Reformat with scalafmt 3.0.0

This commit is contained in:
Scala Steward 2021-08-19 08:50:30 +02:00
parent 5a2a0295ef
commit e4fecefaea
No known key found for this signature in database
127 changed files with 558 additions and 658 deletions

View File

@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ val scalafixSettings = Seq(
val sharedSettings = Seq(
organization := "com.github.eikek",
scalaVersion := "2.13.6",
organization := "com.github.eikek",
scalaVersion := "2.13.6",
organizationName := "Docspell Contributors",
licenses += ("GPL-3.0-or-later", url(
startYear := Some(2020),
headerLicenseStyle := HeaderLicenseStyle.SpdxSyntax,
startYear := Some(2020),
headerLicenseStyle := HeaderLicenseStyle.SpdxSyntax,
headerSources / excludeFilter := HiddenFileFilter || "*.java" || "StringUtil.scala",
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ val testSettingsMUnit = Seq(
lazy val noPublish = Seq(
publish := {},
publishLocal := {},
publish := {},
publishLocal := {},
publishArtifact := false
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ val buildInfoSettings = Seq(
val openapiScalaSettings = Seq(
openapiScalaConfig := ScalaConfig()
.addMapping(CustomMapping.forType({ case TypeDef("LocalDateTime", _) =>
.addMapping(CustomMapping.forType { case TypeDef("LocalDateTime", _) =>
TypeDef("Timestamp", Imports("docspell.common.Timestamp"))
.addMapping(CustomMapping.forFormatType {
case "ident" =>
field => field.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Ident", Imports("docspell.common.Ident")))
case "accountid" =>
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ val openapiScalaSettings = Seq(
field =>
.copy(typeDef = TypeDef("Duration", Imports("docspell.common.Duration")))
// --- Modules
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ val files = project
val files = (base ** (_.isFile)).pair(
val lines = { s =>
val ident = s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "_")
ident -> s"""val $ident = createUrl("${s}")"""
ident -> s"""val $ident = createUrl("$s")"""
val content = s"""package docspell.files
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ ${",\n")}
val target = (Test / sourceManaged).value / "scala" / "ExampleFiles.scala"
val target = (Test / sourceManaged).value / "scala" / "ExampleFiles.scala"
IO.write(target, content)
@ -436,9 +436,9 @@ val restapi = project
libraryDependencies ++=
openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Scala,
openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.restapi.model"),
openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml",
openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc
openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.restapi.model"),
openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml",
openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc
@ -456,9 +456,9 @@ val joexapi = project
Dependencies.http4sCirce ++
openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Scala,
openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.joexapi.model"),
openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "joex-openapi.yml",
openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc
openapiPackage := Pkg("docspell.joexapi.model"),
openapiSpec := (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "joex-openapi.yml",
openapiStaticGen := OpenApiDocGenerator.Redoc
@ -487,9 +487,9 @@ val webapp = project
name := "docspell-webapp",
name := "docspell-webapp",
openapiTargetLanguage := Language.Elm,
openapiPackage := Pkg("Api.Model"),
openapiPackage := Pkg("Api.Model"),
openapiSpec := (restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml",
openapiElmConfig := ElmConfig().withJson(ElmJson.decodePipeline)
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ val joex = project
name := "docspell-joex",
description := "The joex component (job executor) for docspell which executes long-running tasks.",
packageSummary := "Docspell Joex",
packageSummary := "Docspell Joex",
packageDescription := description.value,
libraryDependencies ++=
Dependencies.fs2 ++
@ -544,9 +544,9 @@ val restserver = project
name := "docspell-restserver",
description := "Docspell server providing the user interface and a REST Api.",
packageSummary := "Docspell Rest server",
name := "docspell-restserver",
description := "Docspell server providing the user interface and a REST Api.",
packageSummary := "Docspell Rest server",
packageDescription := description.value,
libraryDependencies ++=
Dependencies.http4sServer ++
@ -601,12 +601,12 @@ val website = project
.enablePlugins(ZolaPlugin, GitHubPagesPlugin)
name := "docspell-website",
publishArtifact := false,
publish / skip := true,
gitHubPagesOrgName := "eikek",
name := "docspell-website",
publishArtifact := false,
publish / skip := true,
gitHubPagesOrgName := "eikek",
gitHubPagesRepoName := "docspell",
gitHubPagesSiteDir := zolaOutputDir.value,
gitHubPagesSiteDir := zolaOutputDir.value,
Compile / resourceGenerators += Def.task {
val templateOut = baseDirectory.value / "site" / "templates" / "shortcodes"
val staticOut = baseDirectory.value / "site" / "static" / "openapi"
@ -614,11 +614,11 @@ val website = project
val logger = streams.value.log
val files = Seq(
(restserver / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "server.conf",
(joex / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "joex.conf",
(restserver / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "server.conf",
(joex / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "reference.conf" -> templateOut / "joex.conf",
(LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "tools" / "exim" / "exim.conf" -> templateOut / "sample-exim.conf",
(restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml" -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.yml",
(restapi / Compile / openapiStaticDoc).value -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.html"
(restapi / Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "docspell-openapi.yml" -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.yml",
(restapi / Compile / openapiStaticDoc).value -> staticOut / "docspell-openapi.html"
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ def packageTools(logger: Logger, dir: File, version: String): Seq[File] = {
val target = dir / "target"
val archive = target / s"docspell-tools-${version}.zip"
val archive = target / s"docspell-tools-$""Packaging tools to $archive ...")
val webext = target / "docspell-firefox-extension.xpi"
val wx = dir / "webextension"
@ -782,13 +782,13 @@ def packageTools(logger: Logger, dir: File, version: String): Seq[File] = {
(dir ** "*")
.filter(f => !excludes.exists(p => f.absolutePath.startsWith(p.absolutePath)))
.map({ case (f, name) => (f, s"docspell-tools-${version}/$name") })
.map { case (f, name) => (f, s"docspell-tools-$version/$name") }
webext -> s"docspell-tools-${version}/firefox/docspell-extension.xpi",
wx / "native/app_manifest.json" -> s"docspell-tools-${version}/firefox/native/app_manifest.json",
wx / "native/" -> s"docspell-tools-${version}/firefox/native/"
webext -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/docspell-extension.xpi",
wx / "native/app_manifest.json" -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/native/app_manifest.json",
wx / "native/" -> s"docspell-tools-$version/firefox/native/"
) ++ files,

View File

@ -155,10 +155,8 @@ final class StanfordTextClassifier[F[_]: Async](cfg: TextClassifierConfig)
case class TrainResult(score: Double, model: ClassifierModel)
def prepend(pre: String, data: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] =
.map({ case (k, v) =>
if (k.startsWith(pre)) (k, v)
else (pre + k, v)
.toMap { case (k, v) =>
if (k.startsWith(pre)) (k, v)
else (pre + k, v)

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ object Domain {
.map(tld => (str.dropRight(tld.length), tld))
.map({ case (names, tld) =>
.map { case (names, tld) =>
names.split('.').toList match {
case Nil => Left(s"Not a domain: $str")
case segs
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ object Domain {
Right(Domain(NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(segs), tld))
case _ => Left(s"Not a domain: $str")
.getOrElse(Left(s"Not a domain $str"))
def isDomain(str: String): Boolean =

View File

@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ object DateFind {
Reader(words => Nel.of(reader, more: _*).map(
def readFirst[A](f: Word => Option[A]): Reader[A] =
Reader {
case Nil => Result.Failure
case a :: as =>
f(a).map(value => Result.Success(value, as)).getOrElse(Result.Failure)
sealed trait Result[+A] {

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ object MonthName {
private def merge(n0: List[List[String]], ns: List[List[String]]*): List[List[String]] =
ns.foldLeft(n0) { (res, el) =>{ case (a, b) => a ++ b }) { case (a, b) => a ++ b }
private def forLang(lang: Language): List[List[String]] =

View File

@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ object Annotator {
* There are the following ways:
* - disabled: it returns a no-op annotator that always gives an empty list
* - full: the complete stanford pipeline is used
* - basic: only the ner classifier is used
* - disabled: it returns a no-op annotator that always gives an empty list
* - full: the complete stanford pipeline is used
* - basic: only the ner classifier is used
* Additionally, if there is a regexNer-file specified, the regexner annotator is
* also run. In case the full pipeline is used, this is already included.
* Additionally, if there is a regexNer-file specified, the regexner annotator is also
* run. In case the full pipeline is used, this is already included.
def apply[F[_]: Sync](mode: NlpMode)(settings: NlpSettings): Annotator[F] =
mode match {

View File

@ -21,10 +21,9 @@ import
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.{CoreAnnotations, CoreLabel}
import org.log4s.getLogger
/** This is only using the CRFClassifier without building an analysis
* pipeline. The ner-classifier cannot use results from POS-tagging
* etc. and is therefore not as good as the [[StanfordNerAnnotator]].
* But it uses less memory, while still being not bad.
/** This is only using the CRFClassifier without building an analysis pipeline. The
* ner-classifier cannot use results from POS-tagging etc. and is therefore not as good
* as the [[StanfordNerAnnotator]]. But it uses less memory, while still being not bad.
object BasicCRFAnnotator {
private[this] val logger = getLogger

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import docspell.common._
import org.log4s.getLogger
/** Creating the StanfordCoreNLP pipeline is quite expensive as it
* involves IO and initializing large objects.
/** Creating the StanfordCoreNLP pipeline is quite expensive as it involves IO and
* initializing large objects.
* Therefore, the instances are cached, because they are thread-safe.

