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synced 2025-03-28 17:55:06 +00:00
Starting to support more file types
First, files are be converted to PDF for archiving. It is also easier to create a preview. This is done via the `ConvertPdf` processing task (which is not yet implemented). Text extraction then tries first with the original file. If that fails, OCR is done on the (potentially) converted pdf file. To not loose information of the original file, it is saved using the table `attachment_source`. If the original file is already a pdf, or the conversion did not succeed, the `attachment` and `attachment_source` record point to the same file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ object MimeType {
MimeType("image", partFromString(sub).throwLeft)
private[this] val validChars: Set[Char] =
(('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('0' to '9') ++ "*-").toSet
(('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('0' to '9') ++ "*-.").toSet
def parse(str: String): Either[String, MimeType] =
str.indexOf('/') match {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ object MimeType {
private def partFromString(s: String): Either[String, String] =
if (s.forall(validChars.contains)) Right(s)
else Left(s"Invalid identifier: $s. Allowed chars: ${validChars.mkString}")
else Left(s"Invalid identifier: $s. Allowed chars: ${validChars.toList.sorted.mkString}")
val octetStream = application("octet-stream")
val pdf = application("pdf")
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package docspell.joex.process
import bitpeace.Mimetype
import cats.Functor
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.data.OptionT
import docspell.common._
import docspell.joex.scheduler._
import docspell.store.records._
/** Goes through all attachments and creates a PDF version of it where
* supported.
* The `attachment` record is updated with the PDF version while the
* original file has been stored in the `attachment_source` record.
* If pdf conversion is not possible or if the input is already a
* pdf, both files are identical. That is, the `file_id`s point to
* the same file. Since the name of an attachment may be changed by
* the user, the `attachment_origin` record keeps that, too.
* This step assumes an existing premature item, it traverses its
* attachments.
object ConvertPdf {
def apply[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
item: ItemData
): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
Task { ctx =>
// get mimetype
// try to convert
// save to db
// update file_id of RAttachment
def convert(ra: RAttachment) =
findMime(ctx)(ra).flatMap(m => convertSafe(ctx)(ra, m))
for {
ras <- item.attachments.traverse(convert)
} yield item.copy(attachments = ras)
def findMime[F[_]: Functor](ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs])(ra: RAttachment): F[Mimetype] =
def convertSafe[F[_]: Sync](
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs]
)(ra: RAttachment, mime: Mimetype): F[RAttachment] = {
ctx.logger.info(s"File ${ra.name} has mime ${mime.asString}").
map(_ => ra)
@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ package docspell.joex.process
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.data.OptionT
import fs2.Stream
import docspell.common._
import docspell.joex.scheduler.{Context, Task}
import docspell.store.queries.QItem
import docspell.store.records.{RAttachment, RItem}
import docspell.store.records.{RAttachment, RAttachmentSource, RItem}
* Task that creates the item.
