcessItemArgs}
import docspell.joex.Config
@ -11,15 +12,22 @@ import docspell.store.records.RItem
import docspell.ftsclient.FtsClient
object ItemHandler {
def onCancel[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Unit] =
logWarn("Now cancelling. Deleting potentially created data.").flatMap(_ =>
deleteByFileIds.flatMap(_ => deleteFiles)
type Args = ProcessItemArgs
def onCancel[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Task[F, Args, Unit] =
logWarn("Now cancelling.").flatMap(_ =>
markItemCreated.flatMap {
case true =>
case false =>
deleteByFileIds[F].flatMap(_ => deleteFiles)
def newItem[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
cfg: Config,
fts: FtsClient[F]
): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Unit] =
): Task[F, Args, Unit] =
.flatMap(safeProcess[F](cfg, fts))
@ -34,13 +42,13 @@ object ItemHandler {
.map(_ => data)
def isLastRetry[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Boolean] =
def isLastRetry[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, Args, Boolean] =
def safeProcess[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
cfg: Config,
fts: FtsClient[F]
)(data: ItemData): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
)(data: ItemData): Task[F, Args, ItemData] =
isLastRetry[F].flatMap {
case true =>
ProcessItem[F](cfg, fts)(data).attempt.flatMap({
@ -56,24 +64,50 @@ object ItemHandler {
ProcessItem[F](cfg, fts)(data).flatMap(itemStateTask(ItemState.Created))
def deleteByFileIds[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Unit] =
private def markItemCreated[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, Args, Boolean] =
Task { ctx =>
val fileMetaIds = ctx.args.files.map(_.fileMetaId).toSet
(for {
item <- OptionT(ctx.store.transact(QItem.findOneByFileIds(fileMetaIds.toSeq)))
_ <- OptionT.liftF(
ctx.logger.info("Processing cancelled. Marking item as created anyways.")
_ <- OptionT.liftF(
RItem.updateState(item.id, ItemState.Created, ItemState.invalidStates)
} yield true)
ctx.logger.warn("Processing cancelled. No item created").map(_ => false)
def deleteByFileIds[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Task[F, Args, Unit] =
Task { ctx =>
for {
items <- ctx.store.transact(QItem.findByFileIds(ctx.args.files.map(_.fileMetaId)))
_ <- ctx.logger.info(s"Deleting items ${items.map(_.id.id)}")
_ <- items.traverse(i => QItem.delete(ctx.store)(i.id, ctx.args.meta.collective))
_ <-
if (items.nonEmpty) ctx.logger.info(s"Deleting items ${items.map(_.id.id)}")
s"No items found for file ids ${ctx.args.files.map(_.fileMetaId)}"
_ <- items.traverse(i => QItem.delete(ctx.store)(i.id, ctx.args.meta.collective))
} yield ()
private def deleteFiles[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Unit] =
private def deleteFiles[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, Args, Unit] =
Task(ctx =>
.flatMap(id => ctx.store.bitpeace.delete(id).attempt.drain)
ctx.logger.info("Deleting input files …") *>
.flatMap(id => ctx.store.bitpeace.delete(id).attempt.drain)
private def logWarn[F[_]](msg: => String): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Unit] =
private def logWarn[F[_]](msg: => String): Task[F, Args, Unit] =
@ -30,5 +30,4 @@ object ProcessItem {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package docspell.joex.scheduler
import fs2.Stream
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Semaphore
import cats.data.OptionT
import docspell.common._
import docspell.common.syntax.all._
import docspell.store.queue.JobQueue
@ -51,7 +52,16 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
state.get.flatMap(_.cancelRequest(jobId) match {
case Some(ct) => ct.map(_ => true)
case None =>
logger.fwarn(s"Job ${jobId.id} not found, cannot cancel.").map(_ => false)
(for {
job <- OptionT(store.transact(RJob.findByIdAndWorker(jobId, config.name)))
_ <- OptionT.liftF(
if (job.isInProgress) executeCancel(job)
else ().pure[F]
} yield true)
logger.fwarn(s"Job ${jobId.id} not found, cannot cancel.").map(_ => false)
def notifyChange: F[Unit] =
@ -127,6 +137,31 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
private def executeCancel(job: RJob): F[Unit] = {
val task = for {
jobtask <-
.toRight(s"This executor cannot run tasks with name: ${job.task}")
} yield jobtask
task match {
case Left(err) =>
logger.ferror(s"Unable to run cancellation task for job ${job.info}: $err")
case Right(t) =>
for {
_ <-
logger.fdebug(s"Creating context for job ${job.info} to run cancellation $t")
ctx <- Context[F, String](job, job.args, config, logSink, blocker, store)
_ <- t.onCancel.run(ctx)
_ <- state.modify(_.markCancelled(job))
_ <- onFinish(job, JobState.Cancelled)
_ <- ctx.logger.warn("Job has been cancelled.")
_ <- logger.fdebug(s"Job ${job.info} has been cancelled.")
