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synced 2025-03-28 17:55:06 +00:00
Integrate support for more files into processing and upload
The restriction that only pdf files can be uploaded is removed. All files can now be uploaded. The processing may not process all. It is still possible to restrict file uploads by types via a configuration.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package docspell.common
case class MimeTypeHint(filename: Option[String], advertised: Option[String]) {}
case class MimeTypeHint(filename: Option[String], advertised: Option[String]) {
def withName(name: String): MimeTypeHint =
copy(filename = Some(name))
object MimeTypeHint {
val none = MimeTypeHint(None, None)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import docspell.files.{ImageSize, TikaMimetype}
trait Conversion[F[_]] {
def toPDF[A](dataType: DataType, handler: Handler[F, A])(in: Stream[F, Byte]): F[A]
def toPDF[A](dataType: DataType, lang: Language, handler: Handler[F, A])(in: Stream[F, Byte]): F[A]
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ object Conversion {
): Resource[F, Conversion[F]] =
Resource.pure(new Conversion[F] {
def toPDF[A](dataType: DataType, handler: Handler[F, A])(in: Stream[F, Byte]): F[A] =
def toPDF[A](dataType: DataType, lang: Language, handler: Handler[F, A])(in: Stream[F, Byte]): F[A] =
TikaMimetype.resolve(dataType, in).flatMap {
case MimeType.pdf =>
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ object Conversion {
} else {
Tesseract.toPDF(cfg.tesseract, cfg.chunkSize, blocker, logger)(in, handler)
Tesseract.toPDF(cfg.tesseract, lang, cfg.chunkSize, blocker, logger)(in, handler)
case None =>
s"Cannot read image when determining size for ${mt.asString}. Converting anyways."
) *>
Tesseract.toPDF(cfg.tesseract, cfg.chunkSize, blocker, logger)(in, handler)
Tesseract.toPDF(cfg.tesseract, lang, cfg.chunkSize, blocker, logger)(in, handler)
case Office(_) =>
@ -109,4 +109,13 @@ object Conversion {
def unapply(m: MimeType): Option[MimeType] =
def unapply(mt: MimeType): Option[MimeType] =
mt match {
case Office(_) => Some(mt)
case Texts(_) => Some(mt)
case Images(_) => Some(mt)
case MimeType.html => Some(mt)
case _ => None
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ object Tesseract {
def toPDF[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift, A](
cfg: TesseractConfig,
lang: Language,
chunkSize: Int,
blocker: Blocker,
logger: Logger[F]
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ object Tesseract {
val reader: (Path, SystemCommand.Result) => F[ConversionResult[F]] =
ExternConv.readResultTesseract[F](outBase, blocker, chunkSize, logger)
ExternConv.toPDF[F, A]("tesseract", cfg.cmd, cfg.workingDir, false, blocker, logger, reader)(in, handler)
ExternConv.toPDF[F, A]("tesseract", cfg.cmd.replace(Map("{{lang}}" -> lang.iso3)), cfg.workingDir, false, blocker, logger, reader)(in, handler)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ object ConversionTest extends SimpleTestSuite with FileChecks {
val load = uri.readURL[IO](8192, blocker)
val dataType = DataType.filename(uri.path.segments.last)
logger.info(s"Processing file ${uri.path.asString}") *>
conv.toPDF(dataType, handler(index))(load)
conv.toPDF(dataType, Language.German, handler(index))(load)
def commandsExist: Boolean =
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ object ExternConvTest extends SimpleTestSuite with FileChecks {
val tessCfg = TesseractConfig(cfg, target)
val (pdf, txt) =
.toPDF[IO, (Path, Path)](tessCfg, 8192, blocker, logger)(
.toPDF[IO, (Path, Path)](tessCfg, Language.German, 8192, blocker, logger)(
ExampleFiles.camera_letter_en_jpg.readURL[IO](8192, blocker),
storePdfTxtHandler(dir.resolve("test.pdf"), dir.resolve("test.txt"))
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ package docspell.extract
import docspell.extract.ocr.OcrConfig
case class ExtractConfig(maxImageSize: Int, ocr: OcrConfig, pdf: PdfConfig)
case class ExtractConfig(ocr: OcrConfig, pdf: PdfConfig)
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ object Extraction {
ImageSize.get(data).flatMap {
case Some(dim) =>
if (dim.product > cfg.maxImageSize) {
logger.info(s"Image size (${dim.product}) is too large (max ${cfg.maxImageSize}).") *>
if (dim.product > cfg.ocr.maxImageSize) {
logger.info(s"Image size (${dim.product}) is too large (max ${cfg.ocr.maxImageSize}).") *>
ExtractResult.failure(new Exception(
s"Image size (${dim.width}x${dim.height}) is too large (max ${cfg.maxImageSize}).")
s"Image size (${dim.width}x${dim.height}) is too large (max ${cfg.ocr.maxImageSize}).")