@ -53,13 +54,21 @@ object CreateItem {
n <- ctx.store.transact(RItem.insert(it))
_ <- if (n != 1) storeItemError[F](ctx) else ().pure[F]
fm <- fileMetas(it.id, it.created)
k <- fm.traverse(a => ctx.store.transact(RAttachment.insert(a)))
k <- fm.traverse(insertAttachment(ctx))
_ <- logDifferences(ctx, fm, k.sum)
dur <- time
_ <- ctx.logger.info(s"Creating item finished in ${dur.formatExact}")
} yield ItemData(it, fm, Vector.empty, Vector.empty)
} yield ItemData(it, fm, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, fm.map(a => a.id -> a.fileId).toMap)
def insertAttachment[F[_]: Sync](ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs])(ra: RAttachment): F[Int] = {
val rs = RAttachmentSource.of(ra)
ctx.store.transact(for {
n <- RAttachment.insert(ra)
_ <- RAttachmentSource.insert(rs)
} yield n)
def findExisting[F[_]: Sync]: Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, Option[ItemData]] =
Task { ctx =>
for {
@ -69,12 +78,18 @@ object CreateItem {
ht <- cand.drop(1).traverse(ri => QItem.delete(ctx.store)(ri.id, ri.cid))
_ <- if (ht.sum > 0) ctx.logger.warn(s"Removed ${ht.sum} items with same attachments")
else ().pure[F]
rms <- cand.headOption.traverse(ri =>
ctx.store.transact(RAttachment.findByItemAndCollective(ri.id, ri.cid))
} yield cand.headOption.map(ri =>
ItemData(ri, rms.getOrElse(Vector.empty), Vector.empty, Vector.empty)
rms <- OptionT(
cand.headOption.traverse(ri =>
ctx.store.transact(RAttachment.findByItemAndCollective(ri.id, ri.cid))
orig <- rms.traverse(a =>
ctx.store.transact(RAttachmentSource.findById(a.id)).map(s => (a, s))
origMap = orig
} yield cand.headOption.map(ri => ItemData(ri, rms, Vector.empty, Vector.empty, origMap))
private def logDifferences[F[_]: Sync](
@ -94,4 +109,8 @@ object CreateItem {
val msg = "Inserting item failed. DB returned 0 update count!"
ctx.logger.error(msg) *> Sync[F].raiseError(new Exception(msg))
//TODO if no source is present, it must be saved!
private def originFileTuple(t: (RAttachment, Option[RAttachmentSource])): (Ident, Ident) =
t._2.map(s => s.id -> s.fileId).getOrElse(t._1.id -> t._1.fileId)
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ case class ItemData(
item: RItem,
attachments: Vector[RAttachment],
metas: Vector[RAttachmentMeta],
dateLabels: Vector[AttachmentDates]
dateLabels: Vector[AttachmentDates],
originFile: Map[Ident, Ident]
) {
def findMeta(attachId: Ident): Option[RAttachmentMeta] =
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ object ProcessItem {
def apply[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
cfg: OcrConfig
)(item: ItemData): Task[F, ProcessItemArgs, ItemData] =
TextExtraction(cfg, item)
.flatMap(TextExtraction(cfg, _))
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package docspell.joex.process
import bitpeace.RangeDef
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync}
import docspell.common.{Duration, Language, ProcessItemArgs}
import docspell.common._
import docspell.joex.scheduler.{Context, Task}
import docspell.store.Store
import docspell.store.records.{RAttachment, RAttachmentMeta}
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ object TextExtraction {
for {
_ <- ctx.logger.info("Starting text extraction")
start <- Duration.stopTime[F]
txt <- item.attachments.traverse(extractTextToMeta(ctx, cfg, ctx.args.meta.language))
txt <- item.attachments.traverse(extractTextToMeta(ctx, cfg, ctx.args.meta.language, item))
_ <- ctx.logger.debug("Storing extracted texts")
_ <- txt.toList.traverse(rm => ctx.store.transact(RAttachmentMeta.upsert(rm)))
dur <- start
@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ object TextExtraction {
def extractTextToMeta[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ctx: Context[F, _],
cfg: OcrConfig,
lang: Language
lang: Language,
item: ItemData
)(ra: RAttachment): F[RAttachmentMeta] =
for {
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracting text for attachment ${ra.name}")
dst <- Duration.stopTime[F]
txt <- extractText(cfg, lang, ctx.store, ctx.blocker)(ra)
txt <- extractTextFallback(ctx, cfg, lang)(filesToExtract(item, ra))
meta = RAttachmentMeta.empty(ra.id).copy(content = txt.map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty))
est <- dst
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(
@ -48,12 +49,40 @@ object TextExtraction {
lang: Language,
store: Store[F],
blocker: Blocker
)(ra: RAttachment): F[Option[String]] = {
)(fileId: Ident): F[Option[String]] = {
val data = store.bitpeace
TextExtract.extract(data, blocker, lang.iso3, ocrConfig).compile.last
private def extractTextFallback[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](
ctx: Context[F, _],
ocrConfig: OcrConfig,
lang: Language,
)(fileIds: List[Ident]): F[Option[String]] = {
fileIds match {
case Nil =>
ctx.logger.error(s"Cannot extract text").map(_ => None)
case id :: rest =>
extractText[F](ocrConfig, lang, ctx.store, ctx.blocker)(id).