View File

@ -44,48 +44,48 @@ object Properties {
def nerGerman(regexNerMappingFile: Option[String], highRecall: Boolean): JProps =
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,mwt,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "de",
"mwt.mappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/german/german-mwt.tsv",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/german-ud.tagger",
"ner.statisticalOnly" -> "true",
"ner.rulesOnly" -> "false",
"ner.applyFineGrained" -> "false",
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,mwt,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "de",
"mwt.mappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/german/german-mwt.tsv",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/german-ud.tagger",
"ner.statisticalOnly" -> "true",
"ner.rulesOnly" -> "false",
"ner.applyFineGrained" -> "false",
"ner.applyNumericClassifiers" -> "false", //only english supported, not needed currently
"ner.useSUTime" -> "false", //only english, unused in docspell
"ner.language" -> "de",
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/german.distsim.crf.ser.gz,edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
"ner.useSUTime" -> "false", //only english, unused in docspell
"ner.language" -> "de",
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/german.distsim.crf.ser.gz,edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
def nerEnglish(regexNerMappingFile: Option[String]): JProps =
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "en",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/english-left3words-distsim.tagger",
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "en",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/english-left3words-distsim.tagger",
"ner.statisticalOnly" -> "true",
"ner.rulesOnly" -> "false",
"ner.applyFineGrained" -> "false",
"ner.applyNumericClassifiers" -> "false",
"ner.useSUTime" -> "false",
"ner.language" -> "en",
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
def nerFrench(regexNerMappingFile: Option[String], highRecall: Boolean): JProps =
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,mwt,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "fr",
"mwt.mappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt.tsv",
"mwt.pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt.tagger",
"mwt.statisticalMappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt-statistical.tsv",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/french-ud.tagger",
"ner.statisticalOnly" -> "true",
"ner.rulesOnly" -> "false",
"ner.applyFineGrained" -> "false",
"annotators" -> "tokenize,ssplit,mwt,pos,lemma,ner",
"tokenize.language" -> "fr",
"mwt.mappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt.tsv",
"mwt.pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt.tagger",
"mwt.statisticalMappingFile" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/mwt/french/french-mwt-statistical.tsv",
"pos.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/french-ud.tagger",
"ner.statisticalOnly" -> "true",
"ner.rulesOnly" -> "false",
"ner.applyFineGrained" -> "false",
"ner.applyNumericClassifiers" -> "false",
"ner.useSUTime" -> "false",
"ner.language" -> "de",
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/french-wikiner-4class.crf.ser.gz,edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
"ner.model" -> "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/french-wikiner-4class.crf.ser.gz,edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"
def regexNerOnly(regexNerMappingFile: Path): JProps =

View File

@ -22,13 +22,11 @@ object StanfordNerAnnotator {
/** Runs named entity recognition on the given `text`.
* This uses the classifier pipeline from stanford-nlp, see
* Creating these
* classifiers is quite expensive, it involves loading large model
* files. The classifiers are thread-safe and so they are cached.
* The `cacheKey` defines the "slot" where classifiers are stored
* and retrieved. If for a given `cacheKey` the `settings` change,
* a new classifier must be created. It will then replace the
* previous one.
* Creating these classifiers is quite
* expensive, it involves loading large model files. The classifiers are thread-safe
* and so they are cached. The `cacheKey` defines the "slot" where classifiers are
* stored and retrieved. If for a given `cacheKey` the `settings` change, a new
* classifier must be created. It will then replace the previous one.
def nerAnnotate(nerClassifier: StanfordCoreNLP, text: String): Vector[NerLabel] = {
val doc = new CoreDocument(text)

View File

@ -17,18 +17,16 @@ object StanfordNerSettings {
/** Settings for configuring the stanford NER pipeline.
* The language is mandatory, only the provided ones are supported.
* The `highRecall` only applies for non-English languages. For
* non-English languages the english classifier is run as second
* classifier and if `highRecall` is true, then it will be used to
* tag untagged tokens. This may lead to a lot of false positives,
* but since English is omnipresent in other languages, too it
* depends on the use case for whether this is useful or not.
* The language is mandatory, only the provided ones are supported. The `highRecall`
* only applies for non-English languages. For non-English languages the english
* classifier is run as second classifier and if `highRecall` is true, then it will be
* used to tag untagged tokens. This may lead to a lot of false positives, but since
* English is omnipresent in other languages, too it depends on the use case for
* whether this is useful or not.
* The `regexNer` allows to specify a text file as described here:
* This will be used
* as a last step to tag untagged tokens using the provided list of
* regexps.
* This will be used as a last step to
* tag untagged tokens using the provided list of regexps.
case class Full(
lang: NLPLanguage,
@ -36,7 +34,8 @@ object StanfordNerSettings {
regexNer: Option[Path]
) extends StanfordNerSettings
/** Not all languages are supported with predefined statistical models. This allows to provide regexps only.
/** Not all languages are supported with predefined statistical models. This allows to
* provide regexps only.
case class RegexOnly(regexNerFile: Path) extends StanfordNerSettings

View File

@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ class StanfordTextClassifierSuite extends FunSuite {
.flatMap({ case (a, b) =>
.flatMap { case (a, b) =>
Stream.emits(Seq(a, b))
val modelExists = {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class StanfordTextClassifierSuite extends FunSuite {
test("run classifier") {
val cfg = TextClassifierConfig(File.path(Paths.get("target")), NonEmptyList.of(Map()))
val cfg = TextClassifierConfig(File.path(Paths.get("target")), NonEmptyList.of(Map()))
val things = File.withTempDir[IO](File.path(Paths.get("target")), "testcls")

View File

@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ private[auth] object TokenUtil {
def constTimeEq(s1: String, s2: String): Boolean =
.foldLeft(true)({ case (r, (c1, c2)) => r & c1 == c2 }) & s1.length == s2.length
.foldLeft(true) { case (r, (c1, c2)) => r & c1 == c2 } & s1.length == s2.length

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import
trait CreateIndex[F[_]] {
/** Low-level function to re-index data. It is not submitted as a job,
* but invoked on the current machine.
/** Low-level function to re-index data. It is not submitted as a job, but invoked on
* the current machine.
def reIndexData(
logger: Logger[F],

View File

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ object Merge {
nextPos <- store.transact(RAttachment.nextPosition(target))
attachs <- store.transact(items.tail.traverse(id => RAttachment.findByItem(id)))
attachFlat = attachs.flatMap(_.toList)
n <- attachFlat.zipWithIndex.traverse({ case (a, idx) =>
n <- attachFlat.zipWithIndex.traverse { case (a, idx) =>
store.transact(RAttachment.updateItemId(, target, nextPos + idx))
} yield n.sum

View File

@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ trait OCollective[F[_]] {
def startEmptyTrash(args: EmptyTrashArgs): F[Unit]
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview images for all
* attachments of the given collective.
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview images for all attachments of the
* given collective.
def generatePreviews(
storeMode: MakePreviewArgs.StoreMode,
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ object OCollective {
id <- Ident.randomId[F]
settings = sett.emptyTrash.getOrElse(EmptyTrash.default)
args = EmptyTrashArgs(coll, settings.minAge)
ut = UserTask(id, EmptyTrashArgs.taskName, true, settings.schedule, None, args)
ut = UserTask(id, EmptyTrashArgs.taskName, true, settings.schedule, None, args)
_ <- uts.updateOneTask(UserTaskScope(coll), args.makeSubject.some, ut)
_ <- joex.notifyAllNodes
} yield ()

View File

@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ trait OFolder[F[_]] {
def findById(id: Ident, account: AccountId): F[Option[OFolder.FolderDetail]]
/** Adds a new folder. If `login` is non-empty, the `folder.user`
* property is ignored and the user-id is determined by the given
* login name.
/** Adds a new folder. If `login` is non-empty, the `folder.user` property is ignored
* and the user-id is determined by the given login name.
def add(folder: RFolder, login: Option[Ident]): F[AddResult]

View File

@ -49,13 +49,12 @@ trait OFulltext[F[_]] {
def findIndexOnlySummary(account: AccountId, fts: OFulltext.FtsInput): F[SearchSummary]
def findItemsSummary(q: Query, fts: OFulltext.FtsInput): F[SearchSummary]
/** Clears the full-text index completely and launches a task that
* indexes all data.
/** Clears the full-text index completely and launches a task that indexes all data.
def reindexAll: F[Unit]
/** Clears the full-text index for the given collective and starts a
* task indexing all their data.
/** Clears the full-text index for the given collective and starts a task indexing all
* their data.
def reindexCollective(account: AccountId): F[Unit]
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ object OFulltext {
FtsQuery.HighlightSetting(ftsQ.highlightPre, ftsQ.highlightPost)
for {
_ <- logger.ftrace(s"Find index only: ${ftsQ.query}/${batch}")
_ <- logger.ftrace(s"Find index only: ${ftsQ.query}/$batch")
folders <- store.transact(QFolder.getMemberFolders(account))
ftsR <-
ftsItems = ftsR.results.groupBy(_.itemId)
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ object OFulltext {
res =
.collect(convertFtsData(ftsR, ftsItems))
.map({ case (li, fd) => FtsItemWithTags(li, fd) })
.map { case (li, fd) => FtsItemWithTags(li, fd) }
} yield res
@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ object OFulltext {
.map({ case (li, fd) => FtsItem(li, fd) })
.map { case (li, fd) => FtsItem(li, fd) }
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ object OFulltext {
.map({ case (li, fd) => FtsItemWithTags(li, fd) })
.map { case (li, fd) => FtsItemWithTags(li, fd) }