} else {
@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ object Extraction {
logger.info(s"File detected as ${OdfType.container}. Try to read as OpenDocument file.") *>
case mt@MimeType("text", sub) if !sub.contains("html") =>
logger.info(s"File detected as ${mt.asString}. Returning itself as text.") *>
data.through(fs2.text.utf8Decode).compile.last.map { txt =>
case mt =>
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ object PdfExtract {
//maybe better: inspect the pdf and decide whether ocr or not
for {
pdfboxRes <- PdfboxExtract.get[F](in)
pdfboxRes <- logger.debug("Trying to strip text from pdf using pdfbox.") *> PdfboxExtract.get[F](in)
res <- pdfboxRes.fold(
ex =>
s"Stripping text from PDF resulted in an error: ${ex.getMessage}. Trying with OCR. "
) *> runOcr.attempt,
) >> runOcr.attempt,
str =>
if (str.length >= stripMinLen) str.pure[F].attempt
@ -5,15 +5,12 @@ import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import docspell.common._
case class OcrConfig(
allowedContentTypes: Set[MimeType],
ghostscript: OcrConfig.Ghostscript,
maxImageSize: Int,
ghostscript: OcrConfig.Ghostscript,
pageRange: OcrConfig.PageRange,
unpaper: OcrConfig.Unpaper,
tesseract: OcrConfig.Tesseract
) {
def isAllowed(mt: MimeType): Boolean =
allowedContentTypes contains mt
object OcrConfig {
@ -27,12 +24,7 @@ object OcrConfig {
case class Unpaper(command: SystemCommand.Config)
val default = OcrConfig(
allowedContentTypes = Set(
maxImageSize = 3000 * 3000,
pageRange = PageRange(10),
ghostscript = Ghostscript(
@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ object TextExtract {
.eval(TikaMimetype.detect(in, MimeTypeHint.none))
case mt if !config.isAllowed(mt) =>
raiseError(s"File `$mt` not allowed")
case MimeType.pdf =>
Stream.eval(Ocr.extractPdf(in, blocker, logger, lang, config)).unNoneTerminate
@ -65,66 +65,143 @@ docspell.joex {
# Configuration of text extraction
# Extracting text currently only work for image and pdf files. It
# will first run ghostscript to create a gray image from a pdf. Then
# unpaper is run to optimize the image for the upcoming ocr, which
# will be done by tesseract. All these programs must be available in
# your PATH or the absolute path can be specified below.
extraction {
allowed-content-types = [ "application/pdf", "image/jpeg", "image/png" ]
# Defines what pages to process. If a PDF with 600 pages is
# submitted, it is probably not necessary to scan through all of
# them. This would take a long time and occupy resources for no
# value. The first few pages should suffice. The default is first
# 10 pages.
# If you want all pages being processed, set this number to -1.
# Note: if you change the ghostscript command below, be aware that
# this setting (if not -1) will add another parameter to the
# beginning of the command.
page-range {
begin = 10
# For PDF files it is first tried to read the text parts of the
# PDF. But PDFs can be complex documents and they may contain text
# and images. If the returned text is shorter than the value
# below, OCR is run afterwards. Then both extracted texts are
# compared and the longer will be used.
pdf {
min-text-len = 10
# The ghostscript command.
ghostscript {
command {
program = "gs"
args = [ "-dNOPAUSE"
, "-dBATCH"
, "-dSAFER"
, "-sDEVICE=tiffscaled8"
, "-sOutputFile={{outfile}}"
, "{{infile}}"
timeout = "5 minutes"
