2021-05-31 22:19:49 +02:00

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+++ title = "Configuration" insert_anchor_links = "right" description = "Describes the configuration file and shows all default settings." weight = 40 [extra] mktoc = true +++

Docspell's executables (restserver and joex) can take one argument a configuration file. If that is not given, the defaults are used. The config file overrides default values, so only values that differ from the defaults are necessary. The complete default options and their documentation is at the end of this page.

Besides the config file, another way is to provide individual settings via key-value pairs to the executable by the -D option. For example to override only base-url you could add the argument -Ddocspell.server.base-url=… to the command. Multiple options are possible. For more than few values this is very tedious, obviously, so the recommended way is to maintain a config file. If these options and a file is provded, then any setting given via the -D… option overrides the same setting from the config file.

File Format

The format of the configuration files can be HOCON, JSON or what this config library understands. The default values below are in HOCON format, which is recommended, since it allows comments and has some advanced features. Please refer to their documentation for more on this.

A short description (please see the links for better understanding): The config consists of key-value pairs and can be written in a JSON-like format (called HOCON). Keys are organized in trees, and a key defines a full path into the tree. There are two ways:



a {
  b {
    c {
      d = 15

Both are exactly the same and these forms are both used at the same time. Usually the braces approach is used to group some more settings, for better readability.

Strings that contain "not-so-common" characters should be enclosed in quotes. It is possible to define values at the top of the file and reuse them on different locations via the ${} syntax. When using these variables, they must not be enclosed in quotes.

Important Config Options

The configuration of both components uses separate namespaces. The configuration for the REST server is below docspell.server, while the one for joex is below docspell.joex.

You can therefore use two separate config files or one single file containing both namespaces.


This configures the connection to the database. This has to be specified for the rest server and joex. By default, a H2 database in the current /tmp directory is configured.

The config looks like this (both components):

docspell.joex.jdbc {
  url = ...
  user = ...
  password = ...

docspell.server.backend.jdbc {
  url = ...
  user = ...
  password = ...

The url is the connection to the database. It must start with jdbc, followed by name of the database. The rest is specific to the database used: it is either a path to a file for H2 or a host/database url for MariaDB and PostgreSQL.

When using H2, the user and password can be chosen freely on first start, but must stay the same on subsequent starts. Usually, the user is sa and the password is left empty. Additionally, the url must include these options:




url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/docspelldb"


url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/docspelldb"


url = "jdbc:h2:///path/to/a/file.db;MODE=PostgreSQL;DATABASE_TO_LOWER=TRUE;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE"

Admin Endpoint

The admin endpoint defines some routes for adminstration tasks. This is disabled by default and can be enabled by providing a secret:

  admin-endpoint {
    secret = "123"

This secret must be provided to all requests to a /api/v1/admin/ endpoint.

Full-Text Search: SOLR

Apache SOLR is used to provide the full-text search. Both docspell components must provide the same connection setup. This is defined in the full-text-search.solr subsection:

  full-text-search {
    enabled = true
    solr = {
      url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/docspell"

The default configuration at the end of this page contains more information about each setting.

The solr.url is the mandatory setting that you need to change to point to your SOLR instance. Then you need to set the enabled flag to true.

When installing docspell manually, just install solr and create a core as described in the solr documentation. That will provide you with the connection url (the last part is the core name).

The full-text-search.solr options are the same for joex and the restserver.

There is an admin route that allows to re-create the entire index (for all collectives). This is possible via a call:

$ curl -XPOST -H "Docspell-Admin-Secret: test123" http://localhost:7880/api/v1/admin/fts/reIndexAll

Here the test123 is the key defined with admin-endpoint.secret. If it is empty (the default), this call is disabled (all admin routes). Otherwise, the POST request will submit a system task that is executed by a joex instance eventually.

Using this endpoint, the index will be re-created. This is sometimes necessary, for example if you upgrade SOLR or delete the core to provide a new one (see here for details). Note that a collective can also re-index their data using a similiar endpoint; but this is only deleting their data and doesn't do a full re-index.