View File

@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
/** Sets the given tags (removing all existing ones). */
def setTags(item: Ident, tagIds: List[String], collective: Ident): F[UpdateResult]
/** Sets tags for multiple items. The tags of the items will be
* replaced with the given ones. Same as `setTags` but for multiple
* items.
/** Sets tags for multiple items. The tags of the items will be replaced with the given
* ones. Same as `setTags` but for multiple items.
def setTagsMultipleItems(
items: NonEmptyList[Ident],
@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
/** Create a new tag and add it to the item. */
def addNewTag(item: Ident, tag: RTag): F[AddResult]
/** Apply all tags to the given item. Tags must exist, but can be IDs
* or names. Existing tags on the item are left unchanged.
/** Apply all tags to the given item. Tags must exist, but can be IDs or names. Existing
* tags on the item are left unchanged.
def linkTags(item: Ident, tags: List[String], collective: Ident): F[UpdateResult]
@ -163,10 +162,9 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
collective: Ident
): F[UpdateResult]
/** Submits the item for re-processing. The list of attachment ids can
* be used to only re-process a subset of the item's attachments.
* If this list is empty, all attachments are reprocessed. This
* call only submits the job into the queue.
/** Submits the item for re-processing. The list of attachment ids can be used to only
* re-process a subset of the item's attachments. If this list is empty, all
* attachments are reprocessed. This call only submits the job into the queue.
def reprocess(
item: Ident,
@ -181,9 +179,8 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
notifyJoex: Boolean
): F[UpdateResult]
/** Submits a task that finds all non-converted pdfs and triggers
* converting them using ocrmypdf. Each file is converted by a
* separate task.
/** Submits a task that finds all non-converted pdfs and triggers converting them using
* ocrmypdf. Each file is converted by a separate task.
def convertAllPdf(
collective: Option[Ident],
@ -191,8 +188,7 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
notifyJoex: Boolean
): F[UpdateResult]
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview image for an
* attachment.
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview image for an attachment.
def generatePreview(
args: MakePreviewArgs,
@ -200,8 +196,7 @@ trait OItem[F[_]] {
notifyJoex: Boolean
): F[UpdateResult]
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview images for all
* attachments.
/** Submits a task that (re)generates the preview images for all attachments.
def generateAllPreviews(
storeMode: MakePreviewArgs.StoreMode,

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
def findAttachment(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[Option[AttachmentData[F]]] =
.transact(RAttachment.findByIdAndCollective(id, collective))
.flatMap {
case Some(ra) =>
makeBinaryData(ra.fileId) { m =>
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
case None =>
(None: Option[AttachmentData[F]]).pure[F]
def findAttachmentSource(
id: Ident,
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
): F[Option[AttachmentSourceData[F]]] =
.transact(RAttachmentSource.findByIdAndCollective(id, collective))
.flatMap {
case Some(ra) =>
makeBinaryData(ra.fileId) { m =>
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
case None =>
(None: Option[AttachmentSourceData[F]]).pure[F]
def findAttachmentPreview(
id: Ident,
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
): F[Option[AttachmentPreviewData[F]]] =
.transact(RAttachmentPreview.findByIdAndCollective(id, collective))
.flatMap {
case Some(ra) =>
makeBinaryData(ra.fileId) { m =>
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
case None =>
(None: Option[AttachmentPreviewData[F]]).pure[F]
def findItemPreview(
item: Ident,
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
): F[Option[AttachmentPreviewData[F]]] =
.transact(RAttachmentPreview.findByItemAndCollective(item, collective))
.flatMap {
case Some(ra) =>
makeBinaryData(ra.fileId) { m =>
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
case None =>
(None: Option[AttachmentPreviewData[F]]).pure[F]
def findAttachmentArchive(
id: Ident,
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
): F[Option[AttachmentArchiveData[F]]] =
.transact(RAttachmentArchive.findByIdAndCollective(id, collective))
.flatMap {
case Some(ra) =>
makeBinaryData(ra.fileId) { m =>
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ object OItemSearch {
case None =>
(None: Option[AttachmentArchiveData[F]]).pure[F]
private def makeBinaryData[A](fileId: Ident)(f: FileMeta => A): F[Option[A]] =

View File

@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ object OOrganization {
): F[Vector[OrgAndContacts]] =
.transact(QOrganization.findOrgAndContact(account.collective, query,
.map({ case (org, cont) => OrgAndContacts(org, cont) })
.map { case (org, cont) => OrgAndContacts(org, cont) }
def findOrg(account: AccountId, orgId: Ident): F[Option[OrgAndContacts]] =
.transact(QOrganization.getOrgAndContact(account.collective, orgId))
.map({ case (org, cont) => OrgAndContacts(org, cont) }))
.map( { case (org, cont) => OrgAndContacts(org, cont) })
def findAllOrgRefs(
account: AccountId,
@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ object OOrganization {
): F[Vector[PersonAndContacts]] =
.transact(QOrganization.findPersonAndContact(account.collective, query,
.map({ case (person, org, cont) => PersonAndContacts(person, org, cont) })
.map { case (person, org, cont) => PersonAndContacts(person, org, cont) }
def findPerson(account: AccountId, persId: Ident): F[Option[PersonAndContacts]] =
.transact(QOrganization.getPersonAndContact(account.collective, persId))
.map({ case (pers, org, cont) => PersonAndContacts(pers, org, cont) }))
.map( { case (pers, org, cont) => PersonAndContacts(pers, org, cont) })
def findAllPersonRefs(
account: AccountId,

View File

@ -19,31 +19,27 @@ import
import org.log4s.getLogger
/** A "porcelain" api on top of OFulltext and OItemSearch. This takes
* care of restricting the items to a subset, e.g. only items that
* have a "valid" state.
/** A "porcelain" api on top of OFulltext and OItemSearch. This takes care of restricting
* the items to a subset, e.g. only items that have a "valid" state.
trait OSimpleSearch[F[_]] {
/** Search for items using the given query and optional fulltext
* search.
/** Search for items using the given query and optional fulltext search.
* When using fulltext search only (the query is empty), only the
* index is searched. It is assumed that the index doesn't contain
* "invalid" items. When using a query, then a condition to select
* only valid items is added to it.
* When using fulltext search only (the query is empty), only the index is searched. It
* is assumed that the index doesn't contain "invalid" items. When using a query, then
* a condition to select only valid items is added to it.
def search(settings: Settings)(q: Query, fulltextQuery: Option[String]): F[Items]
/** Using the same arguments as in `search`, this returns a summary
* and not the results.
/** Using the same arguments as in `search`, this returns a summary and not the results.
def searchSummary(
settings: StatsSettings
)(q: Query, fulltextQuery: Option[String]): F[SearchSummary]
/** Calls `search` by parsing the given query string into a query that
* is then amended wtih the given `fix` query.
/** Calls `search` by parsing the given query string into a query that is then amended
* wtih the given `fix` query.
final def searchByString(
settings: Settings
@ -52,8 +48,7 @@ trait OSimpleSearch[F[_]] {
): F[StringSearchResult[Items]] =
OSimpleSearch.applySearch[F, Items](fix, q)((iq, fts) => search(settings)(iq, fts))
/** Same as `searchByString` but returning a summary instead of the
* results.
/** Same as `searchByString` but returning a summary instead of the results.
final def searchSummaryByString(
settings: StatsSettings
@ -190,8 +185,8 @@ object OSimpleSearch {
/** Calls `run` with one of the success results when extracting the
* fulltext search node from the query.
/** Calls `run` with one of the success results when extracting the fulltext search node
* from the query.
private def runQuery[F[_]: Applicative, A](
itemQuery: Option[ItemQuery]
@ -211,10 +206,9 @@ object OSimpleSearch {
final class Impl[F[_]: Sync](fts: OFulltext[F], is: OItemSearch[F])
extends OSimpleSearch[F] {
/** Implements searching like this: it exploits the fact that teh
* fulltext index only contains valid items. When searching via
* sql the query expression selecting only valid items is added
* here.
/** Implements searching like this: it exploits the fact that teh fulltext index only
* contains valid items. When searching via sql the query expression selecting only
* valid items is added here.
def search(
settings: Settings

View File

@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ trait OUpload[F[_]] {
itemId: Option[Ident]
): F[OUpload.UploadResult]
/** Submit files via a given source identifier. The source is looked
* up to identify the collective the files belong to. Metadata
* defined in the source is used as a fallback to those specified
* here (in UploadData).
/** Submit files via a given source identifier. The source is looked up to identify the
* collective the files belong to. Metadata defined in the source is used as a fallback
* to those specified here (in UploadData).
def submit(
data: OUpload.UploadData[F],
@ -103,8 +102,7 @@ object OUpload {
def noSource: UploadResult = NoSource
/** When adding files to an item, no item was found using the given
* item-id.
/** When adding files to an item, no item was found using the given item-id.
case object NoItem extends UploadResult

View File

@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ trait OUserTask[F[_]] {
task: UserTask[ScanMailboxArgs]
): F[Unit]
/** Return the settings for all the notify-due-items task of the
* current user.
/** Return the settings for all the notify-due-items task of the current user.
def getNotifyDueItems(scope: UserTaskScope): Stream[F, UserTask[NotifyDueItemsArgs]]
@ -59,9 +58,8 @@ trait OUserTask[F[_]] {
/** Removes a user task with the given id. */
def deleteTask(scope: UserTaskScope, id: Ident): F[Unit]
/** Discards the schedule and immediately submits the task to the job
* executor's queue. It will not update the corresponding periodic
* task.
/** Discards the schedule and immediately submits the task to the job executor's queue.
* It will not update the corresponding periodic task.
def executeNow[A](scope: UserTaskScope, subject: Option[String], task: UserTask[A])(
implicit E: Encoder[A]

View File

@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ object SendResult {
case class Success(id: Ident) extends SendResult
/** There was a failure sending the mail. The mail is then not saved
* to db.
/** There was a failure sending the mail. The mail is then not saved to db.
case class SendFailure(ex: Throwable) extends SendResult
@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ object SendResult {
case class StoreFailure(ex: Throwable) extends SendResult
/** Something could not be found required for sending (mail configs,
* items etc).
/** Something could not be found required for sending (mail configs, items etc).
case object NotFound extends SendResult

View File

@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ package docspell.common
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
/** Arguments for the `AllPreviewsTask` that submits tasks to
* generates a preview image for attachments.
/** Arguments for the `AllPreviewsTask` that submits tasks to generates a preview image
* for attachments.
* It can replace the current preview image or only generate one, if
* it is missing. If no collective is specified, it considers all
* attachments.
* It can replace the current preview image or only generate one, if it is missing. If no
* collective is specified, it considers all attachments.
case class AllPreviewsArgs(
collective: Option[Ident],

View File

@ -15,17 +15,15 @@ object CollectiveState {
/** A normal active collective */
case object Active extends CollectiveState
/** A collective may be readonly in cases it is implicitly closed
* (e.g. no payment). Users can still see there data and
* download, but have no write access.
/** A collective may be readonly in cases it is implicitly closed (e.g. no payment).
* Users can still see there data and download, but have no write access.
case object ReadOnly extends CollectiveState
/** A collective that has been explicitely closed. */
case object Closed extends CollectiveState
/** A collective blocked by a super user, usually some emergency
* action.
/** A collective blocked by a super user, usually some emergency action.
case object Blocked extends CollectiveState