case ex =>
ctx.logger.warn(s"Cannot extract text: ${ex.getMessage}. Try with converted file").
flatMap(_ => extractTextFallback[F](ctx, ocrConfig, lang)(rest))
/** Returns the fileIds to extract text from. First, the source file
* is tried. If that fails, the converted file is tried.
private def filesToExtract(item: ItemData, ra: RAttachment): List[Ident] =
item.originFile.get(ra.id) match {
case Some(sid) => List(sid, ra.fileId).distinct
case None => List(ra.fileId)
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
CREATE TABLE `attachment_source` (
`id` varchar(254) not null primary key,
`file_id` varchar(254) not null,
`filename` varchar(254),
`created` timestamp not null,
foreign key (`file_id`) references `filemeta`(`id`),
foreign key (`id`) references `attachment`(`attachid`)
INSERT INTO `attachment_source`
SELECT `attachid`,`filemetaid`,`name`,`created` FROM `attachment`;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
CREATE TABLE "attachment_source" (
"id" varchar(254) not null primary key,
"file_id" varchar(254) not null,
"filename" varchar(254),
"created" timestamp not null,
foreign key ("file_id") references "filemeta"("id"),
foreign key ("id") references "attachment"("attachid")
INSERT INTO "attachment_source"
SELECT "attachid","filemetaid","name","created" FROM "attachment";
@ -41,6 +41,20 @@ object RAttachment {
def findById(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RAttachment]] =
selectSimple(all, table, id.is(attachId)).query[RAttachment].option
def findMeta(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[FileMeta]] = {
import bitpeace.sql._
val cols = RFileMeta.Columns.all.map(_.prefix("m"))
val aId = id.prefix("a")
val aFileMeta = fileId.prefix("a")
val mId = RFileMeta.Columns.id.prefix("m")
val from = table ++ fr"a INNER JOIN" ++ RFileMeta.table ++ fr"m ON" ++ aFileMeta.is(mId)
val cond = aId.is(attachId)
selectSimple(cols, from, cond).query[FileMeta].option
def findByIdAndCollective(attachId: Ident, collective: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RAttachment]] =
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package docspell.store.records
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import docspell.common._
import docspell.store.impl._
import docspell.store.impl.Implicits._
/** The origin file of an attachment. The `id` is shared with the
* attachment, to create a 1-1 (or 0..1-1) relationship.
case class RAttachmentSource(
id: Ident, //same as RAttachment.id
fileId: Ident,
name: Option[String],
created: Timestamp
object RAttachmentSource {
val table = fr"attachment_source"
object Columns {
val id = Column("id")
val fileId = Column("file_id")
val name = Column("filename")
val created = Column("created")
val all = List(id, fileId, name, created)
import Columns._
def of(ra: RAttachment): RAttachmentSource =
RAttachmentSource(ra.id, ra.fileId, ra.name, ra.created)
def insert(v: RAttachmentSource): ConnectionIO[Int] =
insertRow(table, all, fr"${v.id},${v.fileId},${v.name},${v.created}").update.run
def findById(attachId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[RAttachmentSource]] =
selectSimple(all, table, id.is(attachId)).query[RAttachmentSource].option
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
package docspell.store.records
import bitpeace.FileMeta
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import docspell.common._
import docspell.store.impl._
import docspell.store.impl.Implicits._
object RFileMeta {
@ -19,4 +24,10 @@ object RFileMeta {
val all = List(id, timestamp, mimetype, length, checksum, chunks, chunksize)
def findById(fid: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[FileMeta]] = {
import bitpeace.sql._
selectSimple(Columns.all, table, Columns.id.is(fid)).query[FileMeta].option
Reference in New Issue
Block a user