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synced 2025-02-15 20:33:26 +00:00
Use a template for rendering title and subtitle of the item card
Introduces `ItemTemplate` to conveniently create strings given an item.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ module Comp.ItemCard exposing
import Api
import Api.Model.AttachmentLight exposing (AttachmentLight)
import Api.Model.HighlightEntry exposing (HighlightEntry)
import Api.Model.IdName exposing (IdName)
import Api.Model.ItemLight exposing (ItemLight)
import Comp.LinkTarget exposing (LinkTarget(..))
import Data.Direction
import Data.Fields
import Data.Icons as Icons
import Data.ItemSelection exposing (ItemSelection)
import Data.ItemTemplate as IT
import Data.UiSettings exposing (UiSettings)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import Util.ItemDragDrop as DD
import Util.List
import Util.Maybe
import Util.String
import Util.Time
type alias Model =
@ -220,8 +219,7 @@ metaDataContent settings item =
Data.UiSettings.fieldHidden settings f
dueDate =
Maybe.map Util.Time.formatDateShort item.dueDate
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
IT.render IT.dueDateShort item
div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "ui horizontal link list" ]
@ -268,7 +266,7 @@ metaDataContent settings item =
[ class "item"
, title "Source"
[ text item.source
[ IT.render IT.source item |> text
, div
[ classList
@ -321,6 +319,12 @@ mainContent cardAction cardColor isConfirmed settings _ item =
fieldHidden f =
Data.UiSettings.fieldHidden settings f
titlePattern =
subtitlePattern =
[ class "content"
@ -329,18 +333,16 @@ mainContent cardAction cardColor isConfirmed settings _ item =
[ if fieldHidden Data.Fields.Direction then
div [ class "header" ]
[ Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name |> text
[ IT.render titlePattern item |> text
[ class "header"
, Data.Direction.labelFromMaybe item.direction
|> title
, IT.render IT.direction item |> title
[ dirIcon
, Util.String.underscoreToSpace item.name
|> text
, IT.render titlePattern item |> text
, div
[ classList
@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ mainContent cardAction cardColor isConfirmed settings _ item =
, ( "invisible hidden", fieldHidden Data.Fields.Date )
[ Util.Time.formatDate item.date |> text
[ IT.render subtitlePattern item |> text
, div [ class "meta description" ]
[ mainTagsAndFields settings item
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
module Data.ItemTemplate exposing
( ItemTemplate
, concEquip
, concPerson
, concat
, concerning
, corrOrg
, corrPerson
, correspondent
, dateLong
, dateShort
, direction
, dueDateLong
, dueDateShort
, empty
, fileCount
, folder
, from
, fromMaybe
, helpMessage
, isEmpty
, literal
, map
, name
, nonEmpty
, readTemplate
, render
, source
, splitTokens
import Api.Model.IdName exposing (IdName)
import Api.Model.ItemLight exposing (ItemLight)
import Data.Direction
import Set
import Util.List
import Util.String
import Util.Time
type ItemTemplate
= ItemTemplate (ItemLight -> String)
readTemplate : String -> Maybe ItemTemplate
readTemplate str =
read tokens =
List.map patternToken tokens
|> concat
if str == "" then
Just empty
Maybe.map read (splitTokens str)
render : ItemTemplate -> ItemLight -> String
render pattern item =
case pattern of
ItemTemplate f ->
f item
isEmpty : ItemTemplate -> ItemLight -> Bool
isEmpty pattern item =
render pattern item |> String.isEmpty
nonEmpty : ItemTemplate -> ItemLight -> Bool
nonEmpty pattern item =
isEmpty pattern item |> not
--- Pattern Combinators
map : (String -> String) -> ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate
map f pattern =
case pattern of
ItemTemplate p ->
from (p >> f)
map2 : (String -> String -> String) -> ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate
map2 f pattern1 pattern2 =
case ( pattern1, pattern2 ) of
( ItemTemplate p1, ItemTemplate p2 ) ->
from (\i -> f (p1 i) (p2 i))
combine : String -> ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate
combine sep p1 p2 =
(\s1 ->
\s2 ->
List.filter (String.isEmpty >> not) [ s1, s2 ]
|> String.join sep
concat : List ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate
concat patterns =
(\i ->
List.map (\p -> render p i) patterns
|> String.join ""
firstNonEmpty : List ItemTemplate -> ItemTemplate
firstNonEmpty patterns =
(\i ->
List.map (\p -> render p i) patterns
|> List.filter (String.isEmpty >> not)
|> List.head
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
--- Patterns
from : (ItemLight -> String) -> ItemTemplate
from f =
ItemTemplate f
fromMaybe : (ItemLight -> Maybe String) -> ItemTemplate
fromMaybe f =
ItemTemplate (f >> Maybe.withDefault "")
literal : String -> ItemTemplate
literal str =