View File

@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ package docspell.common
import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments for the task that finds all pdf files that have not been
* converted and submits for each a job that will convert the file
* using ocrmypdf.
/** Arguments for the task that finds all pdf files that have not been converted and
* submits for each a job that will convert the file using ocrmypdf.
* If the `collective` argument is present, then this task and the
* ones that are submitted by this task run in the realm of the
* collective (and only their files are considered). If it is empty,
* it is a system task and all files are considered.
* If the `collective` argument is present, then this task and the ones that are
* submitted by this task run in the realm of the collective (and only their files are
* considered). If it is empty, it is a system task and all files are considered.
case class ConvertAllPdfArgs(collective: Option[Ident])

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments to the empty-trash task.
* This task is run periodically to really delete all soft-deleted
* items. These are items with state `ItemState.Deleted`.
* This task is run periodically to really delete all soft-deleted items. These are items
* with state `ItemState.Deleted`.
case class EmptyTrashArgs(
collective: Ident,

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ case class FileName private (name: String) {
case n => (name.take(n), Some(name.drop(n + 1)))
/** Returns the name part without the extension. If there is no
* extension, it is the same as fullname.
/** Returns the name part without the extension. If there is no extension, it is the
* same as fullname.
def baseName: String =
@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ case class FileName private (name: String) {
def fullName: String =
/** Creates a new name where part is spliced into the name before the
* extension, separated by separator.
/** Creates a new name where part is spliced into the name before the extension,
* separated by separator.
def withPart(part: String, sep: Char): FileName =
if (part.isEmpty()) this
.map(e => new FileName(s"${base}${sep}${part}.${e}"))
.getOrElse(new FileName(s"${base}${sep}${part}"))
.map(e => new FileName(s"$base$sep$part.$e"))
.getOrElse(new FileName(s"$base$sep$part"))
/** Create a new name using the given extension. */
def withExtension(newExt: String): FileName =
if (newExt.isEmpty()) new FileName(base)
else new FileName(s"${base}.${newExt}")
else new FileName(s"$base.$newExt")
object FileName {

View File

@ -16,14 +16,11 @@ trait Glob {
/** Matches the input string against this glob. */
def matches(caseSensitive: Boolean)(in: String): Boolean
/** If this glob consists of multiple segments, it is the same as
* `matches`. If it is only a single segment, it is matched against
* the last segment of the input string that is assumed to be a
* pathname separated by slash.
/** If this glob consists of multiple segments, it is the same as `matches`. If it is
* only a single segment, it is matched against the last segment of the input string
* that is assumed to be a pathname separated by slash.
* Example:
* test.* <> "/a/b/test.txt" => true
* /test.* <> "/a/b/test.txt" => false
* Example: test.* <> "/a/b/test.txt" => true /test.* <> "/a/b/test.txt" => false
def matchFilenameOrPath(in: String): Boolean

View File

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ object JobState {
/** Waiting for being executed. */
case object Waiting extends JobState {}
/** A scheduler has picked up this job and will pass it to the next
* free slot.
/** A scheduler has picked up this job and will pass it to the next free slot.
case object Scheduled extends JobState {}

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments to the classify-item task.
* This task is run periodically and learns from existing documents
* to create a model for predicting tags of new documents. The user
* must give a tag category as a subset of possible tags..
* This task is run periodically and learns from existing documents to create a model for
* predicting tags of new documents. The user must give a tag category as a subset of
* possible tags..
case class LearnClassifierArgs(
collective: Ident

View File

@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ package docspell.common
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
/** Arguments for the `MakePageCountTask` that reads the number of
* pages for an attachment and stores it into the meta data of the
* attachment.
/** Arguments for the `MakePageCountTask` that reads the number of pages for an attachment
* and stores it into the meta data of the attachment.
case class MakePageCountArgs(
attachment: Ident

View File

@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ package docspell.common
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
/** Arguments for the `MakePreviewTask` that generates a preview image
* for an attachment.
/** Arguments for the `MakePreviewTask` that generates a preview image for an attachment.
* It can replace the current preview image or only generate one, if
* it is missing.
* It can replace the current preview image or only generate one, if it is missing.
case class MakePreviewArgs(
attachment: Ident,

View File

@ -20,14 +20,12 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** A proposed meta data to an item.
* There is only one value for each proposal type. The list of
* candidates is meant to be ordered from the best match to the
* lowest match.
* There is only one value for each proposal type. The list of candidates is meant to be
* ordered from the best match to the lowest match.
* The candidate is already "resolved" against the database and
* contains a valid record (with its ID and a human readable name).
* Additionally it carries a set of "labels" (which may be empty)
* that are the source of this candidate.
* The candidate is already "resolved" against the database and contains a valid record
* (with its ID and a human readable name). Additionally it carries a set of "labels"
* (which may be empty) that are the source of this candidate.
case class MetaProposal(proposalType: MetaProposalType, values: NonEmptyList[Candidate]) {
@ -96,8 +94,8 @@ object MetaProposal {
/** Merges candidates with same `IdRef` values and concatenates their
* respective labels. The candidate order is preserved.
/** Merges candidates with same `IdRef` values and concatenates their respective labels.
* The candidate order is preserved.
def flatten(s: NonEmptyList[Candidate]): NonEmptyList[Candidate] = {
def mergeInto(

View File

@ -91,13 +91,12 @@ object MetaProposalList {
def fromMap(m: Map[MetaProposalType, MetaProposal]): MetaProposalList =
new MetaProposalList({ case (k, v) => v.copy(proposalType = k) }))
new MetaProposalList( { case (k, v) => v.copy(proposalType = k) })
/** Flattens the given list of meta-proposals into a single list,
* where each meta-proposal type exists at most once. Candidates to
* equal proposal-types are merged together. The candidate's order
* is preserved and candidates of proposals are appended as given
* by the order of the given `seq'.
/** Flattens the given list of meta-proposals into a single list, where each
* meta-proposal type exists at most once. Candidates to equal proposal-types are
* merged together. The candidate's order is preserved and candidates of proposals are
* appended as given by the order of the given `seq'.
def flatten(ml: Seq[MetaProposalList]): MetaProposalList =

View File

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments to the notification task.
* This tasks queries items with a due date and informs the user via
* mail.
* This tasks queries items with a due date and informs the user via mail.
* If the structure changes, there must be some database migration to
* update or remove the json data of the corresponding task.
* If the structure changes, there must be some database migration to update or remove
* the json data of the corresponding task.
case class NotifyDueItemsArgs(
account: AccountId,

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments to the process-item task.
* This task is run for each new file to create a new item from it or
* to add this file as an attachment to an existing item.
* This task is run for each new file to create a new item from it or to add this file as
* an attachment to an existing item.
* If the `itemId' is set to some value, the item is tried to load to
* ammend with the given files. Otherwise a new item is created.
* If the `itemId' is set to some value, the item is tried to load to ammend with the
* given files. Otherwise a new item is created.
* It is also re-used by the 'ReProcessItem' task.

View File

@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
/** Arguments when re-processing an item.
* The `itemId` must exist and point to some item. If the attachment
* list is non-empty, only those attachments are re-processed. They
* must belong to the given item. If the list is empty, then all
* attachments are re-processed.
* The `itemId` must exist and point to some item. If the attachment list is non-empty,
* only those attachments are re-processed. They must belong to the given item. If the
* list is empty, then all attachments are re-processed.
case class ReProcessItemArgs(itemId: Ident, attachments: List[Ident])

View File

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
/** Arguments to the poll-mailbox task.
* This tasks queries user mailboxes and pushes found mails into
* docspell for processing.
* This tasks queries user mailboxes and pushes found mails into docspell for processing.
* If the structure changes, there must be some database migration to
* update or remove the json data of the corresponding task.
* If the structure changes, there must be some database migration to update or remove
* the json data of the corresponding task.
case class ScanMailboxArgs(
// the docspell user account

View File

@ -19,10 +19,9 @@ sealed trait ConversionResult[F[_]] {
object ConversionResult {
/** The conversion is done by external tools that write files to the
* file system. These are temporary files and they will be deleted
* once the process finishes. This handler is used to do something
* relevant with the resulting files.
/** The conversion is done by external tools that write files to the file system. These
* are temporary files and they will be deleted once the process finishes. This handler
* is used to do something relevant with the resulting files.
type Handler[F[_], A] = Kleisli[F, ConversionResult[F], A]

View File

@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ import scodec.bits.ByteVector
trait SanitizeHtml {
/** The given `bytes' are html which can be modified to strip out
* unwanted content.
/** The given `bytes' are html which can be modified to strip out unwanted content.
* The result should use the same character encoding as the given
* charset implies, or utf8 if not specified.
* The result should use the same character encoding as the given charset implies, or
* utf8 if not specified.
def apply(bytes: ByteVector, charset: Option[Charset]): ByteVector

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ private[extern] object ExternConv {
): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] =
in =>
.eval(logger.debug(s"Storing input to file ${inFile} for running $name"))
.eval(logger.debug(s"Storing input to file $inFile for running $name"))
.drain ++
Stream.eval(storeFile(in, inFile))

View File

@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ class ConversionTest extends FunSuite with FileChecks {
.use { conv =>
def check: Handler[IO, Unit] =
Kleisli {
case ConversionResult.InputMalformed(_, _) =>
case cr =>
IO.raiseError(new Exception(s"Unexpected result: $cr"))
runConversion(bombs, _ => check, conv).compile.drain
@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ class ConversionTest extends FunSuite with FileChecks {
.evalMap({ case (uri, index) =>
.evalMap { case (uri, index) =>
val load = uri.readURL[IO](8192)
val dataType = DataType.filename(uri.path.segments.last)"Processing file ${uri.path.asString}") *>
conv.toPDF(dataType, Language.German, handler(index))(load)
def commandsExist: Boolean =
commandExists(convertConfig.unoconv.command.program) &&

