A long attempt to simplify or shorten nested sentences without affecting the information content:
Line 179: As normal user i don't know what a "Glob" is.
Line 190: "...die hier definiert wird..." --> I think that's redundant. Where else? Or not?
Line 196: ...löschen (falls *kein* Zielordner angegeben ist). --> would actually be enough or?
I think in German one speaks more of "Absender", "Empfänger" and "Unternehmen". Is "Ausstattung" better than "Zubehör"? I think the due date implies the date in German usage. The date could therefore be left out.
Since the equipment is only available from the recipient, in my opinion the recipient could be left out. The position in the sidebar must of course always be arranged under recipient.
The time the user selects this field it should be pushed to the
server, because the initial value of "false" is a correct value. All
other fields require the user to type something first.
Closing the dropdown menu is now possible with ESC. Space will only
open the dropdown, but not close it. So now it's possible to type a
space into the search field.
Fixes: #863
When using fulltext only search, then only the index must be searched.
This wasn't working anymore, because the routes added a query to
always select valid items (those not being processed). But this lead
to the downstream code to always consult the database, too. Since the
routes are using a "simple-search" interface, this is now adding the
valid-state condition if applicable. There are still more low-level
interfaces that can be used when searching should be done differently.
Closes: #823