# Extracting text using OCR works for image and pdf files. It will
# first run ghostscript to create a gray image from a pdf. Then
# unpaper is run to optimize the image for the upcoming ocr, which
# will be done by tesseract. All these programs must be available
# in your PATH or the absolute path can be specified below.
ocr {
# Images greater than this size are skipped. Note that every
# image is loaded completely into memory for doing OCR.
max-image-size = 14000000
# Defines what pages to process. If a PDF with 600 pages is
# submitted, it is probably not necessary to scan through all of
# them. This would take a long time and occupy resources for no
# value. The first few pages should suffice. The default is first
# 10 pages.
# If you want all pages being processed, set this number to -1.
# Note: if you change the ghostscript command below, be aware that
# this setting (if not -1) will add another parameter to the
# beginning of the command.
page-range {
begin = 10
working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-extraction"
# The unpaper command.
unpaper {
command {
program = "unpaper"
args = [ "{{infile}}", "{{outfile}}" ]
timeout = "5 minutes"
# The ghostscript command.
ghostscript {
command {
program = "gs"
args = [ "-dNOPAUSE"
, "-dBATCH"
, "-dSAFER"
, "-sDEVICE=tiffscaled8"
, "-sOutputFile={{outfile}}"
, "{{infile}}"
timeout = "5 minutes"
working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-extraction"
# The tesseract command.
tesseract {
command {
program = "tesseract"
args = ["{{file}}"
, "stdout"
, "-l"
, "{{lang}}"
timeout = "5 minutes"
# The unpaper command.
unpaper {
command {
program = "unpaper"
args = [ "{{infile}}", "{{outfile}}" ]
timeout = "5 minutes"
# The tesseract command.
tesseract {
command {
program = "tesseract"
args = ["{{file}}"
, "stdout"
, "-l"
, "{{lang}}"
timeout = "5 minutes"
# Configuration for converting files into PDFs.
# Most of it is delegated to external tools, which can be configured
# below. They must be in the PATH environment or specify the full
# path below via the `program` key.
convert {
chunk-size = 524288
max-image-size = 12000000
markdown {
internal-css = """
body { padding: 2em 5em; }
wkhtmlpdf {
cmd = {
program = "wkhtmltopdf"
args = [
timeout = "20 seconds"
working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-convert"
tesseract = {
cmd = {
program = "tesseract"
args = [
timeout = "120 seconds"
working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-convert"
unoconv = {
cmd = {
program = "unoconv"
args = [
timeout = "20 seconds"
working-dir = ${java.io.tmpdir}"/docspell-convert"
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ package docspell.joex
import docspell.common.{Ident, LenientUri}
import docspell.joex.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
import docspell.store.JdbcConfig
import docspell.extract.ocr.{OcrConfig => OcrConfig}
import docspell.convert.ConvertConfig
import docspell.extract.ExtractConfig
case class Config(
appId: Ident,
baseUrl: LenientUri,
bind: Config.Bind,
jdbc: JdbcConfig,
scheduler: SchedulerConfig,
extraction: OcrConfig,
convert: ConvertConfig
appId: Ident,
baseUrl: LenientUri,
bind: Config.Bind,
jdbc: JdbcConfig,
scheduler: SchedulerConfig,
extraction: ExtractConfig,
convert: ConvertConfig
object Config {
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
package docspell.joex.process
import bitpeace.Mimetype
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, MimetypeHint, RangeDef}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Functor
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.data.OptionT
import cats.data.{Kleisli, OptionT}
import fs2.Stream
import docspell.common._
import docspell.convert._
import docspell.joex.scheduler._
import docspell.store.records._
import docspell.convert.ConversionResult.Handler
/** Goes through all attachments and creates a PDF version of it where
* supported.