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ trait FileChecks {
storePdfTxtHandler(file, file.resolveSibling("unexpected.txt")).map(_._1)
def storePdfTxtHandler(filePdf: Path, fileTxt: Path): Handler[IO, (Path, Path)] =
Kleisli {
case ConversionResult.SuccessPdfTxt(pdf, txt) =>
for {
pout <- pdf.through(storeFile(filePdf)).compile.lastOrError
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ trait FileChecks {
case cr =>
throw new Exception(s"Unexpected result: $cr")
def commandExists(cmd: String): Boolean =
Runtime.getRuntime.exec(Array("which", cmd)).waitFor() == 0

View File

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ object Ocr {
): Stream[F, String] =
runTesseractFile(img, logger, lang, config)
/** Run ghostscript to extract all pdf pages into tiff files. The
* files are stored to a temporary location on disk and returned.
/** Run ghostscript to extract all pdf pages into tiff files. The files are stored to a
* temporary location on disk and returned.
private[extract] def runGhostscript[F[_]: Async](
pdf: Stream[F, Byte],
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ object Ocr {
.flatMap(_ => File.listFiles(pathEndsWith(".tif"), wd))
/** Run ghostscript to extract all pdf pages into tiff files. The
* files are stored to a temporary location on disk and returned.
/** Run ghostscript to extract all pdf pages into tiff files. The files are stored to a
* temporary location on disk and returned.
private[extract] def runGhostscriptFile[F[_]: Async](
pdf: Path,
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ object Ocr {
private def pathEndsWith(ext: String): Path => Boolean =
p => p.fileName.toString.endsWith(ext)
/** Run unpaper to optimize the image for ocr. The
* files are stored to a temporary location on disk and returned.
/** Run unpaper to optimize the image for ocr. The files are stored to a temporary
* location on disk and returned.
private[extract] def runUnpaperFile[F[_]: Async](
img: Path,
@ -139,8 +139,7 @@ object Ocr {
/** Run tesseract on the given image file and return the extracted
* text.
/** Run tesseract on the given image file and return the extracted text.
private[extract] def runTesseractFile[F[_]: Async](
img: Path,
@ -160,8 +159,7 @@ object Ocr {
/** Run tesseract on the given image file and return the extracted
* text.
/** Run tesseract on the given image file and return the extracted text.
private[extract] def runTesseractStdin[F[_]: Async](
img: Stream[F, Byte],

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ object TextExtract {
): Stream[F, Text] =
.eval(TikaMimetype.detect(in, MimeTypeHint.none))
.flatMap {
case MimeType.pdf =>
Stream.eval(Ocr.extractPdf(in, logger, lang, config)).unNoneTerminate
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ object TextExtract {
case mt =>
raiseError(s"File `$mt` not supported")
private def raiseError[F[_]: Sync](msg: String): Stream[F, Nothing] =

View File

@ -49,17 +49,13 @@ object PoiExtract {
case PoiType.docx =>
case PoiType.msoffice =>
.recoverWith({ case _ =>
EitherT(getDoc[F](data)).recoverWith { case _ =>
case PoiType.ooxml =>
.recoverWith({ case _ =>
EitherT(getDocx[F](data)).recoverWith { case _ =>
case mt =>
Sync[F].pure(Left(new Exception(s"Unsupported content: ${mt.asString}")))

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import munit._
class PdfboxPreviewTest extends FunSuite {
val testPDFs = List(
ExampleFiles.letter_de_pdf -> "7d98be75b239816d6c751b3f3c56118ebf1a4632c43baf35a68a662f9d595ab8",
ExampleFiles.letter_en_pdf -> "2bffbd01634525c6ce1fe477de23464e038055c4917afa41dd6186fe03a49f5b",
ExampleFiles.letter_de_pdf -> "7d98be75b239816d6c751b3f3c56118ebf1a4632c43baf35a68a662f9d595ab8",
ExampleFiles.letter_en_pdf -> "2bffbd01634525c6ce1fe477de23464e038055c4917afa41dd6186fe03a49f5b",
ExampleFiles.scanner_pdf13_pdf -> "05ce4fd686b3d24b0e2d60df0c6d79b1df2338fcf7a6957e34cb4d11c65682b4"

View File

@ -20,20 +20,17 @@ import
object ImageSize {
/** Return the image size from its header without reading
* the whole image into memory.
/** Return the image size from its header without reading the whole image into memory.
def get(file: Path): Option[Dimension] =
Using(new FileImageInputStream(file.toNioPath.toFile))(getDimension).toOption.flatten
/** Return the image size from its header without reading
* the whole image into memory.
/** Return the image size from its header without reading the whole image into memory.
def get(in: InputStream): Option[Dimension] =
/** Return the image size from its header without reading
* the whole image into memory.
/** Return the image size from its header without reading the whole image into memory.
def get[F[_]: Sync](data: Stream[F, Byte]): F[Option[Dimension]] =
data.take(768) { ar =>

View File

@ -14,32 +14,28 @@ import docspell.common._
import org.log4s.getLogger
/** The fts client is the interface for docspell to a fulltext search
* engine.
/** The fts client is the interface for docspell to a fulltext search engine.
* It defines all operations required for integration into docspell.
* It uses data structures from docspell. Implementation modules need
* to translate it to the engine that provides the features.
* It defines all operations required for integration into docspell. It uses data
* structures from docspell. Implementation modules need to translate it to the engine
* that provides the features.
trait FtsClient[F[_]] {
/** Initialization tasks. This can be used to setup the fulltext
* search engine. The implementation is expected to keep track of
* run migrations, so that running these is idempotent. For
* example, it may be run on each application start.
/** Initialization tasks. This can be used to setup the fulltext search engine. The
* implementation is expected to keep track of run migrations, so that running these is
* idempotent. For example, it may be run on each application start.
* Initialization may involve re-indexing all data, therefore it
* must run outside the scope of this client. The migration may
* include a task that applies any work and/or it can return a
* result indicating that after this task a re-index is necessary.
* Initialization may involve re-indexing all data, therefore it must run outside the
* scope of this client. The migration may include a task that applies any work and/or
* it can return a result indicating that after this task a re-index is necessary.
def initialize: F[List[FtsMigration[F]]]
/** A list of initialization tasks that can be run when re-creating
* the index.
/** A list of initialization tasks that can be run when re-creating the index.
* This is not run on startup, but only when required, for example
* when re-creating the entire index.
* This is not run on startup, but only when required, for example when re-creating the
* entire index.
def initializeNew: List[FtsMigration[F]]
@ -53,18 +49,16 @@ trait FtsClient[F[_]] {
else Stream.emit(result) ++ searchAll(q.nextPage)
/** Push all data to the index. Data with same `id' is replaced.
* Values that are `None' are removed from the index (or set to an
* empty string).
/** Push all data to the index. Data with same `id' is replaced. Values that are `None'
* are removed from the index (or set to an empty string).
def indexData(logger: Logger[F], data: Stream[F, TextData]): F[Unit]
def indexData(logger: Logger[F], data: TextData*): F[Unit] =
indexData(logger, Stream.emits(data))
/** Push all data to the index, but only update existing entries. No
* new entries are created and values that are given as `None' are
* skipped.
/** Push all data to the index, but only update existing entries. No new entries are
* created and values that are given as `None' are skipped.
def updateIndex(logger: Logger[F], data: Stream[F, TextData]): F[Unit]

View File

@ -10,16 +10,14 @@ import docspell.common._
/** A fulltext query.
* The query itself is a raw string. Each implementation may
* interpret it according to the system in use.
* The query itself is a raw string. Each implementation may interpret it according to
* the system in use.
* Searches must only look for given collective and in the given list
* of item ids, if it is non-empty. If the item set is empty, then
* don't restrict the result in this way.
* Searches must only look for given collective and in the given list of item ids, if it
* is non-empty. If the item set is empty, then don't restrict the result in this way.
* The set of folders must be used to restrict the results only to
* items that have one of the folders set or no folder set. If the
* set is empty, the restriction does not apply.
* The set of folders must be used to restrict the results only to items that have one of
* the folders set or no folder set. If the set is empty, the restriction does not apply.
final case class FtsQuery(
q: String,

View File

@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ object SolrSetup {
} yield migs
def setupSchema: List[SolrMigration[F]] = {
val verDoc = VersionDoc(versionDocId,
val solrUp = SolrUpdate(cfg, client)
val verDoc = VersionDoc(versionDocId,
val solrUp = SolrUpdate(cfg, client)
val writeVersion = SolrMigration.writeVersion(solrUp, verDoc)
val deleteAll = SolrMigration.deleteData(0, solrUp)
val indexAll = SolrMigration.indexAll[F](Int.MaxValue, "Index all data")

View File

@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ trait JoexApp[F[_]] {
/** Shuts down the job executor.
* It will immediately stop taking new jobs, waiting for currently
* running jobs to complete normally (i.e. running jobs are not
* canceled). After this completed, the webserver stops and the
* main loop will exit.
* It will immediately stop taking new jobs, waiting for currently running jobs to
* complete normally (i.e. running jobs are not canceled). After this completed, the
* webserver stops and the main loop will exit.
def initShutdown: F[Unit]

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ object NerFile {
private def sanitizeRegex(str: String): String =
str.trim.toLowerCase.foldLeft("") { (res, ch) =>
if (invalidChars.contains(ch)) s"${res}\\$ch"
if (invalidChars.contains(ch)) s"$res\\$ch"
else s"$res$ch"

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ import
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.log4s.getLogger
/** Maintains a custom regex-ner file per collective for stanford's
* regexner annotator.
/** Maintains a custom regex-ner file per collective for stanford's regexner annotator.
trait RegexNerFile[F[_]] {
@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ object RegexNerFile {
val dur = Duration.between(nf.creation, now)
if (dur > cfg.minTime)
s"Cache time elapsed (${dur} > ${cfg.minTime}). Check for new state."
s"Cache time elapsed ($dur > ${cfg.minTime}). Check for new state."
) *> updateFile(
@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ object RegexNerFile {
for {
_ <- logger.finfo(s"Generating custom NER file for collective '${}'")
_ <- logger.finfo(s"Generating custom NER file for collective '${}'")
names <- store.transact(QCollective.allNames(collective, cfg.maxEntries))
nerFile = NerFile(collective, lastUpdate, now)
_ <- update(nerFile, NerFile.mkNerConfig(names))