The solr index doesn't contain any new information, it can be regenerated any time using the above REST call. Thus it doesn't need to be backed up.


The host and port the http server binds to. This applies to both components. The joex component also exposes a small REST api to inspect its state and notify the scheduler.

docspell.server.bind {
  address = localhost
  port = 7880
docspell.joex.bind {
  address = localhost
  port = 7878

By default, it binds to localhost and some predefined port. This must be changed, if components are on different machines.


The base url is an important setting that defines the http URL where the corresponding component can be reached. It applies to both components. For a joex component, the url must be resolvable from a REST server component. The REST server also uses this url to create absolute urls and to configure the authenication cookie.

By default it is build using the information from the bind setting, which is http://localhost:7880.

If the default is not changed, docspell will use the login request to determine the base-url. It first inspects the X-Forwarded-For header that is often used with reverse proxies. If that is not present, the Host header of the request is used. However, if the base-url setting is changed, then only this setting is used.

docspell.server.base-url = ...
docspell.joex.base-url = ...


docspell.server.baseurl = ""
docspell.joex.baseurl = ""


The app-id is the identifier of the corresponding instance. It must be unique for all instances. By default the REST server uses rest1 and joex joex1. It is recommended to overwrite this setting to have an explicit and stable identifier. = "rest1" = "joex1"

Registration Options

This defines if and how new users can create accounts. There are 3 options:

  • closed no new user can sign up
  • open new users can sign up
  • invite new users can sign up but require an invitation key

This applies only to the REST sevrer component.

docspell.server.backend.signup {
  mode = "open"

  # If mode == 'invite', a password must be provided to generate
  # invitation keys. It must not be empty.
  new-invite-password = ""

  # If mode == 'invite', this is the period an invitation token is
  # considered valid.
  invite-time = "3 days"

The mode invite is intended to open the application only to some users. The admin can create these invitation keys and distribute them to the desired people. For this, the new-invite-password must be given. The idea is that only the person who installs docspell knows this. If it is not set, then invitation won't work. New invitation keys can be generated from within the web application or via REST calls (using curl, for example).

curl -X POST -d '{"password":"blabla"}' "http://localhost:7880/api/v1/open/signup/newinvite"


Authentication works in two ways:

  • with an account-name / password pair
  • with an authentication token

The initial authentication must occur with an accountname/password pair. This will generate an authentication token which is valid for a some time. Subsequent calls to secured routes can use this token. The token can be given as a normal http header or via a cookie header.

These settings apply only to the REST server.

docspell.server.auth {
  server-secret = "hex:caffee" # or "b64:Y2FmZmVlCg=="
  session-valid = "5 minutes"

The server-secret is used to sign the token. If multiple REST servers are deployed, all must share the same server secret. Otherwise tokens from one instance are not valid on another instance. The secret can be given as Base64 encoded string or in hex form. Use the prefix hex: and b64:, respectively. If no prefix is given, the UTF8 bytes of the string are used.

The session-valid deterimens how long a token is valid. This can be just some minutes, the web application obtains new ones periodically. So a short time is recommended.

File Processing

Files are being processed by the joex component. So all the respective configuration is in this config only.

File processing involves several stages, detailed information can be found here and in the corresponding sections in joex default config.

Configuration allows to define the external tools and set some limitations to control memory usage. The sections are:

  • docspell.joex.extraction
  • docspell.joex.text-analysis
  • docspell.joex.convert

Options to external commands can use variables that are replaced by values at runtime. Variables are enclosed in double braces {{…}}. Please see the default configuration for what variables exist per command.


In text-analysis.classification you can define how many documents at most should be used for learning. The default settings should work well for most cases. However, it always depends on the amount of data and the machine that runs joex. For example, by default the documents to learn from are limited to 600 (classification.item-count) and every text is cut after 5000 characters (text-analysis.max-length). This is fine if most of your documents are small and only a few are near 5000 characters). But if all your documents are very large, you probably need to either assign more heap memory or go down with the limits.