} yield ()
def execute(job: RJob): F[Unit] = {
val task = for {
jobtask <-
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import docspell.common.{Ident, LenientUri}
import docspell.common.syntax.all._
import docspell.joexapi.model.BasicResult
import org.http4s.{Method, Request, Uri}
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.client.blaze.BlazeClientBuilder
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityDecoder._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.log4s.getLogger
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ trait JoexClient[F[_]] {
def notifyJoexIgnoreErrors(base: LenientUri): F[Unit]
def cancelJob(base: LenientUri, job: Ident): F[Unit]
def cancelJob(base: LenientUri, job: Ident): F[BasicResult]
@ -44,10 +46,10 @@ object JoexClient {
def cancelJob(base: LenientUri, job: Ident): F[Unit] = {
def cancelJob(base: LenientUri, job: Ident): F[BasicResult] = {
val cancelUrl = base / "api" / "v1" / "job" / job.id / "cancel"
val req = Request[F](Method.POST, uri(cancelUrl))
client.expect[String](req).map(_ => ())
private def uri(u: LenientUri): Uri =
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ that a job is some time waiting until it is picked up by a job
executor. You can always start more job executors to help out.
If a job fails, it is retried after some time. Only if it fails too
often (can be configured), it then is finished with *failed* state. If
processing finally fails, the item is still created, just without
suggestions. But if processing is cancelled by the user, the item is
not created.
often (can be configured), it then is finished with *failed* state.
For the document-processing task, if processing finally fails or a job
is cancelled, the item is still created, just without suggestions.
@ -454,21 +454,56 @@ object QItem {
n <- store.transact(RItem.deleteByIdAndCollective(itemId, collective))
} yield tn + rn + n + mn
def findByFileIds(fileMetaIds: Seq[Ident]): ConnectionIO[Vector[RItem]] = {
val IC = RItem.Columns
val AC = RAttachment.Columns
val q =
fr"SELECT DISTINCT" ++ commas(
) ++ fr"FROM" ++ RItem.table ++ fr"i" ++
fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RAttachment.table ++ fr"a ON" ++ AC.itemId
.is(IC.id.prefix("i")) ++
fr"WHERE" ++ AC.fileId.isOneOf(fileMetaIds) ++ orderBy(IC.created.prefix("i").asc)
private def findByFileIdsQuery(fileMetaIds: NonEmptyList[Ident], limit: Option[Int]) = {
val IC = RItem.Columns.all.map(_.prefix("i"))
val aItem = RAttachment.Columns.itemId.prefix("a")
val aId = RAttachment.Columns.id.prefix("a")
val aFileId = RAttachment.Columns.fileId.prefix("a")
val iId = RItem.Columns.id.prefix("i")
val sId = RAttachmentSource.Columns.id.prefix("s")
val sFileId = RAttachmentSource.Columns.fileId.prefix("s")
val rId = RAttachmentArchive.Columns.id.prefix("r")
val rFileId = RAttachmentArchive.Columns.fileId.prefix("r")
val m1Id = RFileMeta.Columns.id.prefix("m1")
val m2Id = RFileMeta.Columns.id.prefix("m2")
val m3Id = RFileMeta.Columns.id.prefix("m3")
val from =
RItem.table ++ fr"i INNER JOIN" ++ RAttachment.table ++ fr"a ON" ++ aItem.is(iId) ++
fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RAttachmentSource.table ++ fr"s ON" ++ aId.is(sId) ++
fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RFileMeta.table ++ fr"m1 ON" ++ m1Id.is(aFileId) ++
fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RFileMeta.table ++ fr"m2 ON" ++ m2Id.is(sFileId) ++
fr"LEFT OUTER JOIN" ++ RAttachmentArchive.table ++ fr"r ON" ++ aId.is(rId) ++
fr"LEFT OUTER JOIN" ++ RFileMeta.table ++ fr"m3 ON" ++ m3Id.is(rFileId)
val q = selectSimple(
and(or(m1Id.isIn(fileMetaIds), m2Id.isIn(fileMetaIds), m3Id.isIn(fileMetaIds)))
limit match {
case Some(n) => q ++ fr"LIMIT $n"
case None => q
def findOneByFileIds(fileMetaIds: Seq[Ident]): ConnectionIO[Option[RItem]] =
NonEmptyList.fromList(fileMetaIds.toList) match {
case Some(nel) =>
findByFileIdsQuery(nel, Some(1)).query[RItem].option
case None =>
(None: Option[RItem]).pure[ConnectionIO]
def findByFileIds(fileMetaIds: Seq[Ident]): ConnectionIO[Vector[RItem]] =
NonEmptyList.fromList(fileMetaIds.toList) match {
case Some(nel) =>
findByFileIdsQuery(nel, None).query[RItem].to[Vector]
case None =>
def findByChecksum(checksum: String, collective: Ident): ConnectionIO[Vector[RItem]] = {
val IC = RItem.Columns.all.map(_.prefix("i"))
val aItem = RAttachment.Columns.itemId.prefix("a")
@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ case class RJob(
def info: String =
s"${id.id.substring(0, 9)}.../${group.id}/${task.id}/$priority"
def isFinalState: Boolean =
def isInProgress: Boolean =
object RJob {
@ -121,6 +127,12 @@ object RJob {
def findByIdAndGroup(jobId: Ident, jobGroup: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RJob]] =
selectSimple(all, table, and(id.is(jobId), group.is(jobGroup))).query[RJob].option
def findById(jobId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RJob]] =
selectSimple(all, table, id.is(jobId)).query[RJob].option
def findByIdAndWorker(jobId: Ident, workerId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RJob]] =
selectSimple(all, table, and(id.is(jobId), worker.is(workerId))).query[RJob].option
def setRunningToWaiting(workerId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Int] = {
val states: Seq[JobState] = List(JobState.Running, JobState.Scheduled)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user