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ object EmptyTrashTask {
s"Starting removing all soft-deleted items older than ${maxDate.asString}"
nDeleted <- deleteAll(ctx.args, maxDate, itemOps, itemSearchOps, ctx)
_ <-"Finished deleting ${nDeleted} items")
_ <-"Finished deleting $nDeleted items")
} yield ()

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ object FtsWork {
def recoverWith(
other: FtsWork[F]
)(implicit ev: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): FtsWork[F] =
Kleisli(ctx =>{ case _ => }))
Kleisli(ctx => { case _ => })
def forContext(
cfg: Config.FullTextSearch,

View File

@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ import
/** Migrating the index from the previous version to this version.
* The migration asks the fulltext search client for a list of
* migration tasks to run. It may be empty when there is no migration
* required.
* The migration asks the fulltext search client for a list of migration tasks to run. It
* may be empty when there is no migration required.
case class Migration[F[_]](
version: Int,

View File

@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import
package object fts {
/** Some work that must be done to advance the schema of the fulltext
* index.
/** Some work that must be done to advance the schema of the fulltext index.
type FtsWork[F[_]] = Kleisli[F, FtsContext[F], Unit]

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ object ClassifierName {
private val categoryPrefix = "tagcategory-"
def tagCategory(cat: String): ClassifierName =
val concernedPerson: ClassifierName =
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ object ClassifierName {
def findOrphanTagModels[F[_]](coll: Ident): ConnectionIO[List[RClassifierModel]] =
for {
cats <- RClassifierSetting.getActiveCategories(coll)
allModels = RClassifierModel.findAllByQuery(coll, s"${categoryPrefix}%")
allModels = RClassifierModel.findAllByQuery(coll, s"$categoryPrefix%")
result <- NonEmptyList.fromList(cats) match {
case Some(nel) =>
allModels.flatMap(all =>

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ object Classify {
.flatMap(_ => classifier.classify(logger, ClassifierModel(modelFile), text))
}).filter(_ != LearnClassifierTask.noClass)
.flatTapNone(logger.debug("Guessed: <none>"))
_ <- OptionT.liftF(logger.debug(s"Guessed: ${cls}"))
_ <- OptionT.liftF(logger.debug(s"Guessed: $cls"))
} yield cls).value

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ object NotifyDueItemsTask {
_ <- createMail(cfg, mailCfg, ctx)
.semiflatMap { mail =>
for {
_ <-"Sending notification mail to ${ctx.args.recipients}")
_ <-"Sending notification mail to ${ctx.args.recipients}")
res <- emil(mailCfg.toMailConfig).send(mail).map(_.head)
_ <-"Sent mail with id: $res")
} yield ()

View File

@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ import bitpeace.RangeDef
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
/** Converts the given attachment file using ocrmypdf if it is a pdf
* and has not already been converted (the source file is the same as
* in the attachment).
/** Converts the given attachment file using ocrmypdf if it is a pdf and has not already
* been converted (the source file is the same as in the attachment).
object PdfConvTask {
case class Args(attachId: Ident)
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ object PdfConvTask {
val storeResult: ConversionResult.Handler[F, Unit] =
Kleisli {
case ConversionResult.SuccessPdf(file) =>
storeToAttachment(ctx, in, file)
@ -109,15 +108,15 @@ object PdfConvTask {
case ConversionResult.UnsupportedFormat(mime) =>
s"Unable to convert '${mime}' file ${ctx.args}: unsupported format."
s"Unable to convert '$mime' file ${ctx.args}: unsupported format."
case ConversionResult.InputMalformed(mime, reason) =>
ctx.logger.warn(s"Unable to convert '${mime}' file ${ctx.args}: $reason")
ctx.logger.warn(s"Unable to convert '$mime' file ${ctx.args}: $reason")
case ConversionResult.Failure(ex) =>
def ocrMyPdf(lang: Language): F[Unit] =
OcrMyPdf.toPDF[F, Unit](

View File

@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ import
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, RangeDef}
/** Goes through all attachments that must be already converted into a
* pdf. If it is a pdf, the number of pages are retrieved and stored
* in the attachment metadata.
/** Goes through all attachments that must be already converted into a pdf. If it is a
* pdf, the number of pages are retrieved and stored in the attachment metadata.
object AttachmentPageCount {

View File

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, MimetypeHint, RangeDef}
/** Goes through all attachments that must be already converted into a
* pdf. If it is a pdf, the first page is converted into a small
* preview png image and linked to the attachment.
/** Goes through all attachments that must be already converted into a pdf. If it is a
* pdf, the first page is converted into a small preview png image and linked to the
* attachment.
object AttachmentPreview {

View File

@ -23,19 +23,16 @@ import
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, MimetypeHint, RangeDef}
/** Goes through all attachments and creates a PDF version of it where
* supported.
/** Goes through all attachments and creates a PDF version of it where supported.
* The `attachment` record is updated with the PDF version while the
* original file has been stored in the `attachment_source` record.
* The `attachment` record is updated with the PDF version while the original file has
* been stored in the `attachment_source` record.
* If pdf conversion is not possible or if the input is already a
* pdf, both files are identical. That is, the `file_id`s point to
* the same file. Since the name of an attachment may be changed by
* the user, the `attachment_origin` record keeps that, too.
* If pdf conversion is not possible or if the input is already a pdf, both files are
* identical. That is, the `file_id`s point to the same file. Since the name of an
* attachment may be changed by the user, the `attachment_origin` record keeps that, too.
* This step assumes an existing premature item, it traverses its
* attachments.
* This step assumes an existing premature item, it traverses its attachments.
object ConvertPdf {
@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ object ConvertPdf {
ra: RAttachment,
item: ItemData
): Handler[F, (RAttachment, Option[RAttachmentMeta])] =
Kleisli {
case ConversionResult.SuccessPdf(pdf) =>"Conversion to pdf successful. Saving file.") *>
storePDF(ctx, cfg, ra, pdf)
@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ object ConvertPdf {
.error(s"PDF conversion failed: ${ex.getMessage}. Go without PDF file") *>
(ra, None: Option[RAttachmentMeta]).pure[F]
private def storePDF[F[_]: Sync](
ctx: Context[F, ProcessItemArgs],
@ -196,7 +193,7 @@ object ConvertPdf {
case Right(_) => ().pure[F]
case Left(ex) =>
.error(ex)(s"Cannot delete previous attachment file: ${raPrev}")
.error(ex)(s"Cannot delete previous attachment file: $raPrev")
} yield ()

View File

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ object CreateItem {
.flatMap(f => => (f, fm)))
.collect({ case (f, Some(fm)) if isValidFile(fm) => f })
.collect { case (f, Some(fm)) if isValidFile(fm) => f }
.evalMap({ case (f, index) =>
.evalMap { case (f, index) =>
.map(id =>
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ object CreateItem {
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ object CreateItem {
.transact(RAttachment.findByItemCollectiveSource(, ri.cid, fids))
.flatTap(ats =>
s"Found ${ats.size} attachments. Use only those from task args: ${fileMetaIds}"
s"Found ${ats.size} attachments. Use only those from task args: $fileMetaIds"

View File

@ -14,12 +14,10 @@ import cats.implicits._
import docspell.common._
import docspell.joex.scheduler.Task
/** After candidates have been determined, the set is reduced by doing
* some cross checks. For example: if a organization is suggested as
* correspondent, the correspondent person must be linked to that
* organization. So this *removes all* person candidates that are not
* linked to the first organization candidate (which will be linked
* to the item).
/** After candidates have been determined, the set is reduced by doing some cross checks.
* For example: if a organization is suggested as correspondent, the correspondent person
* must be linked to that organization. So this *removes all* person candidates that are
* not linked to the first organization candidate (which will be linked to the item).
object CrossCheckProposals {

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ object DuplicateCheck {
val fname = ctx.args.files.find( ==
if (fd.exists)
.info(s"Deleting duplicate file ${fname}!") *>
.info(s"Deleting duplicate file $fname!") *>

View File

@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ import docspell.common._
import docspell.joex.scheduler.{Context, Task}
import{RAttachmentMeta, RPerson}
/** Calculate weights for candidates that adds the most likely
* candidate a lower number.
/** Calculate weights for candidates that adds the most likely candidate a lower number.
object EvalProposals {

View File

@ -25,16 +25,13 @@ import
import bitpeace.{Mimetype, MimetypeHint, RangeDef}
import emil.Mail
/** Goes through all attachments and extracts archive files, like zip
* files. The process is recursive, until all archives have been
* extracted.
/** Goes through all attachments and extracts archive files, like zip files. The process
* is recursive, until all archives have been extracted.
* The archive file is stored as a `attachment_archive` record that
* references all its elements. If there are inner archive, only the
* outer archive file is preserved.
* The archive file is stored as a `attachment_archive` record that references all its
* elements. If there are inner archive, only the outer archive file is preserved.
* This step assumes an existing premature item, it traverses its
* attachments.
* This step assumes an existing premature item, it traverses its attachments.
object ExtractArchive {
@ -78,11 +75,10 @@ object ExtractArchive {
/** After all files have been extracted, the `extract' contains the
* whole (combined) result. This fixes positions of the attachments
* such that the elements of an archive are "spliced" into the
* attachment list at the position of the archive. If there is no
* archive, positions don't need to be fixed.
/** After all files have been extracted, the `extract' contains the whole (combined)
* result. This fixes positions of the attachments such that the elements of an archive
* are "spliced" into the attachment list at the position of the archive. If there is
* no archive, positions don't need to be fixed.
private def fixPositions(extract: Extracted): Extracted =
if (extract.archives.isEmpty) extract
@ -203,8 +199,8 @@ object ExtractArchive {
tentry: (Binary[F], Long)
): Stream[F, Extracted] = {
val (entry, subPos) = tentry
val mimeHint = MimetypeHint.filename(
val fileMeta =, 8192, mimeHint)
val mimeHint = MimetypeHint.filename(
val fileMeta =, 8192, mimeHint)
Stream.eval(ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracted ${}. Storing as attachment.")) >>
fileMeta.evalMap { fm => { id =>
@ -267,7 +263,7 @@ object ExtractArchive {
val sorted = nel.sorted
val offset = sorted.head.first
val pos ={ case (p, i) => -> (i + offset) }).toList.toMap { case (p, i) => -> (i + offset) }.toList.toMap
val nf = => pos.get( => f.copy(position = n)).getOrElse(f))
copy(files = nf)