Classification can be disabled, too, for when it's not needed.


This setting defines which NLP mode to use. It defaults to full, which requires more memory for certain languages (with the advantage of better results). Other values are basic, regexonly and disabled. The modes full and basic use pre-defined lanugage models for procesing documents of languaes German, English and French. These require some amount of memory (see below).

The mode basic is like the "light" variant to full. It doesn't use all NLP features, which makes memory consumption much lower, but comes with the compromise of less accurate results.

The mode regexonly doesn't use pre-defined lanuage models, even if available. It checks your address book against a document to find metadata. That means, it is language independent. Also, when using full or basic with lanugages where no pre-defined models exist, it will degrade to regexonly for these.

The mode disabled skips NLP processing completely. This has least impact in memory consumption, obviously, but then only the classifier is used to find metadata (unless it is disabled, too).

You might want to try different modes and see what combination suits best your usage pattern and machine running joex. If a powerful machine is used, simply leave the defaults. When running on an raspberry pi, for example, you might need to adjust things.

Memory Usage

The memory requirements for the joex component depends on the document language and the enabled features for text-analysis. The nlp.mode setting has significant impact, especially when your documents are in German. Here are some rough numbers on jvm heap usage (the same file was used for all tries):


Note that these are only rough numbers and they show the maximum used heap memory while processing a file.

When using mode=full, a heap setting of at least -Xmx1400M is recommended. For mode=basic a heap setting of at least -Xmx500M is recommended.

Other languages can't use these two modes, and so don't require this amount of memory (but don't have as good results). Then you can go with less heap. For these languages, the nlp mode is the same as regexonly.

Training the classifier is also memory intensive, which solely depends on the size and number of documents that are being trained. However, training the classifier is done periodically and can happen maybe every two weeks. When classifying new documents, memory requirements are lower, since the model already exists.

More details about these modes can be found here.

The restserver component is very lightweight, here you can use defaults.

JVM Options

The start scripts support some options to configure the JVM. One often used setting is the maximum heap size of the JVM. By default, java determines it based on properties of the current machine. You can specify it by given java startup options to the command:

$ ./docspell-restserver*/bin/docspell-restserver -J-Xmx1G -- /path/to/server-config.conf

This would limit the maximum heap to 1GB. The double slash separates internal options and the arguments to the program. Another frequently used option is to change the default temp directory. Usually it is /tmp, but it may be desired to have a dedicated temp directory, which can be configured:

$ ./docspell-restserver*/bin/docspell-restserver -J-Xmx1G -- /path/to/server-config.conf

The command:

$ ./docspell-restserver*/bin/docspell-restserver -h

gives an overview of supported options.

It is recommended to run joex with the G1GC enabled. If you use java8, you need to add an option to use G1GC (-XX:+UseG1GC), for java11 this is not necessary (but doesn't hurt either). This could look like this:

./docspell-joex-{{version()}}/bin/docspell-joex -J-Xmx1596M -J-XX:+UseG1GC -- /path/to/joex.conf

Using these options you can define how much memory the JVM process is able to use. This might be necessary to adopt depending on the usage scenario and configured text analysis features.

Please have a look at the corresponding section.


By default, docspell logs to stdout. This works well, when managed by systemd or other inits. Logging is done by logback. Please refer to its documentation for how to configure logging.

If you created your logback config file, it can be added as argument to the executable using this syntax:

/path/to/docspell -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/your/logging-config-file

To get started, the default config looks like this:

  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">

      <pattern>[%thread] %highlight(%-5level) %cyan(%logger{15}) - %msg %n</pattern>

  <logger name="docspell" level="debug" />
  <root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

The <root level="INFO"> means, that only log statements with level "INFO" will be printed. But the <logger name="docspell" level="debug"> above says, that for loggers with name "docspell" statements with level "DEBUG" will be printed, too.

Default Config

Rest Server

{{ incl_conf(path="templates/shortcodes/server.conf") }}


{{ incl_conf(path="templates/shortcodes/joex.conf") }}