ItemTemplate (\_ -> str)
empty : ItemTemplate
empty =
literal ""
name : ItemTemplate
name =
ItemTemplate (.name >> Util.String.underscoreToSpace)
direction : ItemTemplate
direction =
dirStr ms =
Maybe.andThen Data.Direction.fromString ms
|> Maybe.map Data.Direction.toString
fromMaybe (.direction >> dirStr)
dateLong : ItemTemplate
dateLong =
ItemTemplate (.date >> Util.Time.formatDate)
dateShort : ItemTemplate
dateShort =
ItemTemplate (.date >> Util.Time.formatDateShort)
dueDateLong : ItemTemplate
dueDateLong =
fromMaybe (.dueDate >> Maybe.map Util.Time.formatDate)
dueDateShort : ItemTemplate
dueDateShort =
fromMaybe (.dueDate >> Maybe.map Util.Time.formatDateShort)
source : ItemTemplate
source =
ItemTemplate .source
folder : ItemTemplate
folder =
ItemTemplate (.folder >> getName)
corrOrg : ItemTemplate
corrOrg =
ItemTemplate (.corrOrg >> getName)
corrPerson : ItemTemplate
corrPerson =
ItemTemplate (.corrPerson >> getName)
correspondent : ItemTemplate
correspondent =
combine ", " corrOrg corrPerson
concPerson : ItemTemplate
concPerson =
ItemTemplate (.concPerson >> getName)
concEquip : ItemTemplate
concEquip =
ItemTemplate (.concEquipment >> getName)
concerning : ItemTemplate
concerning =
combine ", " concPerson concEquip
fileCount : ItemTemplate
fileCount =
ItemTemplate (.fileCount >> String.fromInt)
--- Helpers
getName : Maybe IdName -> String
getName =
Maybe.map .name >> Maybe.withDefault ""
--- Parse pattern
helpMessage : String
helpMessage =
A pattern allows to customize the title and subtitle of each card.
Variables expressions are enclosed in `{{` and `}}`, other text is
used as-is. The following variables are available:
- `{{name}}` the item name
- `{{source}}` the source the item was created from
- `{{folder}}` the items folder
- `{{corrOrg}}` the correspondent organization
- `{{corrPerson}}` the correspondent person
- `{{correspondent}}` both organization and person separated by a comma
- `{{concPerson}}` the concerning person
- `{{concEquip}}` the concerning equipment
- `{{concerning}}` both person and equipment separated by a comma
- `{{fileCount}}` the number of attachments of this item
- `{{dateLong}}` the item date as full formatted date
- `{{dateShort}}` the item date as short formatted date (yyyy/mm/dd)
- `{{dueDateLong}}` the item due date as full formatted date
- `{{dueDateShort}}` the item due date as short formatted date (yyyy/mm/dd)
- `{{direction}}` the items direction values as string
If some variable is not present, an empty string is rendered. You can
combine multiple variables with `|` to use the first non-empty one,
for example `{{corrOrg|corrPerson|-}}` would render the organization
and if that is not present the person. If both are absent a dash `-`
is rendered.
knownPattern : String -> Maybe ItemTemplate
knownPattern str =
case str of
"{{name}}" ->
Just name
"{{source}}" ->
Just source
"{{folder}}" ->
Just folder
"{{corrOrg}}" ->
Just corrOrg
"{{corrPerson}}" ->
Just corrPerson
"{{correspondent}}" ->
Just correspondent
"{{concPerson}}" ->
Just concPerson
"{{concEquip}}" ->
Just concEquip
"{{concerning}}" ->
Just concerning
"{{fileCount}}" ->
Just fileCount
"{{dateLong}}" ->
Just dateLong
"{{dateShort}}" ->
Just dateShort
"{{dueDateLong}}" ->
Just dueDateLong
"{{dueDateShort}}" ->
Just dueDateShort
"{{direction}}" ->
Just direction
_ ->
patternToken : String -> ItemTemplate
patternToken str =
knownPattern str
|> Maybe.withDefault
(alternativeToken str
|> Maybe.withDefault (literal str)
alternativeToken : String -> Maybe ItemTemplate
alternativeToken str =
inner =
String.dropLeft 2 str
|> String.dropRight 2
|> String.split "|"
|> List.filter (String.isEmpty >> not)
pattern s =
knownPattern ("{{" ++ s ++ "}}")
|> Maybe.withDefault (literal s)
if String.startsWith "{{" str && String.endsWith "}}" str then
case inner of
[] ->
_ ->
List.map pattern inner
|> firstNonEmpty
|> Just
splitTokens : String -> Maybe (List String)
splitTokens str =
begins =
String.indexes "{{" str
ends =
String.indexes "}}" str
|> List.map ((+) 2)
indexes =
Set.union (Set.fromList begins) (Set.fromList ends)
|> Set.insert 0
|> Set.insert (String.length str)
|> Set.toList
|> List.sort
mkSubstring i1 i2 =
String.slice i1 i2 str
if List.length begins == List.length ends then
Util.List.sliding mkSubstring indexes |> Just
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Util.List exposing
, findNext
, findPrev
, get
, sliding
@ -88,3 +89,17 @@ dropRight n list =
List.reverse list
|> List.drop n
|> List.reverse
sliding : (a -> a -> b) -> List a -> List b
sliding f list =
windows =
case list of
_ :: xs ->
List.map2 Tuple.pair list xs
_ ->
List.map (\( e1, e2 ) -> f e1 e2) windows
Reference in New Issue
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