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import docspell.joex.Config
import docspell.joex.scheduler.{Context, Task}
/** Super simple approach to find corresponding meta data to an item
* by looking up values from NER in the users address book.
/** Super simple approach to find corresponding meta data to an item by looking up values
* from NER in the users address book.
object FindProposal {
type Args = ProcessItemArgs

View File

@ -12,18 +12,23 @@ import{RAttachment, RAttachmentMeta, RItem}
/** Data that is carried across all processing tasks.
* @param item the stored item record
* @param attachments the attachments belonging to the item
* @param metas the meta data to each attachment; depending on the
* state of processing, this may be empty
* @param dateLabels a separate list of found dates
* @param originFile a mapping from an attachment id to a filemeta-id
* containng the source or origin file
* @param givenMeta meta data to this item that was not "guessed"
* from an attachment but given and thus is always correct
* @param classifyProposals these are proposals that were obtained by
* a trained classifier. There are no ner-tags, it will only provide a
* single label
* @param item
* the stored item record
* @param attachments
* the attachments belonging to the item
* @param metas
* the meta data to each attachment; depending on the state of processing, this may be
* empty
* @param dateLabels
* a separate list of found dates
* @param originFile
* a mapping from an attachment id to a filemeta-id containng the source or origin file
* @param givenMeta
* meta data to this item that was not "guessed" from an attachment but given and thus
* is always correct
* @param classifyProposals
* these are proposals that were obtained by a trained classifier. There are no
* ner-tags, it will only provide a single label
case class ItemData(
item: RItem,
@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ case class ItemData(
metas: Vector[RAttachmentMeta],
dateLabels: Vector[AttachmentDates],
originFile: Map[Ident, Ident], // maps ->
givenMeta: MetaProposalList, // given meta data not associated to a specific attachment
givenMeta: MetaProposalList, // given meta data not associated to a specific attachment
// a list of tags (names or ids) attached to the item if they exist
tags: List[String],
// proposals obtained from the classifier
@ -39,9 +44,8 @@ case class ItemData(
classifyTags: List[String]
) {
/** sort by weight; order of equal weights is not important, just
* choose one others are then suggestions
* doc-date is only set when given explicitely, not from "guessing"
/** sort by weight; order of equal weights is not important, just choose one others are
* then suggestions doc-date is only set when given explicitely, not from "guessing"
def finalProposals: MetaProposalList =

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ object ItemHandler {
)(data: ItemData): Task[F, Args, ItemData] =
isLastRetry[F].flatMap {
case true =>
ProcessItem[F](cfg, itemOps, fts, analyser, regexNer)(data).attempt.flatMap({
ProcessItem[F](cfg, itemOps, fts, analyser, regexNer)(data).attempt.flatMap {
case Right(d) =>
case Left(ex) =>
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ object ItemHandler {
"Processing failed on last retry. Creating item but without proposals."
).flatMap(_ => itemStateTask(ItemState.Created)(data))
.andThen(_ => Sync[F].raiseError(ex))
case false =>
ProcessItem[F](cfg, itemOps, fts, analyser, regexNer)(data)

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ object LinkProposal {
case Some(a) =>
val ids =
s"Found many (${a.size}, ${ids}) candidates for ${a.proposalType}. Setting first."
s"Found many (${a.size}, $ids) candidates for ${a.proposalType}. Setting first."
) *>
setItemMeta(, ctx, a.proposalType, =>

View File

@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ object ReProcessItem {
isLastRetry[F].flatMap {
case true =>
processFiles[F](cfg, fts, itemOps, analyser, regexNer, data).attempt
.flatMap {
case Right(d) =>
case Left(ex) =>
"Processing failed on last retry."
).andThen(_ => Sync[F].raiseError(ex))
case false =>
processFiles[F](cfg, fts, itemOps, analyser, regexNer, data)

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ object SetGivenData {
val tags =
(ctx.args.meta.tags.getOrElse(Nil) ++ data.tags ++ data.classifyTags).distinct
for {
_ <-"Set tags from given data: ${tags}")
_ <-"Set tags from given data: $tags")
e <- ops.linkTags(itemId, tags, collective).attempt
_ <- e.fold(
ex => ctx.logger.warn(s"Error setting tags: ${ex.getMessage}"),

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ object TextExtraction {
item: ItemData
)(ra: RAttachment): F[(RAttachmentMeta, List[String])] =
for {
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracting text for attachment ${stripAttachmentName(ra)}")
_ <- ctx.logger.debug(s"Extracting text for attachment ${stripAttachmentName(ra)}")
dst <- Duration.stopTime[F]
fids <- filesToExtract(ctx)(item, ra)
res <- extractTextFallback(ctx, cfg, ra, lang)(fids)
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ object TextExtraction {
val extr = Extraction.create[F](ctx.logger, cfg)
extractText[F](ctx, extr, lang)(id)
.flatMap {
case res @ ExtractResult.Success(_, _) =>
@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ object TextExtraction {
.warn(s"Cannot extract text: ${ex.getMessage}. Try with converted file")
.flatMap(_ => extractTextFallback[F](ctx, cfg, ra, lang)(rest))
/** Returns the fileIds to extract text from. First, the source file
* is tried. If that fails, the converted file is tried.
/** Returns the fileIds to extract text from. First, the source file is tried. If that
* fails, the converted file is tried.
* If the source file is a PDF, then use the converted file. This
* may then already contain the text if ocrmypdf is enabled. If it
* is disabled, both files are the same.
* If the source file is a PDF, then use the converted file. This may then already
* contain the text if ocrmypdf is enabled. If it is disabled, both files are the same.
private def filesToExtract[F[_]: Sync](ctx: Context[F, _])(
item: ItemData,

View File

@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ object JoexRoutes {
for {
optJob <- == id))
optLog <- optJob.traverse(j => app.findLogs(
jAndL = for { job <- optJob; log <- optLog } yield mkJobLog(job, log)
jAndL = for {
job <- optJob
log <- optLog
} yield mkJobLog(job, log)
resp <-, "Not found")))
} yield resp

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ object ScanMailboxTask {
userId = ctx.args.account.user
imapConn = ctx.args.imapConnection
_ <-
s"Reading mails for user ${} from ${}/${folders}"
s"Reading mails for user ${} from ${}/$folders"
_ <- importMails(cfg, mailCfg, emil, upload, joex, ctx)
} yield ()

View File

@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ import cats.implicits._
import docspell.common.Priority
/** A counting scheme to indicate a ratio between scheduling high and
* low priority jobs.
/** A counting scheme to indicate a ratio between scheduling high and low priority jobs.
* For example high=4, low=1 means: schedule 4 high priority jobs
* and then 1 low priority job.
* For example high=4, low=1 means: schedule 4 high priority jobs and then 1 low
* priority job.
case class CountingScheme(high: Int, low: Int, counter: Int = 0) {

View File

@ -14,14 +14,13 @@ import docspell.common.syntax.all._
import io.circe.Decoder
/** Binds a Task to a name. This is required to lookup the code based
* on the taskName in the RJob data and to execute it given the
* arguments that have to be read from a string.
/** Binds a Task to a name. This is required to lookup the code based on the taskName in
* the RJob data and to execute it given the arguments that have to be read from a
* string.
* Since the scheduler only has a string for the task argument, this
* only works for Task impls that accept a string. There is a
* convenience constructor that uses circe to decode json into some
* type A.
* Since the scheduler only has a string for the task argument, this only works for Task
* impls that accept a string. There is a convenience constructor that uses circe to
* decode json into some type A.
case class JobTask[F[_]](
name: Ident,

View File

@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ package docspell.joex.scheduler
import docspell.common.Ident
/** This is a mapping from some identifier to a task. This is used by
* the scheduler to lookup an implementation using the taskName field
* of the RJob database record.
/** This is a mapping from some identifier to a task. This is used by the scheduler to
* lookup an implementation using the taskName field of the RJob database record.
final class JobTaskRegistry[F[_]](tasks: Map[Ident, JobTask[F]]) {

View File

@ -13,14 +13,12 @@ import fs2.concurrent.SignallingRef
import docspell.joexapi.client.JoexClient
/** A periodic scheduler takes care to submit periodic tasks to the
* job queue.
/** A periodic scheduler takes care to submit periodic tasks to the job queue.
* It is run in the background to regularily find a periodic task to
* execute. If the task is due, it will be submitted into the job
* queue where it will be picked up by the scheduler from some joex
* instance. If it is due in the future, a notification is scheduled
* to be received at that time so the task can be looked up again.
* It is run in the background to regularily find a periodic task to execute. If the task
* is due, it will be submitted into the job queue where it will be picked up by the
* scheduler from some joex instance. If it is due in the future, a notification is
* scheduled to be received at that time so the task can be looked up again.
trait PeriodicScheduler[F[_]] {