@ -32,32 +34,92 @@ object ConvertPdf {
item: ItemData
): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
Task { ctx =>
// get mimetype
// try to convert
// save to db
// update file_id of RAttachment
def convert(ra: RAttachment) =
findMime(ctx)(ra).flatMap(m => convertSafe(cfg, ctx)(ra, m))
findMime(ctx)(ra).flatMap(m => convertSafe(cfg, ctx, item)(ra, m))
for {
ras <- item.attachments.traverse(convert)
} yield item.copy(attachments = ras)
nra = ras.map(_._1)
nma = ras.flatMap(_._2)
} yield item.copy(attachments = nra, metas = nma)
def findMime[F[_]: Functor](ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs])(ra: RAttachment): F[Mimetype] =
def findMime[F[_]: Functor](ctx: Context[F, _])(ra: RAttachment): F[Mimetype] =
def convertSafe[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
cfg: ConvertConfig,
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs]
)(ra: RAttachment, mime: Mimetype): F[RAttachment] =
Conversion.create[F](cfg, ctx.blocker,ctx.logger).use { conv =>
.info(s"File ${ra.name} has mime ${mime.asString}. conv=$conv")
.map(_ => ra)
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs],
item: ItemData
)(ra: RAttachment, mime: Mimetype): F[(RAttachment, Option[RAttachmentMeta])] =
Conversion.create[F](cfg, ctx.blocker, ctx.logger).use { conv =>
mime match {
case Mimetype.`application/pdf` =>
ctx.logger.info("Not going to convert a PDF file into a PDF.") *>
(ra, None: Option[RAttachmentMeta]).pure[F]
case _ =>
val data = ctx.store.bitpeace
val handler = conversionHandler[F](ctx, cfg, ra, item)
ctx.logger.info(s"Converting file ${ra.name} (${mime.asString}) into a PDF") *>
conv.toPDF(DataType(MimeType(mime.primary, mime.sub)), ctx.args.meta.language, handler)(data)
private def conversionHandler[F[_]: Sync](
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs],
cfg: ConvertConfig,
ra: RAttachment,
item: ItemData
): Handler[F, (RAttachment, Option[RAttachmentMeta])] =
case ConversionResult.SuccessPdf(pdf) =>
ctx.logger.info(s"Conversion to pdf successful. Saving file.") *>
storePDF(ctx, cfg, ra, pdf)
.map(r => (r, None))
case ConversionResult.SuccessPdfTxt(pdf, txt) =>
ctx.logger.info(s"Conversion to pdf+txt successful. Saving file.") *>
storePDF(ctx, cfg, ra, pdf)
.flatMap(r =>
txt.map(t => (r, item.changeMeta(ra.id, _.setContentIfEmpty(t.some)).some))
case ConversionResult.UnsupportedFormat(mt) =>
ctx.logger.info(s"PDF conversion for type ${mt.asString} not supported!") *>
(ra, None: Option[RAttachmentMeta]).pure[F]
case ConversionResult.InputMalformed(mt, reason) =>
s"PDF conversion from type ${mt.asString} reported malformed input: $reason."
) *>
(ra, None: Option[RAttachmentMeta]).pure[F]
case ConversionResult.Failure(ex) =>
ctx.logger.error(s"PDF conversion failed: ${ex.getMessage}. Go without PDF file") *>
(ra, None: Option[RAttachmentMeta]).pure[F]
private def storePDF[F[_]: Sync](
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs],
cfg: ConvertConfig,
ra: RAttachment,
pdf: Stream[F, Byte]
) = {
val hint = MimeTypeHint.advertised(MimeType.pdf).withName(ra.name.getOrElse("file.pdf"))
val newName = ra.name.map(n => s"$n.pdf")
.saveNew(pdf, cfg.chunkSize, MimetypeHint(hint.filename, hint.advertised))
.map(fm => Ident.unsafe(fm.id))
.flatMap(fmId => ctx.store.transact(RAttachment.updateFileIdAndName(ra.id, fmId, newName)).map(_ => fmId))
.map(fmId => ra.copy(fileId = fmId, name = newName))
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package docspell.joex.process
import bitpeace.FileMeta
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.data.OptionT
@ -22,13 +23,15 @@ object CreateItem {
def createNew[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
Task { ctx =>
val validFiles = ctx.args.meta.validFileTypes.map(_.asString).toSet
def isValidFile(fm: FileMeta) =
ctx.args.meta.validFileTypes.isEmpty ||
def fileMetas(itemId: Ident, now: Timestamp) =
.flatMap(f => ctx.store.bitpeace.get(f.fileMetaId.id).map(fm => (f, fm)))
.collect({ case (f, Some(fm)) if validFiles.contains(fm.mimetype.baseType) => f })
.collect({ case (f, Some(fm)) if isValidFile(fm) => f })
case (f, index) =>
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ case class ItemData(
attachments: Vector[RAttachment],
metas: Vector[RAttachmentMeta],
dateLabels: Vector[AttachmentDates],
originFile: Map[Ident, Ident]
originFile: Map[Ident, Ident] //maps RAttachment.id -> FileMeta.id
) {
def findMeta(attachId: Ident): Option[RAttachmentMeta] =
