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synced 2025-03-28 17:55:06 +00:00
Show attachment meta data in ui
Allow to view the extracted text and results from text analysis of an attachment.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Api exposing
, deleteSource
, deleteTag
, deleteUser
, getAttachmentMeta
, getCollective
, getCollectiveSettings
, getContacts
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ module Api exposing
, versionInfo
import Api.Model.AttachmentMeta exposing (AttachmentMeta)
import Api.Model.AuthResult exposing (AuthResult)
import Api.Model.BasicResult exposing (BasicResult)
import Api.Model.Collective exposing (Collective)
@ -112,6 +114,23 @@ import Util.Http as Http2
--- Attachment Metadata
getAttachmentMeta :
-> String
-> (Result Http.Error AttachmentMeta -> msg)
-> Cmd msg
getAttachmentMeta flags id receive =
{ url = flags.config.baseUrl ++ "/api/v1/sec/attachment/" ++ id ++ "/meta"
, account = getAccount flags
, expect = Http.expectJson receive Api.Model.AttachmentMeta.decoder
--- Get Sent Mails
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
module Comp.AttachmentMeta exposing
( Model
, Msg
, init
, update
, view
import Api
import Api.Model.AttachmentMeta exposing (AttachmentMeta)
import Api.Model.ItemProposals exposing (ItemProposals)
import Api.Model.Label exposing (Label)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Http
import Util.Http
import Util.Time
type alias Model =
{ id : String
, meta : DataResult AttachmentMeta
type DataResult a
= NotAvailable
| Success a
| Failure String
emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =
{ id = ""
, meta = NotAvailable
init : Flags -> String -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags id =
( { emptyModel | id = id }
, Api.getAttachmentMeta flags id MetaResp
type Msg
= MetaResp (Result Http.Error AttachmentMeta)
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
MetaResp (Ok am) ->
{ model | meta = Success am }
MetaResp (Err err) ->
{ model | meta = Failure (Util.Http.errorToString err) }
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h3 [ class "ui header" ]
[ text "Extracted Meta Data"
, case model.meta of
NotAvailable ->
div [ class "ui active dimmer" ]
[ div [ class "ui loader" ]
Failure msg ->
div [ class "ui error message" ]
[ text msg
Success data ->
viewData data
viewData : AttachmentMeta -> Html Msg
viewData meta =
div []
[ div [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Content"
, div [ class "extracted-text" ]
[ text meta.content
, div [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Labels"
, div []
[ div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.map renderLabelItem meta.labels)
, div [ class "ui dividing header" ]
[ text "Proposals"
, viewProposals meta.proposals
viewProposals : ItemProposals -> Html Msg
viewProposals props =
mkItem n lbl =
div [ class "item" ]
[ div [ class "ui label" ]
[ text lbl.name
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ (String.fromInt (n + 1) ++ ".")
|> text
mkTimeItem ms =
div [ class "item" ]
[ div [ class "ui label" ]
[ Util.Time.formatDateShort ms |> text
div []
[ div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Correspondent Organization"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.indexedMap mkItem props.corrOrg)
, div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Correspondent Person"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.indexedMap mkItem props.corrPerson)
, div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Concerning Person"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.indexedMap mkItem props.concPerson)
, div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Concerning Equipment"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.indexedMap mkItem props.concEquipment)
, div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Item Date"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.map mkTimeItem props.itemDate)
, div [ class "ui small header" ]
[ text "Item Due Date"
, div [ class "ui horizontal list" ]