View File

@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
// internal
/** On startup, get all periodic jobs from this scheduler and remove
* the mark, so they get picked up again.
/** On startup, get all periodic jobs from this scheduler and remove the mark, so they
* get picked up again.
def init: F[Unit] =
logError("Error clearing marks")(store.clearMarks(
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
go <- logThrow("Error getting next task")(
.takeNext(, None)
.use {
case Marked.Found(pj) =>
.fdebug(s"Found periodic task '${pj.subject}/${pj.timer.asString}'") *>
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
case Marked.NotMarkable =>
logger.fdebug("Periodic job cannot be marked. Trying again.") *> true
} yield go
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
else ().pure[F]
.flatMap(if (_) Stream.empty else Stream.eval(cancelNotify *> body))
.flatMap {
case true =>
case false =>
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
waiter.discrete.take(2).drain ++
logger.sdebug(s"Notify signal, going into main loop") ++
def isTriggered(pj: RPeriodicTask, now: Timestamp): Boolean =
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
def submitJob(pj: RPeriodicTask): F[Boolean] =
.flatMap {
case Some(job) =>
s"There is already a job with non-final state '${job.state}' in the queue"
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
case None =>
logger.finfo[F](s"Submitting job for periodic task '${}'") *>
pj.toJob.flatMap(queue.insert) *> notifyJoex *> true.pure[F]
def notifyJoex: F[Unit] =
sch.notifyChange *> store.findJoexNodes.flatMap(
@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
def cancelNotify: F[Unit] =
.flatMap {
case Some(fb) =>
case None =>
private def logError(msg: => String)(fa: F[Unit]): F[Unit] =
fa.attempt.flatMap {
@ -159,12 +159,10 @@ final class PeriodicSchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
private def logThrow[A](msg: => String)(fa: F[A]): F[A] =
case r @ Right(_) => (r: Either[Throwable, A]).pure[F]
case l @ Left(ex) => logger.ferror(ex)(msg).map(_ => (l: Either[Throwable, A]))
fa.attempt.flatMap {
case r @ Right(_) => (r: Either[Throwable, A]).pure[F]
case l @ Left(ex) => logger.ferror(ex)(msg).map(_ => (l: Either[Throwable, A]))
object PeriodicSchedulerImpl {

View File

@ -26,13 +26,11 @@ trait Scheduler[F[_]] {
/** Requests to shutdown the scheduler.
* The scheduler will not take any new jobs from the queue. If
* there are still running jobs, it waits for them to complete.
* when the cancelAll flag is set to true, it cancels all running
* jobs.
* The scheduler will not take any new jobs from the queue. If there are still running
* jobs, it waits for them to complete. when the cancelAll flag is set to true, it
* cancels all running jobs.
* The returned F[Unit] can be evaluated to wait for all that to
* complete.
* The returned F[Unit] can be evaluated to wait for all that to complete.
def shutdown(cancelAll: Boolean): F[Unit]

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
private[this] val logger = getLogger
/** On startup, get all jobs in state running from this scheduler
* and put them into waiting state, so they get picked up again.
/** On startup, get all jobs in state running from this scheduler and put them into
* waiting state, so they get picked up again.
def init: F[Unit] =
QJob.runningToWaiting(, store)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
else ().pure[F]
.flatMap(if (_) Stream.empty else Stream.eval(body))
.flatMap {
case true =>
case false =>
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
waiter.discrete.take(2).drain ++
logger.sdebug(s"Notify signal, going into main loop") ++
private def executeCancel(job: RJob): F[Unit] = {
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
): Task[F, String, Unit] =
.mapF(fa => onStart(job) *> logger.fdebug("Starting task now") *> fa)
.mapF(_.attempt.flatMap {
case Right(()) =>"Job execution successful: ${}")"Job execution successful") *>
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
.map(_ => JobState.Stuck: JobState)
.mapF(_.attempt.flatMap {
case Right(jstate) =>
onFinish(job, jstate)
@ -262,12 +262,12 @@ final class SchedulerImpl[F[_]: Async](
.map(fiber =>
logger.fdebug(s"Cancelling job ${}") *>
fiber.cancel *>{ {
case Right(_) => ()
case Left(ex) =>
logger.error(ex)(s"Task's cancelling code failed. Job ${}.")
}) *>
} *>
state.modify(_.markCancelled(job)) *>
onFinish(job, JobState.Cancelled) *>
ctx.logger.warn("Job has been cancelled.") *>

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object JoexClient {
if (succ) ()
s"Notifying Joex instance '${base.asString}' returned with failure: ${msg}"
s"Notifying Joex instance '${base.asString}' returned with failure: $msg"
case Left(ex) =>

View File

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ import docspell.query.ItemQuery.Expr.NotExpr
import docspell.query.ItemQuery.Expr.OrExpr
import docspell.query.ItemQuery._
/** Currently, fulltext in a query is only supported when in "root
* AND" position
/** Currently, fulltext in a query is only supported when in "root AND" position
object FulltextExtract {
@ -45,15 +44,15 @@ object FulltextExtract {
def findFulltext(expr: Expr): Result =
/** Extracts the fulltext node from the given expr and returns it
* together with the expr without that node.
/** Extracts the fulltext node from the given expr and returns it together with the expr
* without that node.
private def lookForFulltext(expr: Expr): Result =
expr match {
case Expr.Fulltext(ftq) =>
case Expr.AndExpr(inner) =>
inner.collect({ case Expr.Fulltext(fq) => fq }) match {
inner.collect { case Expr.Fulltext(fq) => fq } match {
case Nil =>
checkPosition(expr, 0)
case e :: Nil =>

View File

@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ import{NonEmptyList => Nel}
import docspell.query.ItemQuery.Attr.{DateAttr, IntAttr, StringAttr}
/** A query evaluates to `true` or `false` given enough details about
* an item.
/** A query evaluates to `true` or `false` given enough details about an item.
* It may consist of (field,op,value) tuples that specify some checks
* against a specific field of an item using some operator or a
* combination thereof.
* It may consist of (field,op,value) tuples that specify some checks against a specific
* field of an item using some operator or a combination thereof.
final case class ItemQuery(expr: ItemQuery.Expr, raw: Option[String]) {
def findFulltext: FulltextExtract.Result =

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ object ParseFailure {
def render: String = {
val opts = expected.mkString(", ")
val dots = if (exhaustive) "" else "…"
s"Expected: ${opts}${dots}"
s"Expected: $opts$dots"
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ object ParseFailure {
private[query] def packMsg(msg: Nel[Message]): Nel[Message] = {
val expectMsg = combineExpected(msg.collect({ case em: ExpectMessage => em }))
val expectMsg = combineExpected(msg.collect { case em: ExpectMessage => em })
val simpleMsg = msg.collect({ case sm: SimpleMessage => sm })
val simpleMsg = msg.collect { case sm: SimpleMessage => sm }
Nel.fromListUnsafe((simpleMsg ++ expectMsg).sortBy(_.offset))
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ object ParseFailure {
private[query] def combineExpected(msg: List[ExpectMessage]): List[ExpectMessage] =
.map({ case (offset, es) =>
.map { case (offset, es) =>
private[query] def expectationToMsg(e: Parser.Expectation): Message =
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ object ParseFailure {
case InRange(offset, lower, upper) =>
if (lower == upper) ExpectMessage(offset, List(lower.toString), true)
else {
val expect = s"${lower}-${upper}"
val expect = s"$lower-$upper"
ExpectMessage(offset, List(expect), true)

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import docspell.query.ItemQuery._
object ExprUtil {
/** Does some basic transformation, like unfolding nested and trees
* containing one value etc.
/** Does some basic transformation, like unfolding nested and trees containing one value
* etc.
def reduce(expr: Expr): Expr =
expr match {

View File

@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ object Config {
lazy val ipParts = ip.split('.')
def checkSingle(pattern: String): Boolean =
pattern == ip || (inet.isLoopbackAddress && pattern == "") || (pattern
pattern == ip || (inet.isLoopbackAddress && pattern == "") || pattern
.foldLeft(true) { case (r, (a, b)) =>
r && (a == "*" || a == b)

View File

@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ object RestServer {
"usertask/notifydueitems" -> NotifyDueItemsRoutes(cfg, restApp.backend, token),
"usertask/scanmailbox" -> ScanMailboxRoutes(restApp.backend, token),
"calevent/check" -> CalEventCheckRoutes(),
"fts" -> FullTextIndexRoutes.secured(cfg, restApp.backend, token),
"folder" -> FolderRoutes(restApp.backend, token),
"customfield" -> CustomFieldRoutes(restApp.backend, token),
"clientSettings" -> ClientSettingsRoutes(restApp.backend, token)
"fts" -> FullTextIndexRoutes.secured(cfg, restApp.backend, token),
"folder" -> FolderRoutes(restApp.backend, token),
"customfield" -> CustomFieldRoutes(restApp.backend, token),
"clientSettings" -> ClientSettingsRoutes(restApp.backend, token)
def openRoutes[F[_]: Async](cfg: Config, restApp: RestApp[F]): HttpRoutes[F] =

View File

@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ trait Conversions {
def newSource[F[_]: Sync](s: Source, cid: Ident): F[RSource] ={ case (id, now) => { case (id, now) =>
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ trait Conversions {
def changeSource[F[_]](s: Source, coll: Ident): RSource =
@ -615,9 +615,9 @@ trait Conversions {
Equipment(re.eid,, re.created, re.notes, re.use)
def newEquipment[F[_]: Sync](e: Equipment, cid: Ident): F[REquipment] ={ case (id, now) => { case (id, now) =>
REquipment(id, cid,, now, now, e.notes, e.use)
def changeEquipment[F[_]: Sync](e: Equipment, cid: Ident): F[REquipment] =

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ object ClientRequestInfo {
scheme <- NonEmptyList.fromList(getProtocol(req).toList)
host <- getHostname(req)
port = xForwardedPort(req).getOrElse(serverPort)
hostPort = if (port == 80 || port == 443) host else s"${host}:${port}"
hostPort = if (port == 80 || port == 443) host else s"$host:$port"
} yield LenientUri(scheme, Some(hostPort), LenientUri.EmptyPath, None, None)
def getHostname[F[_]](req: Request[F]): Option[String] =

View File

@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ object AdminRoutes {
private def compareSecret(s1: String)(s2: String): Boolean =
s1.length > 0 && s1.length == s2.length &&{ case (a, b) => a == b }) { case (a, b) => a == b }

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ object AttachmentMultiRoutes extends MultiIdSupport {
for {
json <-[IdList]
attachments <- readIds[F](json.ids)
n <- backend.item.deleteAttachmentMultiple(attachments, user.account.collective)
n <- backend.item.deleteAttachmentMultiple(attachments, user.account.collective)
res = BasicResult(
n > 0,
if (n > 0) "Attachment(s) deleted" else "Attachment deletion failed."

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