@ -17,6 +17,21 @@ case class ItemData(
def findDates(rm: RAttachmentMeta): Vector[NerDateLabel] =
dateLabels.find(m => m.rm.id == rm.id).map(_.dates).getOrElse(Vector.empty)
def mapMeta(attachId: Ident, f: RAttachmentMeta => RAttachmentMeta): ItemData = {
val item = changeMeta(attachId, f)
val next = metas.map(a => if (a.id == attachId) item else a)
copy(metas = next)
def changeMeta(attachId: Ident, f: RAttachmentMeta => RAttachmentMeta): RAttachmentMeta =
def findOrCreate(attachId: Ident): RAttachmentMeta =
metas.find(_.id == attachId).getOrElse {
object ItemData {
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package docspell.joex.process
import bitpeace.RangeDef
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, RangeDef}
import cats.data.OptionT
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync}
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync}
import docspell.common._
import docspell.extract.{ExtractConfig, ExtractResult, Extraction}
import docspell.joex.scheduler.{Context, Task}
import docspell.store.Store
import docspell.store.records.{RAttachment, RAttachmentMeta}
import docspell.extract.ocr.{TextExtract, OcrConfig => OcrConfig}
import docspell.store.records.{RAttachment, RAttachmentMeta, RFileMeta}
object TextExtraction {
def apply[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
cfg: OcrConfig,
item: ItemData
cfg: ExtractConfig,
item: ItemData
): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
Task { ctx =>
for {
_ <- ctx.logger.info("Starting text extraction")
start <- Duration.stopTime[F]
txt <- item.attachments.traverse(extractTextToMeta(ctx, cfg, ctx.args.meta.language, item))
txt <- item.attachments.traverse(extractTextIfEmpty(ctx, cfg, ctx.args.meta.language, item))
_ <- ctx.logger.debug("Storing extracted texts")
_ <- txt.toList.traverse(rm => ctx.store.transact(RAttachmentMeta.upsert(rm)))
dur <- start
@ -27,53 +27,84 @@ object TextExtraction {
} yield item.copy(metas = txt)
def extractTextIfEmpty[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ctx: Context[F, _],
cfg: ExtractConfig,
lang: Language,
item: ItemData
)(ra: RAttachment): F[RAttachmentMeta] = {
val rm = item.findOrCreate(ra.id)
rm.content match {
case Some(_) =>
ctx.logger.info("TextExtraction skipped, since text is already available.") *>
case None =>
extractTextToMeta[F](ctx, cfg, lang, item)(ra)
def extractTextToMeta[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ctx: Context[F, _],
cfg: OcrConfig,
lang: Language,
item: ItemData
cfg: ExtractConfig,
lang: Language,
item: ItemData
)(ra: RAttachment): F[RAttachmentMeta] =
for {
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracting text for attachment ${ra.name}")
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracting text for attachment ${stripAttachmentName(ra)}")
dst <- Duration.stopTime[F]
txt <- extractTextFallback(ctx, cfg, lang)(filesToExtract(item, ra))
meta = RAttachmentMeta.empty(ra.id).copy(content = txt.map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty))
txt <- extractTextFallback(ctx, cfg, ra, lang)(filesToExtract(item, ra))
meta = item.changeMeta(ra.id, rm => rm.setContentIfEmpty(txt.map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty)))
est <- dst
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(
s"Extracting text for attachment ${ra.name} finished in ${est.formatExact}"
s"Extracting text for attachment ${stripAttachmentName(ra)} finished in ${est.formatExact}"
} yield meta
def extractText[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ocrConfig: OcrConfig,
lang: Language,
store: Store[F],
blocker: Blocker,
logger: Logger[F]
)(fileId: Ident): F[Option[String]] = {
val data = store.bitpeace
ctx: Context[F, _],
extr: Extraction[F],
lang: Language
)(fileId: Ident): F[ExtractResult] = {
val data = ctx.store.bitpeace
TextExtract.extract(data, blocker, logger, lang.iso3, ocrConfig).compile.last
def findMime: F[Mimetype] =
.flatMap(mt =>
extr.extractText(data, DataType(MimeType(mt.primary, mt.sub)), lang))
private def extractTextFallback[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ctx: Context[F, _],
ocrConfig: OcrConfig,
lang: Language,
ctx: Context[F, _],
cfg: ExtractConfig,
ra: RAttachment,
lang: Language,
)(fileIds: List[Ident]): F[Option[String]] = {
fileIds match {
case Nil =>
ctx.logger.error(s"Cannot extract text").map(_ => None)
case id :: rest =>
extractText[F](ocrConfig, lang, ctx.store, ctx.blocker, ctx.logger)(id).