(List.map mkTimeItem props.dueDate)
renderLabelItem : Label -> Html Msg
renderLabelItem label =
div [ class "item" ]
[ renderLabel label
renderLabel : Label -> Html Msg
renderLabel label =
icon =
case label.labelType of
"organization" ->
"factory icon"
"person" ->
"user icon"
"location" ->
"map marker icon"
"date" ->
"calendar alternate icon"
"misc" ->
"help icon"
"email" ->
"at icon"
"website" ->
"external alternate icon"
_ ->
"tag icon"
[ class "ui basic label"
, title label.labelType
[ i [ class icon ] []
, text label.label
, div [ class "detail" ]
[ String.fromInt label.beginPos |> text
, text "-"
, String.fromInt label.endPos |> text
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Api.Model.SentMails exposing (SentMails)
import Api.Model.Tag exposing (Tag)
import Api.Model.TagList exposing (TagList)
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Comp.AttachmentMeta
import Comp.DatePicker
import Comp.Dropdown exposing (isDropdownChangeMsg)
import Comp.ItemMail
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import Comp.YesNoDimmer
import Data.Direction exposing (Direction)
import Data.Flags exposing (Flags)
import DatePicker exposing (DatePicker)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ type alias Model =
, mailSendResult : Maybe BasicResult
, sentMails : Comp.SentMails.Model
, sentMailsOpen : Bool
, attachMeta : Dict String Comp.AttachmentMeta.Model
, attachMetaOpen : Bool
@ -153,6 +157,8 @@ emptyModel =
, mailSendResult = Nothing
, sentMails = Comp.SentMails.init
, sentMailsOpen = False
, attachMeta = Dict.empty
, attachMetaOpen = False
@ -203,6 +209,8 @@ type Msg
| SentMailsMsg Comp.SentMails.Msg
| ToggleSentMails
| SentMailsResp (Result Http.Error SentMails)
| AttachMetaClick String
| AttachMetaMsg String Comp.AttachmentMeta.Msg
@ -877,6 +885,39 @@ update key flags next msg model =
SentMailsResp (Err _) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
AttachMetaClick id ->
case Dict.get id model.attachMeta of
Just _ ->
( { model | attachMetaOpen = not model.attachMetaOpen }
, Cmd.none
Nothing ->
( am, ac ) =
Comp.AttachmentMeta.init flags id
nextMeta =
Dict.insert id am model.attachMeta
( { model | attachMeta = nextMeta, attachMetaOpen = True }
, Cmd.map (AttachMetaMsg id) ac
AttachMetaMsg id lmsg ->
case Dict.get id model.attachMeta of
Just cm ->
am =
Comp.AttachmentMeta.update lmsg cm
( { model | attachMeta = Dict.insert id am model.attachMeta }
, Cmd.none
Nothing ->
( model, Cmd.none )
-- view
@ -1007,7 +1048,7 @@ renderNotes model =
Nothing ->
Just str ->
Just _ ->
[ div [ class "ui segment" ]
[ a
[ class "ui top left attached label"
@ -1135,6 +1176,17 @@ renderAttachmentView model pos attach =
, div [ class "right menu" ]
[ a
[ classList
[ ( "toggle item", True )
, ( "active", isAttachMetaOpen model attach.id )
, title "Show extracted data"
, onClick (AttachMetaClick attach.id)
, href "#"
[ i [ class "info icon" ] []
, a
[ class "item"
, title "Download to disk"
, download attachName
@ -1144,13 +1196,37 @@ renderAttachmentView model pos attach =
, div [ class "ui 4:3 embed doc-embed" ]
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui 4:3 embed doc-embed", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", isAttachMetaOpen model attach.id )
[ embed [ src fileUrl, type_ attach.contentType ]
, div
[ classList
[ ( "ui basic segment", True )
, ( "invisible hidden", not (isAttachMetaOpen model attach.id) )
[ case Dict.get attach.id model.attachMeta of
Just am ->
Html.map (AttachMetaMsg attach.id)
(Comp.AttachmentMeta.view am)
Nothing ->
span [] []
isAttachMetaOpen : Model -> String -> Bool
isAttachMetaOpen model id =
model.attachMetaOpen && (Dict.get id model.attachMeta /= Nothing)
renderAttachmentsTabBody : Model -> List (Html Msg)
renderAttachmentsTabBody model =
@ -39,6 +39,15 @@
padding: 0 1em;
.default-layout .extracted-text {
font-family: monospace;
white-space: pre-wrap;
max-height: 20rem;
overflow: scroll;
background: floralwhite;
padding: 0.8em;
.markdown-preview {
overflow: auto;
max-height: 300px;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user