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synced 2025-03-28 09:45:07 +00:00
Add tags and file-filter settings to scan-mailbox form
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import Api.Model.FolderList exposing (FolderList)
import Api.Model.IdName exposing (IdName)
import Api.Model.ImapSettingsList exposing (ImapSettingsList)
import Api.Model.ScanMailboxSettings exposing (ScanMailboxSettings)
import Api.Model.StringList exposing (StringList)
import Api.Model.Tag exposing (Tag)
import Api.Model.TagList exposing (TagList)
import Comp.CalEventInput
import Comp.Dropdown exposing (isDropdownChangeMsg)
import Comp.IntField
@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ import Util.Folder exposing (mkFolderOption)
import Util.Http
import Util.List
import Util.Maybe
import Util.Tag
import Util.Update
@ -56,6 +60,9 @@ type alias Model =
, folderModel : Comp.Dropdown.Model IdName
, allFolders : List FolderItem
, itemFolderId : Maybe String
, tagModel : Comp.Dropdown.Model Tag
, existingTags : List String
, fileFilter : Maybe String
@ -84,6 +91,9 @@ type Msg
| YesNoDeleteMsg Comp.YesNoDimmer.Msg
| GetFolderResp (Result Http.Error FolderList)
| FolderDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.Msg IdName)
| GetTagResp (Result Http.Error TagList)
| TagDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.Msg Tag)
| SetFileFilter String
initWith : Flags -> ScanMailboxSettings -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
@ -120,12 +130,18 @@ initWith flags s =
, formMsg = Nothing
, yesNoDelete = Comp.YesNoDimmer.emptyModel
, itemFolderId = s.itemFolder
, tagModel = Util.Tag.makeDropdownModel
, existingTags =
Maybe.map .items s.tags
|> Maybe.withDefault []
, fileFilter = s.fileFilter
, Cmd.batch
[ Api.getImapSettings flags "" ConnResp
, nc
, Cmd.map CalEventMsg sc
, Api.getFolders flags "" False GetFolderResp
, Api.getTags flags "" GetTagResp
@ -134,7 +150,7 @@ init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
initialSchedule =
Data.Validated.Unknown Data.CalEvent.everyMonth
Data.Validated.Valid Data.CalEvent.everyMonth
sm =
@ -156,7 +172,7 @@ init flags =
, schedule = initialSchedule
, scheduleModel = sm
, formMsg = Nothing
, loading = 2
, loading = 3
, yesNoDelete = Comp.YesNoDimmer.emptyModel
, folderModel =
@ -165,10 +181,14 @@ init flags =
, allFolders = []
, itemFolderId = Nothing
, tagModel = Util.Tag.makeDropdownModel
, existingTags = []
, fileFilter = Nothing
, Cmd.batch
[ Api.getImapSettings flags "" ConnResp
, Api.getFolders flags "" False GetFolderResp
, Api.getTags flags "" GetTagResp
@ -196,9 +216,9 @@ makeSettings model =
Valid model.folders
make smtp timer folders =
make imap timer folders =
{ prev
| imapConnection = smtp
| imapConnection = imap
, enabled = model.enabled
, receivedSinceHours = model.receivedHours
, deleteMail = model.deleteMail
@ -207,6 +227,16 @@ makeSettings model =
, direction = Maybe.map Data.Direction.toString model.direction
, schedule = Data.CalEvent.makeEvent timer
, itemFolder = model.itemFolderId
, fileFilter = model.fileFilter
, tags =
case Comp.Dropdown.getSelected model.tagModel of
[] ->
els ->
List.map .id els
|> StringList
|> Just
Data.Validated.map3 make
@ -501,6 +531,61 @@ update flags msg model =
( model_, NoAction, Cmd.map FolderDropdownMsg c2 )
GetTagResp (Ok list) ->
contains el =
List.member el model.existingTags
isExistingTag t =
contains t.id || contains t.name
selected =
List.filter isExistingTag list.items
|> Comp.Dropdown.SetSelection
opts =
Comp.Dropdown.SetOptions list.items
( tagModel_, tagcmd ) =
[ Comp.Dropdown.update selected
, Comp.Dropdown.update opts
nextModel =
{ model
| loading = model.loading - 1
, tagModel = tagModel_
( nextModel
, NoAction
, Cmd.map TagDropdownMsg tagcmd
GetTagResp (Err _) ->
( { model | loading = model.loading - 1 }
, NoAction
, Cmd.none
TagDropdownMsg lm ->
( m2, c2 ) =
Comp.Dropdown.update lm model.tagModel
newModel =
{ model | tagModel = m2 }
( newModel, NoAction, Cmd.map TagDropdownMsg c2 )
SetFileFilter str ->
( { model | fileFilter = Util.Maybe.fromString str }
, NoAction
, Cmd.none
--- View
@ -603,6 +688,9 @@ view extraClasses settings model =
, text " is not set."
, div [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Metadata"
, div [ class "required field" ]
[ label [] [ text "Item direction" ]
, div [ class "grouped fields" ]
@ -668,6 +756,49 @@ disappear then.
, div [ class "field" ]
[ label [] [ text "Tags" ]
, Html.map TagDropdownMsg (Comp.Dropdown.view settings model.tagModel)
, div [ class "small-info" ]
[ text "Choose tags that should be applied to items."
, div
[ class "field"
[ label [] [ text "File Filter" ]
, input
[ type_ "text"
, onInput SetFileFilter
, placeholder "File Filter"
, model.fileFilter
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
|> value
, div [ class "small-info" ]
[ text "Specify a file glob to filter attachments. For example, to only extract pdf files: "
, code []
[ text "*.pdf"
, text ". If you want to include the mail body, allow html files or "
, code []
[ text "mail.html"
, text ". Globs can be combined via OR, like this: "
, code []
[ text "*.pdf|mail.html"
, text "No file filter defaults to "
, code []
[ text "*"
, text " that includes all"
, div [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Schedule"
, div [ class "required field" ]
[ label []
[ text "Schedule"
@ -392,10 +392,15 @@ disappear then.
, div [ class "small-info" ]
[ text "Specify a file glob to filter files when uploading archives (e.g. for email and zip). For example, to only extract pdf files: "
[ text "Specify a file glob to filter files when uploading archives "
, text "(e.g. for email and zip). For example, to only extract pdf files: "
, code []
[ text "*.pdf"
, text ". Globs can be combined via OR, like this: "
, code []
[ text "*.pdf|mail.html"
Reference in New Issue
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