case ex =>
val extr = Extraction.create[F](ctx.blocker, ctx.logger, cfg)
extractText[F](ctx, extr, lang)(id)
case ExtractResult.Success(txt) =>
case ExtractResult.UnsupportedFormat(mt) =>
ctx.logger.warn(s"Cannot extract text from file ${stripAttachmentName(ra)}: unsupported format ${mt.asString}. Try with converted file.").
flatMap(_ => extractTextFallback[F](ctx, cfg, ra, lang)(rest))
case ExtractResult.Failure(ex) =>
ctx.logger.warn(s"Cannot extract text: ${ex.getMessage}. Try with converted file").
flatMap(_ => extractTextFallback[F](ctx, ocrConfig, lang)(rest))
flatMap(_ => extractTextFallback[F](ctx, cfg, ra, lang)(rest))
@ -86,4 +117,9 @@ object TextExtraction {
case Some(sid) => List(sid, ra.fileId).distinct
case None => List(ra.fileId)
private def stripAttachmentName(ra: RAttachment): String =
.map(s => if (s.endsWith(".pdf") && s.count(_ == '.') > 1) s.dropRight(4) else s)
@ -80,9 +80,10 @@ docspell.server {
# The file content types that are considered valid. Docspell
# will only pass these files to processing. The processing code
# itself has also checks for which files are supported and which
# not. This affects the uploading part and is a first check to
# avoid that 'bad' files get into the system.
valid-mime-types = [ "application/pdf" ]
# not. This affects the uploading part and can be used to
# restrict file types that should be handed over to processing.
# By default all files are allowed.
valid-mime-types = [ ]
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ object RAttachment {
def updateFileIdAndName(attachId: Ident, fId: Ident, fname: Option[String]): ConnectionIO[Int] =
updateRow(table, id.is(attachId), commas(fileId.setTo(fId), name.setTo(fname))).update.run
def findById(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RAttachment]] =
selectSimple(all, table, id.is(attachId)).query[RAttachment].option
@ -108,7 +111,8 @@ object RAttachment {
def delete(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Int] =
for {
n0 <- RAttachmentMeta.delete(attachId)
n1 <- deleteFrom(table, id.is(attachId)).update.run
} yield n0 + n1
n1 <- RAttachmentSource.delete(attachId)
n2 <- deleteFrom(table, id.is(attachId)).update.run
} yield n0 + n1 + n2
@ -8,11 +8,16 @@ import docspell.store.impl._
import docspell.store.impl.Implicits._
case class RAttachmentMeta(
id: Ident,
id: Ident, //same as RAttachment.id
content: Option[String],
nerlabels: List[NerLabel],
proposals: MetaProposalList
) {}
) {
def setContentIfEmpty(txt: Option[String]): RAttachmentMeta =
if (content.forall(_.trim.isEmpty)) copy(content = txt)
else this
object RAttachmentMeta {
def empty(attachId: Ident) = RAttachmentMeta(attachId, None, Nil, MetaProposalList.empty)
@ -41,4 +41,6 @@ object RAttachmentSource {
def findById(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RAttachmentSource]] =
selectSimple(all, table, id.is(attachId)).query[RAttachmentSource].option
def delete(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Int] =
deleteFrom(table, id.is(attachId)).update.run
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type alias Settings =
defaultSettings : Settings
defaultSettings =
{ classList = \_ -> [ ( "ui placeholder segment", True ) ]
, contentTypes = [ "application/pdf" ]
, contentTypes = []
@ -148,7 +148,11 @@ filterMime settings files =
pred f =
List.member (File.mime f) settings.contentTypes
List.filter pred files
if settings.contentTypes == [] then
List.filter pred files
dropDecoder : D.Decoder Msg
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